Chapter Three

-Literally finishing this at 11 p.m. . And I have to get up at 8 because I have a test tomorrow. Fml. And plus, I got bored. Cause who actually goes to bed early when you have to get up early in the morning? Not me. Here's the next chapter guys!-

Octavia's POV;

     Octavia watched as Jasper had his hands on the rope, ready to swing to the other side. Octavia had a bad feeling, but pushed the feeling down. There was no way they would cross that river. Octavia cringed as she remembered the sea creature that had attacked her.

     "Here's to Earth!" Jasper yelled, as he held onto the rope, and made it to the other side. 

     "Woohoo!" Jasper yelled. Clarke, and Finn cheered as well. 

     "Okay, my turn." Finn said, and walked up to the rope, but as soon as he was about to jump, a spear lodged itself into Jasper's chest. Clarke, Octavia, and Finn all gasped in shock, and ran back the way they came. Octavia didn't know Jasper well, but she still felt sad, that Jasper was dead. 

     "Keep going!" Clarke yelled, and Finn began to slow down. 

     They ran for almost five minutes, before they heard Jasper scream in pain. "Oh my god. He's alive. Jasper's alive! We have to go back for him." Finn exclaimed. Octavia wanted to go back for him as well, but fear kept her from agreeing with him. She didn't want to die.

     "Okay, Finn and I will go back for Jasper. Octavia, you run back to camp, and tell the others what happened." Octavia nodded her head, and began running back to camp. As she was getting closer to camp, she finally started to feel pain in her leg from the creature that attacked her. Octavia was limping when she got back to camp. "O, what happened!?" Bellamy asked, panicked. 

     "Bell, I'm okay. But, Jasper is not. He has a spear in his chest. Clarke, and Finn went back for him, and they told me to come back here." Octavia quickly explained. Bellamy grabbed a ripped a cloth off from his shirt, and wrapped it around Octavia's leg. She gasped in pain, when he tied it off. "You'll be okay O. Just stay off the leg." 

     We'll see about that, she thought. 

     When Bellamy walked away to talk to someone, she got up to start exploring a little bit. 

     Octavia had only seen this many people, when Bellamy took her to that dance a year ago. 

     "Hey, you're Octavia right?" A boy asked her. He was Asian, and his black hair hid a part of his eye. "Yeah, do I know you?" Octavia asked back.

     "Uh, yeah. I'm Monty." He held out his hand for her to shake. She hesitated a little bit, before taking his hand in hers, and shook it. He smiled brightly at her. 

     Octavia gave him an awkward smile back, as she didn't feel very comfortable in front of complete strangers. 

     Monty scratched behind his head, obviously as uncomfortable as she was. 

     Well this isn't completely weird at all, she thought. She sighed. "Well, uh, it was nice meeting you, but I should get back to my brother." 

     "Okay, well I'll see you around." He waved at her, as she turned her back to him. What a nerd, she thought. 

     Octavia walked around a little bit after that, saying hello to everyone that approached her. Later, she was wondering when Clarke, and Finn would get back. It had been hours since they parted. 

     She wondered off a little bit, until something caught her eye. 

     Bright, purple, butterflies surrounded her. Octavia stared in awe at the beautiful creatures, as one landed on her pointer finger. She smiled. She had never seen something so pure, and pretty before. She played with the butterflies, until Bellamy found her, and dragged her back to camp. 

          -I know, short chapter. 650 words short. But it'll do. Thanks for reading. :))-

  Q: What is your favorite episode of The 100? Comment below :)
