A Few Days Later

"I think we should pick a spooky theme."

It's currently four in the morning. Lisa's tired, you're still sleepy and the whole world's still silent.

Just ten minutes ago, your best friend's mother called to check the condition of the cafe business.

Lisa thought it would be a good idea to wake you up and drag you in on the conversation. Though reluctant, you abandoned your sleep just to watch her talk with her mother over the phone.

This happens all the time actually. More often than one could think. You almost forgot how annoying a parent can get some times. Luckily, you have Lisa's mother to remind you about that.

You cover your mouth as you let out an ugly yawn.

Lisa's mother mentioned that she'd stop by in the city in a couple of days. When asked what specific date however, she said it was a secret.

You could hear what they were talking about since Lisa had it on loud speaker.

And the reason why she called at four in the morning has something to do with time zone.

Lisa's parents are currently overseas handling things related to business. Fortunately for them, they own about seven successful companies all over Asia. So they're really, really busy. Lisa gets to only see them once every two months from how busy they are.

You rub your eyes and hug the pillow tight. It's still dark outside but the sun should be out in an hour or two.

"When did she say she was coming?"

"She didn't say." Lisa drops her phone on the night stand beside your bed. "So what do you think? Spooky theme?"

You release a yawn for god knows how many times in an hour. "That's really up to you. It's not my cafe."

Lisa's mother is known to be quite a perfectionist and someone who finds pleasure in anything you'd claim as 'aesthetic'.

She loves holidays too as they give her the reason to decorate and pull out whatever ideas she has in mind.

As a matter of fact, she owns a company that's solely dedicated for that purpose. She helps in wedding planning, birthdays, baptism and not too long ago, a royal family from another kingdom had requested for her help to throw a royal ball.

At this rate, you could say Lisa's parents hold a very important role in this society.

"Come on, Y/n." She pinches her lips into a pout and blankly stares at the dark wall. "You know how mom can be. Help a precious friend out."

You lay back down and throw the blanket over you. "It's not Halloween yet. Try an indoor garden cafe. Your mother loves plants doesn't she?"

"I knew I could count on you." Your best friend tells you. She slides under the blanket beside you with a big grin stretched across her face. "Now all I need is a designer."

"I can make a few calls." You tell her in a breathy manner, feeling your eyes slowly close. You know a few people that are cut out for the job. They may not be as famous as Lisa's parents but you can guarantee they're the best at their game.

This is coming from having watching them work in real time too.

"That'd be awesome ."

When it comes to spending a couple bucks, Lisa has no problem with it. If she wants to design her cafe, then she needs it to go all out. Her mother's a hard person to impress.

In the past, she used to really look down on Lisa. She often told her how she wouldn't be able to survive in the world alone if it weren't for them. Lisa's made it her goal to prove them wrong after managing to make her own business. With the money she made.

She just needs to impress her mother for the sake of satisfaction. You're on board with that.

The room becomes quiet as you both fall back in to the embrace of sleep.

It's been a few days since you've admitted to Taehyung about how you knew of his identity for quite some time now. Although, even after you explained why you continued to pretend you didn't know him, he was pissed. You believe that word to be an understatement actually. More like- he was furious.

Guess your reasons weren't valid to him.

Clearly he despised the idea of you having to pretend you didn't know him. He even said that what you did prolonged him from hugging you tight sooner, and that if it weren't for Tata? Your red heart plushy with with a blue and yellow polka dot for an outfit.

You were only eleven years old so of course you'd give your dolls names. Taehyung broached that if it weren't for Tata, then you wouldn't have ever stepped out from your hiding shell like an idiot.

You decide to let him get away with his rude remark just this once. Even if you wanted to raise your hand and smack the lights out of him. You have no idea where he's learned to talk like that. Seems like age is bringing out the best yet at the same time, the worst, out of him.

You made sure he explained himself too. You weren't gonna allow him to leave until he explained himself as well. Why didn't he say anything the night before he left? And that did he really think a letter would calm you at that time?

Taehyung reasoned out that was simply because he had to study overseas. And how he had a hard time bringing it up to you. After that, he also mentioned somethig about having visited the house of your mother and stepdad days before he came to Seoul to find you. Apparently, it was your mother who told him of your whereabouts.

The topic was sensitive, he could tell judging by the way your body had flinched from the mention of your parents. But despite that, you willingly opened up to him about your parents situation.

And you made sure to make the long story short. Your parent's are divorced, and Jeon Jungkook is now your stepbrother.


As millions of droplets fall from a limitless sky, the wind howls in a low pitch and the flora of the forest sways in a freeform dance. The heavens were filled with clouds that matched the shade of ashes.

It was raining hard at this rate and everyone's left no choice but to get stuck in their own houses. Icy cold water, perfect spheres sits briefly before forming tiny rivers of their own. The secluded roads are swamped with rain.The aroma of rain, sharp and fresh, surrounds the earth. The thunders play like a melody in the background and so thus the lightings.

It's times like this when sleep becomes addicting.

There's a noise coming from downstairs and it's killing yours and Lisa's ears.

Even if the rain acts like a lulluby that's luring you to continue sleeping, you can still hear that maddening clamor of a doorbell. With your eyes still closed shut, your teeth makes a gritting sound when you clench them together.

Lisa shifts a little beside you, groaning under her breath.

She kicks her feet from under the blanket so that it pokes out instead. By all accounts, it seems like Lisa was too tired to return to her own room so she ended up sleeping with you.

The doorbell slices through the silence of the house again but no one's answering it. Maybe because you just don't want to. And maybe if you pretend you didn't hear it, it'll go away.

So you shift your head to the side and go back to sleep. It's the weekend and no human in this earth will stop you from sleeping in.

But still.
A door bell echoes again.
Someone has to open to door.
And maybe confront the person behind the noise while they're at it.

Don't they know the real meaning of weekends? It's the only days you can become lazy and sleep all you want. What's the point of it existing if you need to get up early in the morning?

Don't disturb anyone that is sleeping on the weekends.

Fifty doorbells later and the constant ear-throbbing message finally reaches a living human residing in the house.

Someone wakes up.

Lisa wobbily pulls her body up and yawns. The bed below her dips when she moves her attention to face you. You're still fast asleep.

She tries waking you up with a little shake but to no avail. You're out cold.

So with a yawn, she slides out of the bed instead.

With her messy blond hair sticking east and west, Lisa steps out of the room and sleepily strides down the stairs still inside her sponge-bob printed pajamas.

"I'm coming." She mumbles halfway through a yawn before unlocking the lock and swinging the door open.

Instantly her eyes' are blessed with the sight of Jin who's standing there with a havoc downpour working as a background.

It's not until this moment that Lisa realizes it's actually raining.

Darkened gray smudges of wool surrounded the sky. A startling low rumble rang loud in the cool fall air as the sky roars with satisfaction. She feels a chill brushing through her exposed skin, sending a wave of goosebumps all over her body.

Trickles of liquid hit the ground with as much force as a small child. Hungrily, drizzles turn into canon fires, barricading everything in its way. A dense earthly sweet smell rises from the ground, enveloping everything within its soft embrace.

Her eyes widens.

"Finally. Took you long enough. Why didn't you answer your phone? I kept calling you for twenty minutes now." The man in front of her says.

Her phone?

Well last night, after the call with her mother, Lisa had purposely turned it off to avoid receiving another call from her.

Ah. The memories of last night makes her scoff under her breath.

Jin steps inside and turns to face Lisa again. "Did you turn off your phone or something?"

When she doesn't respond, he snaps his fingers in front of her face. "Hey, Lisa?"

White. The reason why Lisa had suddenly turned mute is because of the boy's appearance.

Jin's clad in a white shirt today, sporting his look with a pair of shorts and he's soaked and dripping wet from head to toe. That wet clothing's sticking to his body and exposing a sacred structure no ones eyes' allowed to see.

Even though it's raining like crazy outside, she suddenly feels hot.

The outline of his chest can easily be pointed out through the thin material that's shamelessly hugging him. A perfect chiseled chest along with a well-defined six pack vaguely protruding through the white clothing.

There's a lump forming the space in Lisa' throat. Right now, she's not sleepy anymore. As a matter of fact, she's now wide awake.

She can't help but stare the texture of his skin peak into view when he breathes in and out.

Holy crap.

"Like what you see?" And now she's matching color with a fire-truck.

There's a smirk stretched across the man's luscious lips once he's realized the position he's effortlessly placed her in.

She's embarrassed, but it isn't because of something bad. At least to him it wasn't.

And he made her that way.

Soft padding against the wooden floor snaps Lisa out from her internal scolding session, and when she looks up. Bad idea. Jin's close. Too close.

Her attempts to step back and place a reasonable distance between them goes pouring down the ground like the heavy noisy rain outside.
Jin quickly grabs a hold of her wrist and pulls her back.
But this time he completely closes the gap between them.

On the lips.
