Chapter Five

Shit's. About. To. Go. Down. :D

      Lincoln's POV: 

Lincoln paced around in his underground cave. He only had one thing running around in his head. Octavia. He could still see her dark brown hair, and blue eyes in his mind. Those bright eyes piercing through everyone around her. She was strong, he knew that much. She was kind, and innocent. He didn't want to see the ground change her. Lincoln shook his head at his stupid thoughts. He couldn't fall for her. He couldn't feel anything for this girl. As, it would endanger her life. 

Lincoln sighed, and walked out of his cave, to his village. Once he entered his village he saw many of familiar faces. One being someone he had grown up with and treated like his own brother. Nyko. Nyko was a pretty heavy guy, but he could hold his own in a fight. Though, Nyko had never taken down Lincoln obviously. 

"Hello brother." Nyko greeted Lincoln. Lincoln nodded his head 'hello' to Nyko. 

"We're going hunting today." He informed Lincoln. Lincoln internally grimaced. He didn't agree with his peoples' way, and he hadn't since he was a little boy. 

"You are to meet with the group before the sun sets." Nyko told Lincoln. Lincoln nodded again, and walked away. He went to his hiding spot. There was a statue at the front of his village, where Lincoln liked to wonder off at as a kid. Lincoln read many books when he was younger, and saw that the statue was actually a past president before the world ended. Abraham Lincoln. He remembered telling his father about the statue, and his father had yelled at him, and told him to go practice fighting with the other warriors. Lincoln's father died when Lincoln was just 14 years old. 

Lincoln didn't remember being sad, in fact, it gave him a little freedom. No one in the village was willing to adopt in a 14 year old warrior. Lincoln had mentors as a teenager, one being one of his closest friends, Indra. Indra taught Lincoln how to fight, and made Lincoln what he was today. 

Lincoln sat down behind the statue, and continued to think about Octavia. He thought about her, until just before the sun set, then he went to meet up with his group to hunt.

Octavia's POV:

Octavia went to follow her brother just before the sun set.

"Bellamy!" Octavia yelled, catching up with her brother. Bellamy quickly snapped around at the sound of her voice.

"O, what the hell are you doing here? Go back to camp now!" He yelled.

"Bellamy, what are you doing out here? You lied to those people." 

"Go back to camp, Octavia." He then turned around, and walked away from her. Octavia watched as he disappeared into the darkness of the trees.

Octavia threw her hands up in exasperation. She honestly couldn't believe him sometimes. She did love her brother with all of her heart, but he was tough to handle. Octavia then turned around, and walked in the direction towards the camp. As she was walking though, she heard a twig snap behind her. Octavia quickly turned her head, panicked. She heard the sound again, and ran towards the camp. It can't be too far away, she thought. 

Just when she thought she was free, she tripped on a tree root, and fell down the hill. She was knocked unconscious when her head hit a rock. I don't know. I've been pretty obsessed with Prison Break lately. And, I started Supernatural yesterday. I like Sam the most. He's pretty kewll....But yeah. Here's the chapter, I hope y'all like it. I have state testing tomorrow, so the next chapter will be up Tuesday :) 
