
Chapter 11: My Secrets Revealed

~Leigh's POV~

After what happened last night I couldn't fall asleep I kept worrying about Peytan and what had happened to her . I finally did mangae to fall asleep though. And I needed it. I was so tired it was unbelievable. I woke up the next day, Friday, and took a quick shower then got dressed in my faded loose jeans and a tight grey T-shirt. I walked down stairs and smelled Kara and Marina in the kitchen by themselves. They were chatting about something when I walked in. They were sitting at the Kitchen table across from each other. Kara had her back to the fridge, where I was headed to, but stopped when Kara turned to me.

"Right Leigh." Damn. I guess I should've listened to their conversation.


"Peytan's going to be my new bestie."

"Oh." I was actually unsure. She seemed so worried about something all day during school yesturday about going out with Kara. "Um. I don't know Kara she seemed pretty worried all day about going with you yesturday."

"She was fine at the icecream parlor."

"I figured since you didn't say anything about it." That is when all three guys came stomping down the stairs.

"What's Kara blabbing about now?" Sam asked teasingly when they walked in.

"She's just saying how Leigh's mate is her new bestie." Marina said.

"Oh speaking of mates. I found mine." Brody annouced.

"Oh ya who?" I asked. I'm glad he finally found someone.

"Her name's Brittney. She's Peytan's adopted sister."

"Congrats bro." Andrew said as he gave his brother a man hug.


"Ok we ready to go?" I asked and the all nodded so we walked out the door to the cars.

When we got to school I was instintly looking for Peytan. I just wanted to see her and make sure she was alright. I had to know. But I didn't she her at all. I smelt her faintly. Like she walked inside as soon as she got here, so that's where I went. To the office where we first met. I hoped she was there, But she wasn't. Just her scent. I walked to the secretary, Carry, and asked where she was.

"Have you seen Peytan this morning?" I asked her as calmly as I could.

"Why, yes I have. She was here not to long ago." She answered.

"Do you know where she might be. I have to see her." When I said this she looked hesitant, but answered me anyways.

"Um. Ya. She went to the forest surrounding the school. She wasn't doing to good this morning and couldn't go to school."

"Why didn't she stay home?" Don't you stay home from school if you can't go?

"She can't. She prefers to be here." She quickly shut her mouth like she said something horrible when I looked at her strangely. What did she mean Peytan prefers it at school? I would rather be at home all day instead of at school learning useless knowledge.

"Well thanks very much." I said before i left. She just nodded in response. I walked back out of the school and to the back where the forest was located. I had to find her. My wolf and myself had to see she was ok. I had to know she was safe from harm.

As soon as I hit the edge of the forest I could smell her I followed her scent as quickly as I could. I followed it all the way to a small stream where I heard her crying. She was all alone sitting there crying and my heart broke at every sob I heard. I came out of the trees and into view. She jumped at the sound of my footsteps on the forest floor. She looked surprised to see me, but also fearful. Why does she have to look at me that way? She turned away from me so I couldn't see her tear stained face and worried look.I stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Should I leave her alone? Should I walk to her and see what's wrong? I took a heistant step toward her and waited. she turned her head slitly to look at me through her hair and she spoke quietly.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I wanted to know if you were ok." I had to know you were ok and safe, is what I really wanted to say, but I didn't.

"Sure you did." She was being sarcastic with me. I took another step closer and stopped again. I ignored her comment I didn't want to fight with her about me caring I wanted to know what happened to her last night.

"Why are you crying in the middle of no where?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not crying." I think she was trying to convince herself more than myself. I didn't blame her though.

"You don't have to hide it from me. I know you don't know me at all, But I've been looking for you." She scoffed at this.

"Why would you be looking for me?" She still wasn't looking at me. I had to tell her. This was my only chance.

"Do you believe in the supernatural?"

"What you mean like ghosts and vampires? Stuff like that?"


"I've always wondered if there was stuff like that out there. Why are you one?" She asked it like it was a joke smiling at me, but when she saw my serious expression her smile dropped and her head began to shake.

"You are arne't you? Are you here to end me? To eat me or something? Are you a vampire?" The questions just kept coming.

"No I'm not." I chukled at her a little and she stopped asking questions.

"Then what are you? What do you want with me?" She was backing away from me a little, like she would run from me if she had to. I frowned at this action.

"Don't run." She stopped walking.


"Because. I don't want you to leave. I won't touch you. I promise." My voice was quieter, but certain.

"Tell what you are and what you want." She demanded.

"I'm a werewolf." I looked away from her. I didn't want to see the fear on her face. She didn't know the half of it still. I still had to tell her that she was one too. I felt a hand on my arm and I looked over to see her tiny hand holding my arm. I looked over at her angelic face, still stained with tears, looking at me. She was trying to reassure me that she wasn't going to run, but what would she do when I told her about why I came in the first place.

"Ok." Her voice was small and quiet. "Ok. Thank you for trusting me with your secret. But you still haven't told me why your here."

"I had one when I came, but I have two now that I'm here."

"Well tell me both." I'll give her the easier one to grasp.

"Well now that I'm here I have found my mate. You know the soul mate for us werewolves."

"Ya I've read a couple books with that stuff. So your here for her. Who is she?"

"Umm... Well... It's you." My voice was bearly audible.

"Are you joking?" She asked in disbielf. I shook my head.

"I understand if you want to leave, bu-" I didn't get to finish.

"That is soo cool." She said. She wasn't yelling or shouting, just speaking in a tone that was ment only for me to hear. I smiled.



"Good. And there's something else."


"Your a werewolf too."

"What? I-I. No I'm not. I'm just a normal girl."

"When's your birthday?"

"I have another month yet."

"That's why you don't know. You first change on your 18th birthday."

"OH MY GOD. So I'm going to be really strong and be able to change into a wolf?"


"I'll be able to protect myself." she said to herself.

"What would you need to protect yourself from?" I asked finding myself being very possesive.

"My family." Her voice was so quiet, like a pin dropping. I growled at the thought of her family hurting her. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"What was that?"

"Sorry. We do that if were angry or really stimulated. And I get very possesive so the thought of you getting hurt got me angry." She flinched and my last words.


"Ummm. I guess since I'm your mate, and this is a lot to take in, I should tell you what happened last night," She said looking down. I just looked at her waiting to hear what happened. Why I felt her pain.
