"Saying sorry is important
but not doing the same damn thing again is more important"

I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling when I heard laughter from the kitchen. I was hungry. After all, I haven't eaten in 6 days.

I got up and changed into blue jean shorts and a navy blue cropped hoodie. I walked out and saw Dallas. I didn't know if he saw me but he headed into the kitchen. I stood there confused.

I was sitting in my cell when George came over unlocking the door.

"I'm supposed to be in here for a month," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Dallas. Get out" he said and I nodded getting up and left.

I went to The Curtis's and I saw Winter. Immediately I walked into the kitchen. I couldn't look at her. I grabbed a beer from the fridge when I heard her from behind me.

I stood behind Dallas quietly. I took a deep breath and messed with the sleeve of my shirt.

"Dallas. Can we talk?" I asked and he didn't respond.

"Dallas?" I repeated.


"D-Dallas" I choked out. Tears started to fall. I didn't know why I was crying but I was.

Soon it was like a waterfall so I left. I ran to the lake and let out all my anger and stress. I threw rocks and slammed my fists against trees and the ground. I was having a breakdown until I saw someone approach.

She was crying. Oh God, I made her cry. That seriously broke me. Darry came in and pushed me against the fridge. He was gonna be me but stopped.

"How dare you Dallas! Have you seen what that bastard did to her while you were gone?! You were supposed to be her friend! What happened in one week?!" he yelled and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to let it out.

"I LOVE HER DARRY THAT'S WHY!" I yelled but immediately regretted it.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I love her. She makes me soft and I just can't. I'm trying to push her away just so I don't hurt her. She loves Seth anyways. I don't have a chance" I said and he shook his head.

"Seth broke up with her. Gave her a beating too. She's hurt Dallas and after your stunt, it hurt her more. She needs you now more than ever" he said and I pushed him off me and ran out.

I went to the lake because I knew she liked the water. Plus I went there sometimes to think. When I got there I saw her having a breakdown. Her hands were bloody and she stopped looking at me with sadness in her eyes. She looked...broken.

I walked up to her and hugged her.

"Look, I'm sorry Winter. Whatever that bastard did he isn't gonna hurt you. Not anymore. Not while I'm here" I said and she nodded.

Hesitantly I kissed her head and then her hands.

"Come on. I'll get ya fixed up" I said picking her up and carried her to Bucks.

When we arrived at Bucks I saw it was empty. Except for Buck who was there. Dallas sat me on the couch and fixed up the scrapes on my hands. After he kissed them and looked up into my eyes. I stared back. I saw his eyes go dark and I guess mine did too because he had this wild smirk on his face.

"I'm tired. Can you take me home?" I asked and he shook his head.

"It's late. You can sleep in my room. I'll take the floor" he said and I nodded.

We went upstairs and once we did he shut the door and pushed me against it.

"D-Dallas. What are you doing?" I stuttered.

"I love you. I love you so so much" he said kissing my neck lightly.

"Dallas" I whispered out and he pulled away with a sad look in his eyes.

"Oh my God. I'm sorry Win I just I don't know...just...I'll go" he said and I kissed him back.

I started to take off my shirt when he stopped me.

"Are you sure Win?" he asked and I chuckled taking it off.

"Since when did Dallas ask for things? I thought you take what you want" I teased and he chucked kissing my shoulders.

"You're different" he whispered and I nodded.

"Yes, I am Dallas. Please don't be so...rough with me" I pleaded with a hint of embarrassment.

"Bruises?" he asked and I shook my head and looked at the ground.

"Oh," he said as realization hit him.

"Are you sure?" he asked again and I nodded.

"Yes Dallas," I said kissing him and he smirked lightly.

"You're beautiful" he muttered and pushed me onto the bed.

You can guess what happened from there.
