Chapter 9

a/n: thank you all so much for 10.5k reads!

"Uh, well, I'm not sure." Stiles says wearily.

"Jesus, why are you all on edge?" I laugh and through my hands up.

Everyone jumps except Derek and Peter.

"Awh, what? Did Der and Pete give me a bad name?" I laugh unhumorously.

"They said you didn't, uh, play well with others." Stiles basically stumbles out.

I take a step towards the lanky boy and we're nearly eye to eye due to my height.

"I don't always bite," I step back a do a once over of his body, "but honey, you're a snack." I  smirk and turn away from him.

"Okay lazy asses, I didn't bring you down here so you could eat all my food a stink up my apartment! I already have these two!" I point towards the twins as I speak to Peter and Derek as the dry cereal that was in my cabinet.

a/n: okay, i know it's been a while and i apologize i only have this short af chapter but i thought that showing carter's fierce/flirty side would be fun...turns out, she's got a thing for stiles (what?!). should i introduce that as a possible couple? let me know what you think! much love 💙
