LLW 16



Peytan's POV

The bed was warm and welcoming, but my body was still cold. I glanced at Leigh, he was sound asleep as soon as I laid down. He does he fall asleep so fast? I scooted over towards him ever so slightly. I turned on my side so I was facing his sleeping form.I brought a slow shakey hand out from under the covers and placed it gently on his chest. I looked at his face for any signs of waking up. He didn't. His words replayed in my head, 'I will never hurt you', as I moved closer watching him, waiting for him to wake up. I placed my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat.  My head was screaming at me to move away from him, but my heart and body were contempt with where I was. I closed my eyes and began to fall alseep.

The sudden movement of his arm moving around my waist made me stiffen. I listened to his even breathes, he was still sleeping. I relaxed into him. I fell into the best night's sleep i've ever had. Not a single nightmare.

Leigh's POV

I woke up from the best sleep I've ever had. I felt a weight on my chest and looked down. There was Peytan sleeping soundlessly on my chest breathing on me. She looked beautiful like this, sleeping peacefully. Her true beauty was showing right now. i smiled I wish she could be like this all the time. Then it hit me. How did she get into this position? Did I move her while asleep? I hope she doesn't freak. She stirred in her sleep then her beautiful emerald eyes fluttered open. She yawned and sat up. She was wearing my clothes and they looked really good on her.

"Morning" I said nervously.

"Morning. Sorry I couldn't sleep last night and you looked so peaceful..." She trailed off quietly looking down at the sheets. I was confused at first then caught on. She moved herself on to me.

"It's ok, really. It was the best sleep I ever had." I smiled and she too, her cheeks had a faint pink tint. It looked beautiful on her pale face. Her stomach rumbled and she ducked her head and her cheeks burned red.

"I'm sorry." It was quiet but I heard her perfectly. I chuckled.

"Well I guess that answers my next question. Why  don't we get you something to eat?" I sat up and got off the bed and offered her my hand which she gladly took. I throw on a shirt and we walked down stairs.

She was still in my clothes and I was in my boxers. I wasn't sure how many people would be in the kitchen, but I was hoping few. Peytan walked behind me the whole way to the kitchen hoping the same thing. Unfortunatly for us there were about 15 people in the kitchen, which is a lot for Peytan. We opened the door and everyone looked at me then at Peytan and smiled. Peytan hid even more into my shoulder then she already was. Kara came up to me smiling her brains out.

"Hey Peytan! I was hoping I'd see you again. Never thought so quickly though." She said excitedly, she looked at me suggestively with the last part and I rolled my eyes.

"Hi Kara." She said queitly not looking her in the eye. Well at least she spoke to her after Kara got her into so much trouble.

"Come on let's get you some breakfast." Kara said and grabbed Peytan's hand and pulled her away before either of us could register it. I followed close behind them. keeping Peytan in my sights. People from my pack said goodmorning as I passed them and I nodded a good morning back. Peytan was sitting at the kitchen table with a plate of eggs, bacon, and flap jacks in front of her.

"You must be starving. Her you go." Kara said as she sat a glass of orange juice down next to the plate. I sat down next to peytan with my own plate of food. Peytan looked wide eyed at the plate in front of her. She grabbed the fork and started to take slow small bites. I watched her eat in this way the entire time I was eating my breakfast.

When she set her fork down and said she was finished she was only a fifth of the way done. Kara looked at her strangly.

"What's wrong? Didn't you like it?" she asked worridly. Peytan smiled at her.

"It was wonderful. I'm  just full."

"But you barely ate anything." Peytan looked down. Her adoptive family must starve her. This amount of food was too much she probably struggled to even eat that much.

"Kara, just put the leftovers in the fridge." I looked at her intensley and she nodded without saying a word. she cleaned Peytan's plate up and I put mine in the sink.

"Kara can Peytan borrow a change of clothes?"

"Ya I'll go get some. Come on Peytan." Peytan followed her upstairs.

I sighed. I really am worried about Peytan. What if I can't help her to good health? Or what if I'm not there to protect her one day. I had my head in my hands when Sam sat next to me.

"What's wrong dude?" he asked casually. He didn't have this many problems my sister.

"Trying to bring Peytan back to life." I was frustrated with this task.

"Why?" I couldn't believe him, but I kept my cool.

"Because those people broke her."

"Dude they didn't break her. they made her who she is. They made her stronger than most. Don't see it as bringing her back because that's never going to happen. Look at it like your building her up instead of changing her. Love her no matter what." I looked at him. That was the smartest thing he's ever said to me or to anyone for that matter.

What he said made me think. He was totally right. What happened to her made her who she is. I can't change it, I wish I could, but that would change who she is as a person and I already love who she is. I love Peytan Brodline.


