Chapter 4- The Council's Decision

Chapter 4

The Council's Decision

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas.


Frea followed Lucy off the train back at the station in Magnolia, a cool breeze washing up to meet them as they made their way. She smiled softly down at the little creature known as Plue that was walking just in front of her and at Lucy's heel- the blonde had called the little Spirit out at about the halfway point of the ride and it had stayed since. Plue didn't say much, or really anything at all- not that Frea minded, Lucy was conversation enough and Plue seemed content to sit in her lap for the duration of the ride.

Lucy stopped as they reached the outside of the station, casting Frea a smile as she turned to face the taller girl. "I'm going to drop my stuff off at home before I head over to the Guild," Lucy told her brightly, her hands hooking behind her back. "I'll see you at the Guild Hall, okay? Thank you for taking me with you, it was fun." Lucy smiled, and Frea nodded.

"You got it." She smirked, waving a hand as Lucy headed off. Frea stayed there a few seconds longer to watch her go, before turning on her heel and in the opposite direction- headed straight for Fairy Tail. She walked slowly along the streets, smiling to herself and eyes closed. She had thoroughly enjoyed the mission, a lot more so than she had expected she would if she were to be honest. Lucy was a nice person, modest sure, but over-all she got a good feeling from the blonde, and she was impressed with her willingness to fight along with her Spirits. Lucy had skills of her own, and from what Frea could sense of her, she had quite a bit of Magic Energy compared to normal Wizards- which was impressive, even if her physical strength wasn't top notch.

The sun was sinking slowly in the sky as the Guild Hal came into view, it's shadow cast out in front of it and overtaking her own form as she approached the doors. She opened her eyes as she stepped up to the front door, and opened it with ease. Several people called out greetings and she returned them with a smile, heading inside and sitting down at a table all on her own.

"Welcome back, how did the mission go?" Mira asked as she looked up from serving drinks, and headed over toward Frea.

"Great," Frea told her, "I'm actually surprised it went so fast." She admitted, before pausing. Despite the smile Mira was wearing, she could definitely feel the tenseness coming off of her, and the white-haired woman looked almost nervous- which wasn't really like her. Frea quirked an eyebrow at it, "Is something-?"

"FREA! WHERES LUCY!?" Frea was cut off by the shout, and she glanced over at Natsu who was racing toward her at breakneck speed. He came skidded to a stop, slamming his hands down on the table hard enough to make it shake, Frea blinked, her head tilting at him.

".... Why do you look so worried?" She asked, ignoring his question for the time being. She could feel the unease coming off of him in waves, almost like he was.... he's worried? Why?

"She's not with you! She's ok right?!" Natsu demanded impatiently, and Frea blinked again.


Her eyes widened a little, her silver gaze flashing as her thoughts clicked together. She felt something else there, under the prickling worry and the concern- something warmer, and softer too... and something she wasn't sure she'd ever felt from the Flame-Brain, and least about someone else.

Oh, wait a minute- don't tell me he.....

She needn't finish the thought, because she was already sure of it- and for it, she couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud. Natsu jumped at the outburst, looking quite confused as Mira smiled at the scene, finding it very amusing that Natsu was so worked up for the same reason Frea was assuredly laughing now. Because of course Frea realized it- both she and Mira knew that Natsu cared about everyone in the Guild, even people like Gray and Gajeel, despite how much he fought with them. That was just the way he was, he'd always been fiercely loyal with all of them and he'd do anything for the Guild. But Lucy....

Hehe.... when did that happen? I missed a lot while I was away, hmm?

"Why the hell are you laughing?!" Natsu snapped impatiently, Frea shook her had at him and quieted her chuckling as best she could.

"Relax, Natsu." Frea hummed, her cheek falling in her hand as she smiled at him. "Yes, she's fine. Lucy just stopped by her house to drop her stuff off before heading over here." Frea explained with an amused smirk and Natsu let out a sigh of relief.

"Good." Natsu mumbled, slowly filing off with Frea watching him go, and Mira doing the same. The white-haired Mage's smile had brightened at the little show from Natsu, but now it had faded already with him gone, and instead she looked slightly nervous as she caught Frea's questioning gaze.

"... What's the matter?" She asked, finally getting the chance to voice the question she had meant to ask in the first place, and without interruption this time.

"The Master's back." Mira explained softly and Frea stiffened, "He arrived an hour ago, and he wants to see you." Frea narrowed her eyes, she knew exactly why Mira looked so nervous.

The Council wanted something, and that something was her.

"Where is he?" She asked quietly, getting to her feet with a low sigh.

"He's in his office." Mira replied, her blue eyes glittering as her hands clasped together in front of her. Frea simply nodded and walked away, heading toward Master Makarov's office in stony silence. She could feel the worried eyes of Mira set on her back as she walked away, and she grumbled internally at it.

So much for the momentary distraction of the Job with Lucy, now she had something to deal with..... inevitably, maybe- but that didn't make her any happier.

Why me?

She bit the inside of her cheek and quelled the agitation flaring in her core as best she could, Master's office coming in to view as she came to a small halt in front of it. Her hand raised as she  knocked on the door and waited for his reply before coming inside, and opened the door when she earned it. Her eyes did a quick survey of the room as she stepped through the threshold,  and her darting eyes came to a stop when she saw him sitting on top of his desk. He smiled softly as she entered and she smiled back, though both their smiles were a little forced.

"Welcome Home Frea." Master Makarov murmured.

"It's good to be back," Frea told him, her smile remaining only a few seconds more before falling. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed slightly, his smile died nearly as quickly as hers did. ".... So I figure the Magic Council knows I'm back in the country, yeah?" He nodded,

"Indeed they do." He murmured, she bit the inside of her cheek.

"... what do they want?" She asked lowly, he sighed.

"The Magic Council has requested both of our presences." Makarov explained picking up a neatly folded paper at his side, and holding it before him so she could read it, "I received the sentence as soon as I got back."

Frea let out an aggravated huff as her silver eyes quickly scanned the paper but without really reading it. She didn't need to read it, not since having several like it at home from the numerous hearings and what-not she had been forced to attend over the year- she could probably recite the summons verbatim without really trying. However following that she had been out in the uncharted territories- and therefore out of the Council's jurisdiction- she had been saved the pleasure of a summons for quite awhile now. And earning one now, near as soon as she was back- she couldn't say she had missed it.

"As always, I'm not sure what they've drummed up that you have 'done' this time. But them acting so quickly to your return doesn't spell anything good. I would expect they've been debating what to bring you in for since you left, and attempting to find some legal way of detaining you." Makarov murmured, Frea sighed.

Right.... the Magic Council had tried a multitude of things and come up with many more 'reasons' for wanting her detained, locked up, and throwing the key away. They'd all sounded like excuses and the biggest part of them trying so hard was that they were, in many ways- and quite unnecessarily- afraid of her.

It hadn't always been that way mind you, just for a long while now. She'd actually managed a little over two years in the Guild without the Magic Council breathing down her neck. Because in that time, they hadn't any idea what she was or anything about her Demon status. Later Frea had learned that Master had done his best to keep the Council in the dark on the fact- for her safety of course- but eventually they found out about it, and since then it had been many, many years of being constantly hampered about it.

In technical terms, she was a Demon of Zeref- and all creatures of that nature were despised and feared. When the Council found out about her, they couldn't look passed the 'Demon' part- and it didn't seem to matter to them that she was in all respects, very much human despite her Black and White Shades. She'd never actually done anything questionable all these years.... well, maybe not questionable- but illegal? No.

She'd never murdered anyone, or gotten them killed, she'd never stolen anything or any of that- outside of the occasional property damage here and there while on jobs (of which the Guild was known for, and she always paid for damages...), she had a perfect track record.

But again- they didn't seem to care. She was a Demon, and she was in her own right powerful- and that meant there was that chance that some day she would turn, and there would be havoc and destruction and death in her quake. She'd been living with that possibility all her life, and the Council was very wary of it- not that she would ever, ever let herself fall.

Her assurances and Master Makarov's assurances on the matter meant little though. So round and round they went, periodically called in under some reason or other, arguing, annoyance- eventual relent..... but then eventually the whole process started over again. A few times she'd even been put in prison- but it lasted little more than a few days, because Master called them out on their shaky grounds and he did have pull with the Council, being a Wizard Saint and all.

The whole thing was just a very blunt example of an abuse of power on the Council's part, and prejudice to boot. Not that anyone would ever stop them....

Frea let out an aggravated sigh at the thought, and Master nodded a bit in agreement to her agitation. They'd been dealing with this stupid pointless 'game' for a long time, and neither of them had any real hope it would ever just end- the Council seemed to be getting desperate though, and the last few times the 'reasons' for bringing her in had been weak... so who knows, maybe eventually they would just give in.

.... yeah, no.... it's more likely they'll just throw me in jail and forget I ever existed... not that the Guild would ever let them get away with that....

"I understand this is frustrating, but you shouldn't worry too much, Frea." Master murmured as got off his desk, and rolled the document up, holding it behind his back with his arms crossed. He let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head to himself, "The sooner we get on with this, the sooner it is over.... Follow me." Makarov ordered softly, and Frea obeyed without complaint.

He lead her into the main part of the guild and paused beside a tense Mirajane, her hands clasped together in front of her. "We will be gone for awhile." He told her and continued walking, Mira nodded slightly. Their walk through the hall earned few eyes and not a one questioned where they were going- they already knew. So they left the Guild hall behind and Frea closed the doors as they left, grumbling under her breath already when she caught sight of the single Rune Knight waiting for them outside.

Frea stayed silent as she stood beside Master Makarov and they were magically transported to the Council's newest headquarters, the old one having been destroyed while Frea was away. She cared little about the new facilities though, and kept her eyes locked on to the back of the frog woman that came to escort them through the halls. The frog woman said something, but Frea hardly listened or cared- and eventually she and Master were set up on a stand in a courtroom, the Council Members assembled and seated before them.

Frea cast her silver gaze over them all, she could easily list of the names of every single member, she had become quite familiar with them over the years.... not that she liked the idea she'd been given any amount of opportunity to become familiar, mind you.

I hate this bullshit

"We have summoned you here to discuss the course of action the Council plans on taking with the return of the Demon Frea." Gran Doma spoke and Frea stiffened at his emphasis on the word 'Demon'. She hooked her arms over her chest and bit down on her tongue, her eyes narrowed and like glittering chips of silver ice as she forced herself to stay quiet- though anger surged through her at the name.

"The freedom of the Demon Frea has been debated by this Council for many years, and the votes have been rather split through every new hearing we have set in place." Gran Doma went on lowly, earning an array of grumbling agreement from other members, and sighs of exasperation from the rest. She had to imagine that at least a few of the Council Members were tired of going around in circles. "Whether it was for a crime, a damage claim, or even a more serious incident- her presence has been one of both great resentment, controversy, and indifference."

"... Indifference my ass...." Frea muttered under her breath,

"However this case has been reviewed extensively the last few months, and the majority vote has finally won over this time around. Now we wish to act." Frea's attention peaked and she glanced up, blinking. The High chairmen was speaking now instead of Gran Doma, as the very large man pointed an accusatory and condemning finger at her. "You, Shade Demon Frea, are now under arrest. And you shall remain imprisoned for the foreseeable future."

"Excuse me.....?!" She snapped lowly,

"On what charge?" Makarov asked, a lot more calm then she was herself. Many members of the council gave him a keen stare, others like Yajima just bowed their heads, looking defeated.

"On the charge of suspicion to commit mass destruction and the duty we have to the people of Fiore to protect them from any and all enemies that may threaten it in the future." Gran Doma spoke, he was one of the many who looked rather enthused with the idea. "Mass destruction we have all witnessed first hand, Makarov. A demon such as this only has a place behind bars, nowhere else." Master glared and Frea growled under her breath,

"This has been a long time coming, Makarov." The chairmen grinned. "Do not act so surprised. She's is a demon, demons shouldn't be left to roam the world as they are." Frea stiffened, sweatdropping at the words as her eyes fell.

"I have never committed any cri-" she spoke up,

"Silence!" The Chairmen snarled and Frea fell silent but still glared up at him,

"It is true, Frea has never committed any crime." Master murmured. "of course, other than the occasional damage claim by a town... but my entire Guild has done the same, and none of us are being arrested." Frea glanced down at him, wincing slightly.

Now that was a touchy subject here in the council, and looking to it now, Yajima looked as if he couldn't believe Master Makarov had brought that up.

"That is still to be seen." Gran Doma muttered.

"...I would ask the Council to reconsider, does the law permit you to arrest someone who has done no wrong?" Master continued, ignoring the comment. "I do not think anyone would look kindly upon an arrest and imprisonment of someone who is innocent." Master stated before the air around him darkened and Frea sweatdropped, feeling the anger coming off of him steadily now.

"And I shall warn you, as long as I am Guild Master and Frea is a member of my Guild, I will not allow her to be condemned for nothing." Master said dangerously and the Council seemed to hesitate.

"... Chairman..." A different member of the council spoke suddenly. "... Perhaps a contract will have to do."

Frea raised an eyebrow, contract?

The chairman turned to the council member as silent words passed between them. This seemed to be a topic the Council had discussed earlier, because they hadn't said anything before agreeing on the course of action.

"... In preparation for this, the Council has put together a contract that Frea will be placed under in order to keep the people of Fiore safe, should you be willing to oppose our previous verdict." Gran Doma said slowly, every word made Frea even more tense. She didn't like the sound of this, and from the emotions dancing off of Master, she could tell he didn't either.

"And what exactly is this, contract?" Master asked slowly.

"Terms by which the Demon Frea should live her life by until we say otherwise. Each term is to be placed under strict enforcement, any breaking of a term will be punishable by arrestment or death." Frea stiffened, the words hitting her full force. "... Should the crime be severe enough."

At the word 'death' she could see Master scowl profusely, and his anger boil to an all time high.

"The terms?" Master growled, a few Council members smirked once they saw they had angered him.

"1. The Demon Frea is forbidden from reverting into either her Black or White Shade forms unless it is absolutely necessary. In such a situation, the reason will be reviewed by the council and action will be taken accordingly."

Frea huffed slightly, as if she planned to ever so such a thing in the first place. She did not, like to change into either Shadow or Winter.

"2. If any innocent citizen of Fiore is harmed by the Shade Demon, either on purpose or accidental she will be arrested and serve time."

There was a pause, as if the next term was going to impact much more than the other two. Frea tensed, feeling the stares turn to Master accordingly.

"And 3. The Demon Frea must be excommunicated from Fairy Tail immediately and will be forbidden from join in any other Magic Guild."

Frea's jaw dropped a little at the last term, eyes growing wide and sweatdropping, all sense of anger fading for a moment.

To be expelled from Fairy Tail? The idea was unfathomable, and why even?

"I will not expel Frea from the Guild." Master spoke up immediately, gaze hard and fists clenched a little. Frea glanced down at him in slight surprise, "Not as long as I am Guild Master of Fairy Tail. I will not bow and obey the commands given by anyone on a matter such as who will be allowed within my Guild." His face darkened and Frea could see the Council stiffen a little. "I thought I had made that clear on our numerous other discussions."

The council sat in silence for a few long moments, the chairman simply holding Master's gaze with perhaps the most conviction Frea had ever seen in that large man. They seemed to be at a dead lock..... Until she thought she caught the slightest flicker of a smirk on the Chairman's face, before it was gone in an instant.

"Guard, escort the Demon Frea from the courtroom, I wish to speak to Makarov alone." The Chairman ordered and Frea reluctantly left the room, following along behind the guard with one last look backward.

She was stopped outside the courtroom and the door closed heavily, the feeling of Magic rose as it was sealed with an enchantment so she couldn't hear the conversation inside.

Shivers ran up and down her spine at that look she had seen on the Chairman, the smirk..

Inside the Courtroom-

"I had suspected you would still hold fast to your decision, Makarov." The chairman hissed from his stand, Master Makarov stood where he was, eyes narrowed. "I will have you know that we could forcibly make you expel that girl if we wished it."

"You will have hell on your hands if you try." Master growled.

"You dare threaten the council?" Gran Doma snapped, Yajima shrunk in his seat, sweatdropping at the brashness of his Old Friend.

"Enough." The Chairman looked to the man, the room fell silent. "In light of this..." He gestured to Makrov with a large hand, "... Unwillingness to comply, I have created a different term to replace the one you do not agree with, only in effort to avoid conflict."

Master quirked an eyebrow, he could easily hear the venom creep into the voice, and he saw the anticipation light up in the Chairman's eyes. He too had noticed the slight beginnings of a smirk earlier, and now he felt there was something at work here.
"And this term is?" He asked slowly. The Chairman's lips drew into a wide grin, his eyes glinting in the darkness, eyes full of lust and sudden malice, Makarov tensed.

"If for any reason, the Shade Demon Frea is consumed by one of her other personas, be it either Shadow or Winter, the task of destroying her must fall to you, her Guild Master." The Chairman almost growled the words. Makarov looked up at him in utter shock and horror, the idea appalled him..... And the seriousness of the term suddenly hit him.

They were asking him to agree to kill.. Destroy Frea if she ever went out of control.... They're asking me to potentially destroy one of my children.....

He stayed silent for a time, head tilted down and completely still. The reaction brought upon a sort of happiness for the Chairman, while the other Council Members sat in silence. They too had looked to the Chairman in horror when the term was announced, they had heard nothing of it before now... And it seemed a little... Barbaric.

At length, Makarov looked up, expression serious.

Makarov left the courtroom slowly and silently, Frea looked at him worriedly, seeming to be a bit on edge as she hovered next to the door. "What did they say?" She asked quietly, Master sighed and looked to her slowly.

"You will not be expelled from Fairy Tail." He told her and she sighed in relief, but narrowed her eyes when she noticed he looked unhappy. She blinked at it, easily feeling the uneasiness come off of him.

"What's wrong?" She asked and he looked up at her, she stared back, suddenly caught of guard by just how serious he looked.

"Frea, you must promise me that no matter what happens, you'll never let yourself be consumed by either Winter or Shadow." Makarov said and Frea nodded, blinking slowly, slightly confused by the words.

"I promise.... you'll see. I'll grow stronger, I'll never let either of them take over ever again." Frea said with determination suddenly lighting up in her silver eyes. I'll also prove to those in the Guild that still don't fully trust me that I can be trusted... Frea vowed silently.

Makarov looked her over as she fell into her own thoughts for a moment, arms crossing behind his back. You've grown a lot since I found you in the rain, he thought. One day you'll be one of the strongest wizards in Fairy Tail, I'm sure of it....... In fact... I'd be lying if I said you weren't already one of the strongest Mages in the Guild.... Master Makarov thought, and he smiled as Frea smiled at him with that bright smile he had seen that first day he met her.

You've always found a way to stay positive, that will make you stronger in time...

 Reads, comments, and votes are always appreciated!
