New Addition: Mary Kim

First Encounter:  You were walking around looking for your friends.  You had all agreed to meet up but the area was new to you and you got lost.  While trying to find them you saw Mary and asked for directions.

Second Encounter:  You meet Mary again but the roles were reversed this time.  She needed help finding a clothing store since some car splashed water all over her when it passed by.  It was a rougher side of town so you weren't too surprised at the dismissal from the driver.

Friends:  Helping Mary pick out new clothes ended up being more fun than you thought.  You were caught off guard by how funny and tough she was.  By the end of your shopping trip she couldn't help but like you either.

Short on Money:  It was at the end of your shopping trip that the two of you realized someone had picked your pockets.  Neither of your wallets had anything left inside.  Without money to pay you were glad the store was busy.  You through your jacket over her and used all the other costumers as a distraction.  You two got out while saying you'd make up for it in the future.

Activity:  Meeting up with Mary for a day of fun the two of you started off just walking around.  After a bit of time Mary spotted some guys slipping through some alleys.  She pointed them out to you before grabbing your hand and pulling you along.  Following after the guys led you to an underground street fighting tournament.

Date:   It didn't take long for you to get a crush on Mary.  Uncomfortable keeping your feelings hidden you invited her to join you to a movie.  Afterwards you asked her out and it became your unofficial first date together.

Study:  Although you and Mary go to different schools you still find time to study together.  She's well above average intelligence despite what others might think.  She does a lot to help if you have trouble understanding something.  She has trouble understanding your explanations though.  No matter how clear you are it always seems to go over her head when you're trying to tell her something.

Go to the Fair:  Mary heard about the fair, and invited you to go with her and her friends.  It was fun but all her friends had their eyes on you.  They were sizing you up and it made the whole ordeal uncomfortable.

Stuffed Animal:  Even with her friends there you were able to enjoy some parts of your time.  Seeing Mary win a bunch of prizes was nice.  You got one after teasing her about not sharing with you.

Jealous:  You hadn't let that plush go since she forced you to take it.  Everytime she saw you it was with you.  You even attached a little clip to it so it wouldn't take up your arms by holding it.  She was getting jealous of it.  She spent weeks battling it out with you.  She'd think it was thrown away or hidden and then she'd see you walk in with it like nothing happened.  Eventually she stopped trying to get rid of it and shortly after you stopped carrying it around but you always tease her about it.  "No need to worry, you don't have to compete with (stuffy's name) anymore".

Birthday Cake:  "It looks just like you!"

Gift:  You had to raise a brow at her.  You think the gift is more her way of stopping your fights with Vin Jin than anything else.

Fighting:  You fight with Vin Jin a lot.  It's always over small things or Mary's attention, but it blows up into a scene every time.  You once threw a table and Vin Jin retaliated by throwing some kid's scooter at you.  Fights usually end in a draw, you two teaming up against whoever's property you damaged, or Mary kicking both your asses.

Sleeping Together:  It's hard to get the chance to sleep at Mary's.  Vin always finds out and keeps you apart.  He once came after you fell asleep so he dragged you out of bed by your ankles.
