Chapter 8

*DISCLAIMER: This book uses the characters from Shannon Messenger's Keeper of the Lost Cities book series. I did not create these characters*

"I've heard a lot about you! Nice to meet you!" Sophie said, shaking her hand. Ro grinned.

"Ro! I didn't know you were coming!" Biana said, appearing at the top of the stairs. Biana ran down and Ro hugged her. "How's Bo?" Keefe cackled. Ro shoved him

"He's good. Still overseas," Ro said, and Biana wiggled her eyebrows. "Yes, we still want a divorce!" Ro said, and Biana fake-pouted. Keefe saw the look of confusion on Sophie's face, and explained.

"Ro and Bo, her husband, got an arranged marriage, but they hate each other, so they're getting a divorce." Sophie nodded. The group entered the kitchen, and were hit by the smell of grilled cheese.

"Smells great, Mum!" Fitz said, sitting down on the kitchen island stools. Della smiled from the stove, and put the sandwiches on plates for everyone. They were all starving, and devoured them. Biana proposed that everyone go outside after lunch, and everyone agreed. Biana grabbed her 'outside nature shoes.' They decided to play capture the flag, which Sophie was great at, from all her years at public school. Capture the flag was a staple at her school district. Sophie was in the process of looking for Fitz and Keefe's flag when she saw Keefe laying on the ground. Panic crept up her stomach, and she ran to him.

"Keefe? Keefe?" Sophie asked, tears in her eyes. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. Sophie started shaking him, tears running down her face. Keefe rolled over, yawning.

"Can't a guy take a nap? Geez!" Keefe said, stretching and standing up. Sophie burst into tears. Keefe turned around and saw Sophie, and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Foster? What's wrong?" he asked, his voice dripping with concern.

"I-I thought something happened to y-you," Sophie said between hiccups. Keefe pulled her into a hug.

"Foster, I'm just a really deep sleeper," Keefe said, amusement in his voice. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry," Keefe said, and Sophie sniffled. They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Sophie composed herself, and then they continued the game. Three minutes later, Sophie found the boys' flag. They played a few more rounds, and soon it was dinner time.

They went inside to find Grady and Edaline helping Della set the table with chicken pot pie, salad, and vegetables. Everyone was about to sit down when everyone heard the sound of the front door opening, and someone's shoes on the hardwood floor. Biana and Fitz looked at each other, and Biana rushed to the entryway.

"Dad! How was your flight!" Biana's voice carried to the kitchen, and a few seconds later Biana walked into the dining room with her dad, a tall man with the same dark hair and teal eyes as his children. He walked over and gave Della and Fitz a hug, and then introduced himself to Grady and Edaline. Sophie noticed his accent was the same as Fitz's. The man turned to Sophie and smiled.

"You must be Sophie. I've heard a lot about you. It's very nice to meet you! I'm Alden," he said, shaking Sophie's hand. Everyone sat down and dug into the meal.


After dinner, everyone enjoyed a toffee pudding, courtesy of Edaline. The adults stayed in the dining room and discussed boring adult topics, and the four teenagers went upstairs to the movie room for some Netflix. They have a movie room? Sophie thought, in shock. After a few episodes of a series, Biana got bored and declared it time for a makeover. Fitz and Sophie exchanged a look, and laughed. Biana dragged Sophie into her room, and started 'the process'

They chatted as Biana looked through her massive closet.

"So, how's Tam? You gonna see him over break?" Sophie asked. Biana sighed.

"Nope, he lives in Ontario, which is pretty far from Santa Clara," Biana said, frowning. "I wish I could, and I'd love to visit, but I wanna be with my family." Sophie understood.

"That makes sense," she added as Biana pulled out an insanely sparkly red dress and black knee high heeled boots. Biana grinned, eyebrows wiggling. Sophie's smile disappeared. "Very funny, Biana," Sophie said, hoping Biana would pull out a pair of sweats instead. That did not happen. Instead, Biana laughed and started on Sophie's hair. Fifteen minutes and one throbbing scalp later, Sophie's hair was twisted into an intricate pile of braids.

"Done! Perfect! Okay Sophie, you ready?" Biana asked while Sophie stood up. This is going to be interesting, Sophie thought, and nodded at Biana. She took a deep breath and opened Biana's door. She had no idea how ridiculous she looked, as Biana wanted to 'preserve the magic' and 'mirrors are for people who don't have me.' Sophie felt her instinctively reach up to her eyelashes, but scolded herself. These are your friends. They're not going to judge you, and this is supposed to be ridiculous, she reassured herself. She walked into Fitz's room, where Ro was showing something to Fitz on her phone, their backs to the door. Across from them was Keefe, who was drawing something in a sketchbook. Keefe looked up as Sophie opened the door, and smiled. Not smirked. Smiled. Sophie felt her cheeks redden.

"Yo, Fitzy, Mysterious Miss F is here!" Keefe said, and Biana, who had entered the room right after Sophie, instructed Keefe to take a picture. Sophie lunged for his phone, but was too late. Fitz laughed.

"Sophie, you look great! Now go change back before Keefe gets attacked with your shoe," Fitz said, and Sophie grinned, and hurried back to the comfort of her leggings and oversized t-shirt.


After thirty minutes of truth or dare, everyone got bored and started debating a movie to watch. Biana wanted the 1996 Romeo and Juliet, Fitz wanted a Morgan Freeman documentary, Keefe was rooting for a marvel movie, and Sophie was pushing for a Disney classic. After fifteen minutes of debating, Ro came into the room, hands on her hips.

"Really? How old are you guys? Just use the google wheel spinner thing!" Sophie gasped. That was a really good idea. Sophie whipped out her phone and searched '4 value spinner.'

"Okay, Biana, pick a number between one and four" Sophie said, and Ro left the room, saying her work here was done.

"Ummmm, three" Biana said, sitting on Fitz's bed, texting who Sophie assumed was Tam.

"Fitz?" Sophie asked

"I'll choose number one, please," Fitz replied. Sophie nodded at Keefe

"I nominated number four to represent me in the battle of movies," Keefe responded, and Sophie laughed.

"Okay, great, that means I'm two. I'm going to spin in, and whoever's number gets picked gets to choose the movie. Sounds good?" everyone nodded. She pressed the spin button and watched as the wheel spun, landing on number three. "Biana, you get to choose. It landed on three," Biana leapt up, squealing, and Fitz and Keefe both groaned. Sophie took a wild guess that they had been in a similar situation before. As they walked to the movie room, which was on the second floor, Keefe slung his arm around Sophie, and groaned.

"Why are you so mean to me, Foster," he said, doing what Sophie guessed was a terrible version of a puppy face. "Do you know how many times Biana has made us watch Romeo and Juliet? Twenty times. I made a list on my phone with a dead emoji for every time I watch it. Wanna see?" Sophie laughed.

"It's actually pretty good! You'll survive," Sophie said as Fitz opened the movie room door and set it up on the big flat screen tv. Biana went to retrieve snacks and came back two minutes later with chocolate, popcorn and oreos. 'The basic trifecta for movies' Sophie remembered her saying a few weeks ago. As Fitz (reluctantly) hit play, Keefe scooched closer to Sophie, and maybe Sophie was just tired, or Keefe felt so safe, but she felt herself drifting in and out of sleep as the movie started.

Sophie felt her pillow move, and snuggled deeper into it. Wait. Pillows don't move. Sophie lifted her head. She saw Keefe smirking down at her.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty. Hate to break it to you, but Romeo and Juliet both died. Shocker, right! You fell asleep, so I thought I should fill you in!" Keefe said as Sophie sat up and reached for her water. Biana was watching the rolling credits, and Fitz was gone. Sophie knew he went to bed early because he got up at sunrise almost every day.

"What time is it?" Sophie asked, feeling disoriented.

"Five minutes to eleven," Biana responded, turning off the tv. "We should get ready for bed, Sophie. Plus, you seem a little tired," Biana added, suppressing a grin. Sophie blushed, and said goodnight to Keefe, who smiled and went to go find his aunt, who 'has a habit of stealing his pillow and filling it with various things.' As soon as he was out of earshot, Biana gripped Sophie's arm, rushed her into her massive bedroom, closed the door, and emphatically said, "Spill."


Thirty minutes later, Sophie was putting on her pajamas and getting ready for bed. She and Biana had just discussed boys, something Sophie hadn't really done before. Sophie walked up the flight of stairs to the fourth floor, which was half guest spot, half storage. A large bedroom, full bathroom, closet, and game room took up half the floor, and the storage half was one big room with shelves and boxes galore. Sophie knocked on the door leading to the bedroom, and Edaline opened the door, her red hair wet from a shower.

"Hey sweetie! I was just about to head to bed. Your dad's just finishing up some emails. Come on in!"

"Oh, it's okay, Mom. Just wanted to say goodnight, so I better get going," Sophie said, giving her mom a hug.

"No worries. Goodnight, sweetie! Your dad says goodnight too," Edaline said, and released Sophie, who walked back down to Biana's room. Biana was sitting on her queen sized bed, wearing dusky pink pajamas, grey slippers, her clear-framed glasses perched on her nose, hair in a loose braid. To Sophie's surprise, Biana was reading as opposed to her usual late night TTS (Tam Texting Session).

"What are you reading?" Sophie asked, sitting down on Biana's grey comforter.

"Shakespeare. The Winter's Tale. I feel like I haven't been reading as much as normal, so I'd love to read more over break." Sophie nodded.

"Me too. Didn't know you liked Shakespeare though," Sophie added, brushing her tangled blonde hair.

"Yup. It's fun to read, with the old english and characters. But don't get me wrong, I also love Vogue!" Biana and Sophie laughed.

"Well, it's pretty late. We should get some rest," Sophie said, and turned off the lamps lighting the large room.

"Goodnight, Sophie," Biana said, putting her glasses down on her nightstand.

"Goodnight, Biana."


Sophie awoke at eight to Biana's shower turning off. Once Sophie realized that she was not, in fact, in her dorm, she took a look around. Biana's bedroom was huge, with a built-in closet stretching across one wall, a vanity, couch, desk, and big floor space. Of course, the room was pink, grey, white and gold. Sophie got out of Biana's bed, yawning, and instinctively started to make the bed. As soon as Sophie was done, Biana emerged from the bathroom, hair damp in french braids, light makeup, a mustard yellow sweater dress with white sneaker heels, and hoop earrings.

"Hey Sophie! How'd you sleep?" Biana asked. "Water's still warm if you want to shower,"

"I'll pass for now, thanks though. And I slept great, thanks," Sophie replied, and went upstairs to grab clothes for the day (Biana's closet was full, so Sophie had her clothes in the guest closet.) Sophie gathered that her parents were already downstairs since the bed was made and her dad's slippers were at the foot of the bed, meaning he had put on shoes. Wow, excellent

detective work, Sophie thought to herself sarcastically. She grabbed an outfit, changed, and headed to the kitchen. Fitz, Biana, Keefe, Alden, Ro and Grady were all downstairs. Since Grady seemed relaxed, Sophie assumed that he hadn't realized who Keefe was. And she was totally okay with that.

"Hey Sophie! Pancakes or frittata?" Fitz asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Panakes. Hmmmm, Nope. Pancakes. Sorry, I guess I still haven't quite woken up yet. Obviously," Sophie said, smiling. Keefe handed her a small stack of pancakes, and Sophie dug in.

After everyone was done and had cleared their plates, Fitz suggested they go to a nearby park. Biana poured a big thermos of coffee and they were off.


"Sophie, I was just thinking this morning, we should probably start on our psych-" Fitz started, and then was tackled by Biana. Once Fitz was pinned on the grass, Biana got her satisfaction and let him go. Keefe and Sophie were cackling, and Fitz looked annoyed, but amused.

"Really, Biana? What was that for?!" Fitz asked, brushing pieces of dry grass off his dark red shirt.

"No school. It's vacation, stupid," Biana replied, examining her painted nails. Sophie glanced apologetically at Fitz, who was smiling. Sophie guessed this wasn't the first time Biana had attacked him.

"And on that note, who wants a cookie? Aunt Ro will never admit it, but she's a pretty good baker," Keefe said, jangling a bag of chocolate chip cookies in the air, above Sophie's head. Sophie jumped, mesmerized by the delicious treats. Keefe chuckled and held the bag higher. Biana raised her eyebrows, and Keefe surrendered. As Sophie bit into her hard earned cookie, she felt the back pocket of her jeans vibrate. The caller ID read Dad, so Sophie answered.

"Hey Dad! What's up?" Sophie asked curious as to why Grady was calling.


"Okay, just stay calm. I thought you already knew!" Sophie fibbed, and crossed her fingers. "Dad, just don't stress out. He's perfectly nice. People aren't always like their parents, so don't be so quick to judge," Sophie said, extremely exasperated.

"Fine. You can introduce us when you get back. But I am DEFINITELY asking him a few questions," Grady added.

"Dad. Five questions, max. You understand?" Sophie asked, knowing that Grady probably already had a mile-long list.

"Ten. Final offer," Grady said, and Sophie sighed in agreement. "Good. See you soon. Love you, Kiddo."

"Love you too, Dad," Sophie said and hung up. Once she rejoined the group, everyone was cold since the wind had just picked up. Sophie agreed, and they started the walk back to Biana and Fitz's house. Sophie felt her fingers itch to pull out an eyelash, but she (thankfully) stopped herself. This is going to be interesting, Sophie thought to herself.

*I hope you enjoyed the sixth chapter of Lost and Found! Please follow for more, comment down below, and vote!*
