Chapter 13- Unison Raid: Energy and Light

Chapter 13

Unison Raid: Energy and Light

Diclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


The group of Erza, Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Happy were rushing through the trees, the forest seemed to have a dark cloud hanging over it. Natsu was in the lead, slowing his pace just enough so everyone could keep up with him. "Natsu, have you caught Frea's scent yet?" Erza called out to him and he glanced over his shoulder.

"Yeah, and its getting stronger!" He answered and faced the path ahead once more. Lucy huffed, they had been running for what seemed like forever, she widened her eyes when she noticed that the trees were starting to thin out. Before long the trees stopped altogether and they gazed upon a massive stone building that had begun to decay and lay overgrown in the forest.

"This place is huge!" Gray muttered and Lucy cast her gaze over it, there must be a hundreds room in these ruins...

"Come on, Frea's scent will lead us right to her." Natsu told them and Erza nodded, signaling for him to lead on. Natsu took off at a brisk pace again, across a large courtyard and down many different passages, until they came upon a large wooden door near the back of the ruins. Many of the doors here in the ruins had a thick coating of moss on them, the door they were headed toward now lacked any sign of moss.

Natsu blasted the door open and sent it flying off its hinges as a blazing missile, they burst into the room. Frea was stiff and rigid as she sat slumped on the floor, her hands tied behind her back, and her eyes a dull grey, unlike her usual silver. Two of the walls in the room were heavily damaged and crumbling down, there were a few spots where drops of dark red liquid could be seen on the floor.

For a moment it seemed no one else was in the room, and they stepped forward cautiously. Lucy got the unnerving feeling of being watched and cast a lance sideways, and whipped her body around to stare at who it was. The others noticed her sudden movement and they too turned to stare at the person. She looked a lot like Frea... besides the fact that her hair was jet black and her eyes were blood red with the same markings Frea had under her eyes except that they were black in color, and she was wearing a short black dress with no shoes.

To Lucy's surprise Natsu, Gray, Happy and Erza all had shocked faces, she glanced at them in confusion. Gray cast a hasty glance at Frea then back at the girl with the black hair.

"Wait a minute..." He murmured.

"I don't get it, why are they two separate people now?" Natsu asked and Lucy narrowed her eyes, two separate people...?

"Little Fairies, you look so confused!" The girl smiled and chuckled a little.

"Explain yourself, what is going on here?" Erza demanded, the girl smiled.

"Wait, what's going on?" Lucy murmured and Happy appeared at her side.

"That girl is Shadow, one of Frea's different personalities, but why they are two separate people now, I don't know." Happy explained. Lucy widened her eyes,

"That fool Kasumi thought it was wise to make me into a key, but she wasn't expecting me to cause her spell to fail..." Shadow began and licked her lips before giving them a sadistic smile, "She tasted pretty good." Shadow chuckled.

"But why are you separate from Frea now?" Natsu asked.

"Kasumi had to separate our souls in order to turn Winter and I into a key, when I broke her spell we were set free, Winter ran off, she's such a coward." Shadow hissed. "I stayed behind, there was no doubt in my mind that you all would come looking for Frea, I finally have the chance to eat you!" Shadow snarled as shadows wrapped around her body and she changed into a giant jet black wolf. Shadow lunged and Lucy froze, she's going to eat us?

Erza stepped in front of her and sliced Shadow's nose as she drew near, Shadow recoiled and growled. "Lucy, I need you to get Frea out of here, we'll hold Shadow off!" Erza ordered and Lucy nodded. She turned and ran over to where Frea was still sitting on the floor, stiff as a board. Lucy crouched down behind her and tried to untie the bonds that held her friends hands together but quickly realized that she couldn't. She got to her feet and grabbed one of the golden keys at her waist.

"Open, Gate of the Giant Crab: Cancer!" She called as she did the motions and Cancer appeared before her. "Cancer, I need you to cut these bonds off of Frea!" Lucy ordered.

"Sure thing, Baby." Cancer murmured as he quickly cut them loose and Frea let her arms hang limply at her sides. Lucy stepped in front of her and shook her shoulders, careful not to touch the deep bite marks on Frea's arm.

"Frea! Come on you need to snap out of it!" Lucy yelled at her but Frea still remained unaware of anything going on around her.

"Fire Dragon ROAR!" Lucy glanced over her shoulder to see flames shoot toward the large wolf form of Shadow and black shadows spring out toward the flames and easily swallow them up.

"Dark Explosion!" Shadow snarled and three pillars of shadows cascaded down on Natsu, Grey and Erza, pushing them to the ground. Lucy turned back to Frea and shook her harder.

"Frea!" She pleaded but the Energy Mage still remained silent, why cant she hear me? Lucy narrowed her eyes, I wonder what it must have been like to have two parts of your soul torn out...

"Lucy!" The Celestial Wizard turned around to see the snapping jaws of Shadow coming toward her, but were blocked by Cancer who had jumped in front of her. Lucy grabbed a key, Cancer had gotten bitten.

"Cancer, you need to go back!" She called before she closed the gate and turned her attention back to Frea, Natsu had started attacking the Dark Demon again so Shadow was preoccupied. "Frea!" She yelled, this was bad, the others seemed to be having a hard time fighting with Shadow.

"Lucy watch out!" She heard Natsu yell out behind her and turned again to see Shadow's jaws coming for her,

"You vile creature!" An unfamiliar voice yelled and a bright ball of light shot out of nowhere to catch Shadow across the face, so the wolf's aim was changed from attacking Lucy's torso, and the wolf caught her arm before she was thrown away by another ball of light. Lucy gasped in pain and grasped her arm, the pain was intensifying. She glanced up to see another girl, with white hair and icy blue eyes, wearing a white blouse standing in front of her. The unfamiliar girl crouched down and gave Lucy a sympathetic look. "I am sorry I was unable to prevent you from getting hurt." She murmured, Lucy blinked in surprise.

"Who are you?" She murmured and winced in pain.

"I'm Winter," She murmured and got to her feet again. "I will help your friends fight off Shadow." She told her.

"Wait! Why does Shadow want to hurt us? And why do you want to help?" Lucy asked and Winter gave her a calm look.

"It is Shadow's nature as a Dark Demon to want to harm and destroy anything in her path, my nature as a Light Demon is different, I only wish to help. But I had to leave to regain my strength before coming back here," Winter murmured before she took off, joining the fight with Erza, Gray and Natsu. Lucy watched her go and stiffened as more pain shot through her arm.

"Lucy's blood... Oww... My head..." Lucy glanced up in surprise to see the light return to Frea's eyes and her friend straighten up to stare at her in surprise. "Lucy, I smelled your blood..." Frea murmured almost to herself, before her gaze turned hard. "Shadow hurt you didn't she?" She growled and Lucy nodded slightly, what did she mean she smelled my blood? Frea winced as she moved her wounded arm and got to her feet, "I'm done with her..." Frea hissed and took off toward the fight.

Frea rushed toward the fight, ignoring the pain in her head and arm, images of the memories of her life before joining Fairy Tail flashed before her eyes but she ignored them. Shadow's hurting my friends, she's my responsibility, I'll take care of her. Frea saw the white hair of Winter flash out of the corner of her eye and she glanced sideways to see the Light Demon running with her.

"Do you know what we have to do?" Winter asked softly and Frea sighed.

"Yeah..." Frea murmured, Shadow had just thrown Grey across the room. "Ready for this?" She asked and Winter nodded,

"Ready." Frea separated from Winter and they both went in opposite directions, around Shadow. Frea glanced over at Erza,

"You guys might want to stand back!" She called and Erza looked surprised before nodding. Frea turned her attention back on Shadow, Frea and Winter jumped high into the air at the same time, over Shadow's head. Frea held out a hand toward Winter, which the Light Demon took. They both closed their eyes.

"Unison Raid: Light of Life!" They said in unison and Energy spread out from Frea's body, Light from Winter. Shadow looked up at them in fury, The combined Magic of Energy and Light encased the three people who had once been one. Gray, Erza, Natsu, Happy and Lucy's eyes widened at the sight, Lucy tightened her eyes and gasped out as a large wave of pain passed over her. Unexpectedly, Loke appeared before them on his own power, that's when the entire building exploded.

"Lucy!" Loke gasped as he her held in his arms, trying to protect her from the blast. The world went white before their eyes and everything went silent...


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