What is past, is also present

A long long time ago (not being specific cause the author it to lazy to make up a time difference ;))

Taeyong: Look..... its either hi-

Taeil; Him or me 

Princess WinWin: I don't know ... can i not just choose you both. Whats so wrong about that?

Taeil: We weren't taught that you could live in a poly relationship.

Taeyong:Right we were taught that you have to make a choice right here and right now. Theres no where in the books that says that you can have two partners and its just not happening!!

Taeil: Dont yell at her Tae its already had enough on her

Taeyong sulked and replied in a meekly sorry. Taeil sighed 

Taeil: Look as much as i want him to be wrong, he's kinda got a point. Theres no proof that we'll be able to live in a poly relationship, and as much as i love this guy idk if i can be in the same relationship with my brother. I mean its kinda weird.

WinWin: Your right which mean we could be the first. You never kn....

Taeyogn: WINWIN WE DONT' HAVE MUCH TIME YOU NEED TO CHOOSE AND CHOSE FAST BECAUSE WE EITHER WE DIE BECAUSE OF YOU NOT CHOOSING AT ALL OR YOU CHOOSE TO DO SOMETHING.  For peeves sake Winwin choose something anything i don't care, he choked out. You could almost see the tears ready to fall out of his eyes 

I was shocked by him yelling at me but he was right. I needed to choose . It was time 

WInwin: I choose.....

Beep* Beep* Beep*

-August 12 2015-

I woke up in a cold sweat " What was I dreaming " i shook it off. I got up and took me shower and got dressed for the day. Its been a couple weeks sine I've had that dream but I honestly don't know why. But the doesn't matter. Today was the last day of school. And that meant hanging out with my friends all the time over there summer. I wonder what they all had plan for the day.

SORRY this chapter was so short. I was kinda in a rush to put this out cause i promised id post today but i hope you enjoyed it!!

Let me know how it was!!!~

374 words 
