Chapter 1

As I am in my room on the second floor on the right, I look out my large window and just stare at the yards of green grass that are filled with animals and plants. Finally, peace and quiet. This time of the day in the evening is my quiet place, when I don't have to worry about anything.

"Anna! Come help me with something downstairs! I need you!" My mom says interrupting me. She probably wants me to help her with something for dinner. It is getting around time. Its either she wants me to help her with the dishes, or sweep the floor, or whatever she wants me to do so I can do something besides-as she says it- 'sob and look out the window like a whimpering dog'.

"Anna! don't let me tell you twice!" My mom says with no patience at all.
"Ugh. fine. COMING!" I say as I dash down the stairs. And as I expected, she was getting ready to do the dishes. My mom tilts her head towards the dishes while looking at me.

"I need you to do the dishes while I fix the table. Your father and brother are in town or the woods trying to find something for dinner." Mom says. I say ok, but I wish I could be them right now. Actually having fun. "Finished. Can I go back to my room now?" I say.

"Not until you fix the table. Your father and brother will be back in a minute. Also, you are cleaning up after dinner, it is your week." Mom says. Like I don't do that anyway. David never does it. I always end up doing it for him. And he is older! Someone please save me-

Suddenly the door burst open. Sure enough. It is David my older brother with one hand holding the door handle and the other one holding a giant dead fish.

"We got food!" David says like it is the best accomplishment ever. Sadly I found my savior. Suddenly my dad walks inside. Shutting the door.

"Yep. Good thing we brought fishing equipment. Otherwise we would have been-" dad says right before mom cuts him off.

"I think we get it Robert. David, come bring the fish over here next to the pot. Can someone go get us some water. I raise my hand, "I'll do it!" I say.

"its ok Anna. I can go get it. It isn't that hard to do." David says. And that is exactly why I wanted to do it. He always wins! Suddenly I smell smoke. "Ummm.. guys? I think dinner is ready." I say. Sure enough, the smoke I smelt, was the soup.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't set a timer!" Mom says while freaking out. She rushed over there to turn the stove off.


I hoped you liked chapter 1 of my story!  It isn't the longest but I hope that is ok. I am already working on chapter two!

Tell me what you think..

Love you all!!
