Chapter 7

*DISCLAIMER: This book uses the characters from Shannon Messenger's Keeper of the Lost Cities book series. I did not create these characters*

"Foster. Foster. Wake up!" Sophie felt someone nudge her.

"Noooo, I wanna sleeeeeep," Sophie groaned, and rolled onto her back. She opened her eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's eleven fifteen pm. Biana just texted you that she's on her way back. Thought you'd like to know," Keefe replied. Wait, what? Keefe? Sophie thought. Then her memories flooded back to her. My dad would kill me. "You must've been tired, huh? Fell asleep within seven minutes of sitting down." Keefe said, smirking.

"Gee, thanks," Sophie said, and tried to hide her embarrassment.

"Well, I should probably go. It's late, and sleeping beauty needs her rest," Keefe said, walking to the door.

"Okay. Goodnight, Keefe," Sophie said, a sleepy smile on her face. Keefe turned around, his hand resting on the doorknob.

"Sweet dreams, Foster."

Thirty seconds later, Biana burst through the door, grinning and humming. She immediately put her bouquet of light purple lilacs in a vase, and set them down on her bedside table.

"Hey Sophie! Lemme just get ready for bed. Gimme five minutes!" Biana said, and walked towards the bathroom, humming. Sophie nodded, and tried to get into a comfortable tea-spilling-sleepover-talking position. While Sophie didn't really have close friends at her old school, she knew from movies and books that a post-date-sleepover-and-tea-spilling chat was protocol. Biana emerged from the bathroom in purple pajamas, her face makeup free, and her hair in a loose french braid. She jumped onto her bed, turned on her bedside lamp, grabbed a pillow to hug, and started talking.

"It was so wonderful, Sophie! We went to this wonderful restaurant, and then for a walk in a park. We talked for, like, three hours straight! And guess what? Did you know what light purple lilacs represent?" Biana said, grinning. Sophie shook her head. "First love!" Biana said, and it looked like she was about to cry with happiness.

"Now, that is romantic!" Sophie said, smiling.

"I know! But Sophie, let's not get distracted. What was Keefe doing here? I saw him leave," Biana said, wiggling her eyebrows. Sophie blushed.

"He came at ten, mainly because he was bored, so we watched some Netflix. Well, he watched some. I fell asleep. He got your text saying you were on your way back, so he woke me up and left," Sophie explained, and Biana squealed quietly. Well, as quiet as squealing can be.

"Sophie! That's so cute! Awww, I totally ship you guys! That would be so awesome!" Biana said, and was bouncing up and down.

"Biana, did you have any coffee? You're literally so giddy," Sophie said, a hint of a laugh in her voice.

"Nope! But, it's late. We should get to bed. See ya in the morning, Sophie," Biana said, shutting off her lamp.

"Goodnight, Biana," Sophie said, yawning.


The next few weeks flew by, and before the Foxfire students could realize, Thanksgiving break was coming up. The school was buzzing with excitement, and the exasperated teachers tried their best to give as many quizzes as possible, hoping to have their students remember what they've been taught when they return from break. Since Foxfire was a boarding school, the Thanksgiving break is two weeks, because some students have families in other parts of the world, and nobody aces a test with jet lag!

The group was sitting in the crowded dining hall, talking about their Thanksgiving traditions.

"Well, last year, the triplets switched out the turkey stuffing for jell-o. Mom almost lost it!" Dex said, laughing at the memory. Sophie smiled.

"That sounds awesome!" Keefe said. "I should try that sometime!" Tam almost chuckled at that one. Sophie hadn't quite figured out why Keefe and Tam don't get along, but they definitely weren't besties.

"Yeah, I don't really think that's a good idea," Fitz said, laughing. Linh agreed. Biana and Tam were in their own world, whispering and smiling at each other. Sophie would bet twenty dollars they hadn't heard a word anyone else said. Eventually, everyone had to leave. Dex had a project he needed to finish, and Keefe had his last day of detention. Biana and Fitz pulled Sophie aside.

"Are you guys kidnapping me?" Sophie asked, jokingly.

"Very funny! No, actually, we wanted to invite your family to come have thanksgiving with us," Fitz said, flashing Sophie his dazzling smile.

"Of course, you totally don't have to, but we thought we'd extend the offer!" Biana added, smiling. Sophie was shocked. This is so nice! Sophie thought.

"I'd love to! Let me just ask my parents! Thank you, guys!" Sophie said, embracing the siblings. She pulled out her phone and called Grady. He picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hey kiddo! I've got two minutes before cross examinations, so be quick!" Grady said. He was an environmental lawyer, and was currently in the midst of a big trial, which meant he was super busy.

"Oh, sorry! Anyway, just wanted to let you know that the Vackers invited us for Thanksgiving," Sophie said, and she heard Grady sigh with relief.

"That sounds great! You're grandparents couldn't come this year anyway, so this is perfect. Can you text your mom? I gotta run. Love ya!" Grady said, and hung up. Sophie sent a quick text to her mom, who responded back with a series of happy emojis, and then 'sounds great! I'll bring dessert.'

"Is that a yes?" Biana asked, crossing her fingers. Sophie nodded. Biana let out a squeal.

"Great, Sophie!" Fitz said, and left to go to one last track meet before the holiday break. Biana had another date with Tam, which left Sophie bored and watching Youtube mindlessly in her room. After several minutes, it occurred to Sophie that Linh was free. Sophie rolled off her bed and walked to 301. She knocked on the door. Linh answered, her black and silver hair in a messy bun, in ripped black jeans and a light blue fuzzy oversized sweater. And, because she was Linh, she was holding a cup of coffee. She broke into a smile when she saw Sophie, and welcomed her inside.

"Hey, Sophie! What can I do for you?" Linh asked, sitting down on a blue stool.

"I thought we could hang out, plus I was bored of youtube," Sophie said, smiling. Linh laughed.

"Funny. Well, want some coffee? I made a fresh pot. Unfortunately, it's decaf. Tam took my regular blend," Linh explained, pouting. Sophie declined, and asked Linh how her classes were going.

"Pretty good, thanks for asking! I'm taking this really cool biology class," Linh says, and tells Sophie about the lab they did last week. "I heard you and Fitz are psychology partners," Linh said, a hint of a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Oh, yeah. It's really fun," Sophie said.

"Fitz is the nicest, dontcha think?" Linh asked.

"Oh, I was talking about the class, " Sophie said, and Linh looked horrified. "But yes, he is very nice. You like him, don't you?" Sophie asked, and she blushed and smiled.

"Yeah... but don't tell anyone! Pinky promise?" Linh said, sticking out her pinky. Sophie pinky-promised. "Thanks. Biana already knows, and so does Dex, and I'd like to keep it that way."


On the last day of classes, Sophie and Biana were walking back from gym, talking about their joint plans for Thanksgiving. Biana was very excited to eat Edaline's pies, after eating the cookies she sent to Sophie for Halloween. Sophie was excited to see Della again. She was so nice when she came to visit, Sophie thought. And excited to see her parents again, of course. Her dad's trial went very well, so that will definitely put him in a good mood. She really missed them.

"Oh, and sleepover in my room, duh. You all packed?" Biana asked, and Sophie nodded. She had just finished last night while Biana went with Tam to the movies. She packed one suitcase with all the clothes she'd need for her five days at the Vacker's, and her other suitcase was packed with everything she'd need for the five days she'd spend at her house.

"Yup! Why aren't Linh and Tam coming?" Sophie asked, and Biana sighed.

"Their parents keep them on a pretty tight leash, I guess. They don't get along great," she explained, frowning. That's awful, Sophie thought.

"Bummer," Sophie said. "Do you have any pets? My parents are huge animal fans," Sophie asked, smiling at the memory of her cat, Iggy, who was probably sleeping on her bed right now.

"Unfortunately, no. My grandpa has pretty bad allergies, and he visits a lot," Biana explained. "Starbucks before we go?" Biana asked, and Sophie nodded.


"Hey, Foster! Long time no see! How's it going?" Keefe asked, his smirk present. Sophie and Biana had just ran into him inside the closest Starbucks.

"Hey, Keefe! I'm good, thanks! Did you finish that art project?" Sophie asked, and Keefe nodded. Biana was busy texting - Tam, Sophie presumed - and was waiting in line to order. "Cool. Are you excited to see your parents?" Sophie asked, and Keefe immediately dropped his smile. Oops, Sophie thought.

"No, not really. My dad kinda sucks, as I'm sure you know. My mom left us when I was four, and haven't seen her since," Keefe said, and took a long sip of his coffee. Sophie touched his arm. That is terrible, Sophie thought, sympathizing with him. He smirked. "Mysterious Miss F, you don't need to feel sorry for me. I can literally feel your pity," Keefe said, and Sophie blushed.

"Ugh, Keefe, you ruin everything!" Sophie said, but her smile was back. Biana set down Sophie's drink, humming. "Hey, Biana! What'd you get?"

"Pumpkin spice latte with vanilla syrup, blonde espresso, pumpkin cream cold foam, cinnamon powder, and almond milk. Want some? It's really good. Perks of being friends with a barista," Biana said, holding out her cup to Sophie.

"No thanks, I'm good," Sophie said, holding up her salted caramel mocha.

Twenty minutes later, Keefe left to go pack - he hadn't started yet - and Biana and Sophie needed to return books to Ms. Clarette. At the library, Sophie ran into Fitz.

"Hey Sophie! Enjoy the books?" Fitz asked, flashing her a movie-star smile. Sophie thanked him for his recommendations.

"They were great! So interesting! And they really helped with last week's homework," Sophie said, referencing the psychology books she was returning.

"I'm glad to hear that! And excited to have you over for thanksgiving! Just a warning, Biana has a tendency to do makeovers during sleepovers," Fitz said, suppressing a grin. Sophie's face paled. "So don't say I didn't warn you!" he said, laughing.


As Sophie pulled up to the Vacker's house in her parent's car, her mouth fell open. The house, or probably more accurate, small mansion, was beautiful, with a large pond off to the right side of the property, tall windows, green lawns, and a long driveway. There was no denying it - they definitely had money. Sophie's family did too, of course. She was at a boarding school, after all. But Sophie liked to think she was on the top end of the middle class. Grady, who was, to his disliking, in the back seat, commented something about how they probably have really well organized closets. Edaline laughed and grinned at Grady. Sophie parked the car and opened the door, and texted Biana that they just arrived. Ten seconds later, as Sophie was grabbing her suitcase from the boot of the car, her dad cleared his throat, and Sophie heard squealing.

"Hey, Biana!" Sophie said, not even turning around, but grinning to herself.

"Hey, Sophie! And you guys must be Edaline and Grady! It's so good to meet you. Can I help you with your bags? My mom is inside, prepping lunch," Biana asked, and Edaline hugged her.

"That's very sweet of you, but we've got it. Light packers," Edaline explained, and Grady chuckled. Sophie handed her parents their luggage, and they walked to the front door. "So, your mom's a travel agent, right?" Edaline asked, and Biana nodded.

"Yup. Means really nice family vacations for us!" Biana said, pushing open the front door. Sophie was astounded by the interior, which she didn't think was possible, given her shock from the exterior. I can see where Biana got her decorating talent! Sophie thought. As they walked up to the guest rooms on the fourth floor, Sophie caught a glimpse of what she assumed was Fitz's room - she saw a pair of running shoes - and was surprised by the bright colors. Fitz and Keefe's dorm room was in mostly blacks, greys, and golds - which was stunning. Biana's room was across the hall from Fitz's, something Sophie was sure was going to come up in conversation later with Grady, and where Sophie was sleeping. She dropped off her bags, and helped her parents get settled while Biana finished up some reading for her english class.

"Biana is very sweet!" Edaline noticed, while marveling at the closet in the guest room they were staying in. She started re-folding and color-matching clothes as she hung them.

"So, Kiddo. I noticed that you're across from your friend, Fitz." Grady said, sitting down on the bed. Called it.

"I know, I know. You don't need to say anything, Dad," Sophie said, exasperated, but smiling.

"I know you know. Just saying!" Grady said, and Edaline threw a shirt at him. Sophie hugged them and went in search of Fitz. As she suspected, Fitz was in his room, watching something on his iPhone.

"Can I come in?" Sophie asked, nudging open his door a little with her toe. Fitz leapt up in surprise.

"Sophie! Of course! How was the trip?" Fitz asked, gesturing for Sophie to sit down on a chair. Sophie began telling him all about the old man next to her on her flight, and how she almost lost her luggage, when the hairs at the back of her neck stood up. Two seconds later, a tall figure burst through what Sophie assumed was Fitz's en suite bathroom.

"Foster! The Mysterious Miss F returns!" Oh my gosh. Keefe?

"Keefe?! What are you doing here?" Sophie asked, standing up to hug him.

"Geez! Thought you'd be more excited to see me!" he said, laughing. "I'll summarize. Daddy Dearest had a last minute politics-conference-thing he needed to attend, and my aunt's house is under renovation, so good old Fitzy is stuck with me until my dad gets back, which'll be next week. Guess we're Thanksgiving buddies now!" Keefe said, and rubbed his head. Sophie smiled, and then a terrifying realization came to her. Grady and Keefe are going to be in a house together. All week.

"I'm hungry, let's go see what's for lunch," Fitz said, standing up. Keefe nodded and put an arm around Sophie. The three of them walked down the hallway. Sophie heard the familiar click of heels behind her, and turned to see a tall woman with neon pink hair, a nose ring, and a tattoo on her wrist reading 'sparkles rule!' The woman held a finger to her mouth, signaling Sophie to keep quiet, and grabbed Keefe from behind. Keefe whipped his head around, grinning, and Fitz cackled.

"Oh man, you owe her five bucks! I told you she could sneak up on you!" Fitz said between laughs. Keefe grinned, and pulled a five out of his pocket. The woman smiled, let go of Keefe, and turned to Sophie, a hand outstretched.

"Hey, cutie! You must be Sophie! I'm Ro, Keefe's super awesome aunt!"
