Getting to know you two?

Recess rolled around at 2 right after lunch. I gotta be  honest its my FAVORITE part of they day , i mean who doesn't like recess. Anyways as were walking I overheard Jungwoo talking to Lucas. I couldn't really make out what they were saying do to the sound of clattering shoes rushing to the school playground but i could make out a few words.  All I heard was royalty, the kingdom , and something about opening and making friends which I'm sure they've  already done cause they have us but i didn't linger too much on that that thought but on the part about royalty. Could they have been special people? I decided to ask during lunch 

We got to the playground and I pulled Jungwoo and Lucas to the side in a secluded area so I could get them comfortable  enough to talk . I brought up what they were saying in the hallways and they both immediately went pale. I guess i came off the wrong way and told them sorry and started to walk away when i felt to hands on my wrist. Jungwoo and Lucas both held me back for some odd reason they both needed to do it. "Wait y/n.... d.. don't go we actually wanted to tell you but we didn't know it would be the right time" he said. Lucas just gave a firm nod. Lucas then began to speak. "Im sorry if I came off as rude as well, i just wanna protect Jungwoo and keep things a secret that we are the kings sons". You eyes immediately went wide but soon came down because you didn't want to seem like those people that just wanna be friends with them because they have money. "Well I'm glad we got that cleared up" you said in a cheery tone, which actually made Lucas laugh. It was spectacular his laugh was never something you've heard of before but all you know it made you smile. 

As you guys started to play on the playground you noticed that Jungwoo was a more of a be by myself kid , soft, shy, and quiet but would speak if need be. he always stood close to Lucas which I always thought was cute.On the other hand Lucas was more wild, screaming whenever and at whoever he could. You had laughed like like the never before until that day. You had thought it would be nice to grow up we these friends. Hang out and play board games and drink juice all day. That would be a nice dream. 

You had before hand had asked Jungwoo and Lucas if you could tell the rest of the gang and they complied only if they wouldn't tell anyone else. I told them they had nothing to worry about. The day went on normally, nothing out of place. The day was great.

3:oo o'clock came and it was time to go home. Everyone left with their good byes and it was just the and the brothers left. We chatted about how different our lives were compare living in the castle and just living in the village. We learned not much since the only difference is the housing and which our house wasn't so bad either but of course nothing compared tho their castle.My mom came to pick me up and I waved the boys goodbye they both waved back I went on to walk with my mom. "Who are they" my mom asked. "Just some new students" I said. She left a light breath that said "ah" and we went home. I wondered on the way there. Could we really be friends?

Did you enjoy chapter 2??

I hope it was good enough =) remember to please leave feed back so i can do better or I wont know if I'm doing any wrong

643 words  
