Chapter 2


What's going on? Why is it so blurry outside. WAIT. I AM OUTSIDE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. Were am I? How come I can barley see that far? I cover my face from the deadly sunlight shining right at me. "Hello? What's going on? Why is it so blurry out here?" I say. Not like anyone can hear me. Right after I said that my ears pop. It pops from the sound of deadly loud whistles and gunshots. It sounds like cop whistles. I plug my ears with my fingers. I hear my name being called. Not peacefully. But like they are trying to attack me or something. What did I do? Why can I not remember why I am here and how I got here? All of a sudden I see someone come towards me from... like out of nowhere! Oh wait. I am in the middle of nowhere. The man on the horse is coming closer towards me. WHAT IF HE IS TRYING TO HURT ME? Oh no, I have to try to find a way-

"You need a hand?" The strange man said. Right before I could even try to run away. He looks trusting. Oh who am I kidding? He is a complete stranger. Why are you so gullible Anna? Get yourself together! I can still hear the whistles and the gunshots. It is like they are getting closer. He holds his hand out. Before I can even get a chance to see his face I grab on to his hand and pull myself up onto the back of his horse. He rides away and the whistles and gunshots that I heard are slowly going away. Who is this man? Why did he help me? And why am I even here? All of a sudden I hear a strange voice in my head.

"Anna? Anna?" What is that voice? And why does it sound so familiar?

"Anna? Earth to Anna?"


I wake up with the voice in my head I heard from earlier. It was my brother, David. I blink really fast to realize this was all a dream. Why did it feel so real? Also, I almost never daydream. I lift head up and my arm off the table were me and my family was eating dinner.

"You zoned out for a second sis." David says.

"Anyway, now that everyone is listening.." Mom says emphasizing the word 'Anyway' and 'Listening'. "Remember tomorrow we are going to church" Mom continues. I open my mouth to speak but then dad quickly interrupts.

"I expect everyone to be on there best behavior. This is church we are going to." Dad says. I respond with a nod and finish my dinner.


While I am sitting my bed late at night, I stare at the stars in the night sky from my window. I happily sigh. "Finally, peace, and quiet-" I loud noise cut me off. It was from outside. "Oh come on!" I say. It disturbed my peace. It was a group running from what looked like lawmen. The sound of gunshots hurt my ears. I heard my dad screaming my name.

"Anna! Come down here now!" My dad says. I quickly slip on my shoes and run downstairs to were the rest of my family are. What is happening?

"Go downstairs. Just so we don't get hurt from outside. " Mom says quickly motioning everyone to go to the basement. Everyone does as she says. As I get downstairs, I quickly ask, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!".

"They are raiders. Apparently they are running from the law." Dad quickly adds answering my question.

"I can see that." I say standing on the couch and looking out the small horizontal window close to the roof of the basement. I ask to myself...What could they possibly do this time?

"Murder of 7, robbery of 5" Dad says as if he read my mind.

"And how did you know that?" Mom asks, crossing her arms and looking at dad.

"I read the newspaper."


I go over to the small table that has the newspaper on top of it. And sure enough, on the front page it says it right on there. "Yep it is in here!" I say, turning the page. On that page it talks about the march of women trying to get the right to vote. Not like I care. Don't get me wrong, of course I care about women having equal rights, I just don't care about the voting. I can see that my dad is looking out the window and angry.

"They ran through our garden! those little-" My dad says before my mom cuts him off.

"ROBERT! WE TALKED ABOUT THIS." Mom says with anger in her eyes.

"Oh, yeah right..."

"Its ok, not like we haven't heard it before." David says. I argue. "Not like YOU haven't heard it before. Not WE." I say emphasizing the words 'you' and 'we'.

"Watch your attitude young lady." My mom says. I roll my eyes but she doesn't see it.

"I think we can go back to bed now." My Dad adds. We all go back to our rooms and I fall back to sleep.

This is the end of chapter two! I hoped you like it!

Tell me what you think!

Love you all!
