Chapter 12

Carter's p.o.v

My eyes felt way too heavy to open and that was a problem. I could feel my lifeless body being jumbled around and could hear pieces of hushed conversations. A car door opens and I feel myself falling onto a plush seat. Several other doors open and the engine reeves. 

"Is she dying?" I hear a muffled voice ask 

"Oh shut the hell up Grayson, I don't wanna think about that right now. We're the reason she's like this." Another voice grumbles.  

A moment later,  I feel weight on top of my body and two fingers searching my neck, presumably for a pulse. 

"Dammit, Derek! Drive faster! We're losing her." The car lunges forward as pressure is placed on my chest.

"Forgive me, my dear." A voice says softly before my ribs are crushed and I lose consciousness yet again.

Peter's p.o.v 

I have absolutely no idea how we're going to save Carter. Or if she can even be saved. Alpha or not, no oxygen and no pulse mean dead across the boards. For now, my mind wonders to the basic life saving skill I learned when I was younger. There was no guarantee this would work, but at this point, anything was an open option. 

I climb over her body and search for a pulse just to be sure my ears weren't playing tricks on me. Nothing. There were only four strong heartbeats heard in the car. I fold my hands and place them on her sternum. 

"Forgive me, my dear." I whisper as I begin CPR.


"We're only about fifteen minutes out, Peter." Derek tells me and I look up from Carter to see the city limit sign for Beacon Hills in my line on sight. Deaton's office was only a few minutes away and according to Derek, Scott an his pack of teens would be there with open arms to help 'an old friend' as Derek had called her on the phone. 

We rushed in the vet's office as soon as the car came to a screeching halt.

A blue jeep was parked right out front. Great. Stiles.

The twins hop out first and race around to open my door. Derek's already inside telling them the low down, I'm guessing. 


Carter's p.o.v.

Pain and darkness. That's all I could feel and I hated it. I know that my body was attempting to save itself from the wolfs bane poison but damn sis, why can't we just give up? This shit hurts.  I took that sentence back immediately when I suddenly began to gasp for breath.

 Before I knew what was going on, a needle plunges into my chest and the pressure was released. Yep, you heard that right. Someone just stabbed me in the chest and I probably would've thanked them.

Come to think of it, where even am I? I was laying on something hard, and cold. This place reeked of animals and antiseptic.

Oh my God. They didn't. 

Deaton's vet clinic... hopefully I'll be met with open arms.

I laugh internally. They fucking hate me.

A/N HI GUYS! yes, i know it's been a minute but okay, let me explain myself...i'm one lazy bitch lololol. ALSO...20.2K READS?!?!? HOLY SHIT! THANK YOU! okay so i hope you liked this chapter. it's kinda all over the place buuuut idk i hope you like it! don't forget to favorite and comment if you liked it!  
