Chapter twelve

Ada's POV.

It was one of her last days in school when a princess showed up with her white dress and her long almost wavy hair. She didn't pay attention to any of the kids that were playing dress up she was just talking to her teacher.

But Ada managed to hear the princess's name, Haziran. She loved it in an instant. Such a summery name, and summer is her favorite season. She was too busy trying to get closer and her unicorn hat was too big for her small head. Which lead to everything that happened next.

She trips on her feet and lands in front of Haziran's heels. The woman looks down at her and she smiles.

"Are you ok little one?" she asks but Ada is too busy looking at her. She could swear that she sees sparkle glitter dust floating around her.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." She says and takes the hand Haziran offered her. "It's the hat." The kid continues saying and she tries to fix it.

"Here, let me help." Haziran offers and ties the knot under Ada's neck to stabilize the hat.

"Thank you." She says politely and runs away when her teacher comes back.

After that she couldn't stop talking about her. And then she finds her waiting for her at her own house. Ecstatic doesn't begin to cover it.

She needed to be friends with her. And there was no discussion about it. But after a while she noticed how her dad's eyes were lighting up every time he was looking at Haziran.

It took her a while to realize that her family is different than the rest. Every other kid in her school had their moms coming to pick them up at the end of the day. She only had her dad and grandma.

So one night asked Poyraz about her own mom.

"Let's not talk about that princess ok?" He says suddenly not in a mood.

"But daddy..." she tries again with no results.

Next day she tried the same thing with her grandmother but the results were similar. So she did what she does when people refuse to tell her things. She eardrops.

That's how she heard Idil saying that one day Ada will have to learn the truth. Her grandma didn't agree though. She kept insisting that her mom didn't want to be around them and they will not force her. Ada is better off without her anyway.

Slowly she came to peace with that fact. Until she heard Idil again saying to her dad that he needs to move on and find someone who will be a good mother for Ada.

She never truly liked Idil but after that day it became official.

But with Haziran she feels different. She can't put it to words but she feels safe when she's around, almost as safe as when she is with her dad.

That's why she decided to keep her, both for her but mainly for her dad's sake.

"Haziran?" Ada asks the same morning Haziran woke up on their house.

"Yes little bug?" The woman replies.

Ada doesn't like bugs. They are annoying and she remembers the days when Zorba got a bug and they had to wash the poor thing every day to get it away from his fur. But when Haziran calls her like that she loves it.

"That chocolate factory you said... how far is it?"

"Hmmm. From here it's two hours away. Give or take." She answers and she continues building a sand castle at the beach.

"Oh, that's far enough." She says.

Her voice tone makes Haziran to look at her. "I wouldn't worry that much baby. I pinky promised you that I'll take you there and I will." She pinches her belly and Ada moves away laughing.

"No I was just thinking of what will happen when you leave. How often I'll be able to see you." Ada says and looks at the wet sand on her hands.

Haziran doesn't respond for a while. It's like she was trying to find the right answer.

She opens her mouth to say something but her dad chooses the most wrong time to come out of the sea.

"What are you guys doing?" He says totally unaware of his environment.

"I'll get more water." Haziran says and leaves them alone.

"What's happening?" He wonders out loud.

"I asked her how often I will be able to see her after she'll leave. I think I made her sad." Ada says honestly.

Poyraz lifts her and makes her sit on his lap. "Can I ask you something? But you promise you won't tell Haziran."

"I'm listening." She says and Poyraz chuckles on how grown up she sounded at this very moment.

"How would you feel if we moved from here? We will be coming back every summer, but the rest of the year we will be... let's say near to that chocolate factory you want to go." He says cautiously.

"For real?1?" She jumps up screaming. "But how..." she sits back down confused.

"I'll figure out the how part. I just want you to think about it ok?" he says sweetly.

"I pinky promise." She says.

- - - - - -

"You ok?" Poyraz asks Haziran later that day.

"She caught me off guard, that's all." She replies. Her head still twirls over Ada's question.

"Yeah I know. Kids are blunt like that. But don't worry about it." He says rubbing her arms.

"We have to talk to her Poyraz. I don't know how but she has to know." She feels the same panic she felt last night. She has always been responsible only for herself, she never even had a pet to look after. And now she needs to think of the emotions of a small human.

"Look I already tried to..." He starts saying but she breaks free from his touch. He looks at her perplexed.

"I need some time alone. I'll call you later." She says and walks away.  

He calls out her name but she doesn't respond.

"You love her, don't you?" Aliye asks when she sees him drinking.

"It's not about me and you know it." He responds dryly.

"Oh my darling boy. It's only about you, you just haven't figured it out yet." She says and sits next to him.

"I have Ada grandma. I can't change her whole life just because I fell in love." It's the first time he says it out loud. It's the first time he actually thinks that there's a serious possibility of all this to happen for real.

And he's scared. Just like Haziran was this afternoon.

"All I will say is that Ada wants her dad to be happy. And you are happy when you are with her. You think of the rest." Aliye says and leaves him alone. A thunder strikes over the mountain and dark clouds start filling the sky rapidly.

"I'll be out for a walk." He says and leaves before Aliye has the chance to say something.

He wonders around the beach, seeing how the waves are being formed. But his steps lead him to her house. 

Poyraz doesn't know if he wants to knock on her door. After all she told him that she will call him. And he wants to respect her boundaries. But as he's about to walk past the building he hears voices and glass breaking.

He's about to barge in when he finally hears Haziran's voice.

"Aunt please get her out of here before I do something that I'll regret." She says. That's when he hears Zeynep's voice as well.

"Do what exactly Haziran? You are already ruining your life with bad professional and personal choices. And don't you dare telling me that there's nothing going on between you and him." Zeynep says.

"Zeynep lets go. You are making things worse." Selma says.

Another thunder strikes and he feels some rain drops oh his face.

"You want to hear it. Ok have at it. Yes I'm with Poyraz. Yes I think that I'm in love with him. And yes I doubt every single step I take with Ada out of fear that I'll become like you." She says and she feels suddenly drained.

Zeynep looks at her shocked. For the first time in her life her mom doesn't have a callback to what she was told.

"Now if you could please go. We don't want you to get wet." She says and opens the door.

Poyraz barely has the time to hide behind a wall so she won't see him.

"You did a great choice." Selma tells her once Zeynep is away. "He's one of the good ones." She squeezes her niece's face as she always does and joins her sister with a frown.

Not a moment later someone knocks on her door again.

"I swear I didn't have so many people over when I was in Istanbul." She murmurs and she opens the door.

"Hi." Poyraz says and she immediately relaxes. He doesn't say a word of what he heard, he just smiles at her.

"Hi." She says and she steps aside so he can come inside but he refuses.

"I just came to say goodnight." He kisses her cheek soflty and starts walking to his house.

"Wait." She says and steps outside. It's heavy raining now but none of them cares.

"I got cold feet." She admits. "I don't know how to do this relationship thing very well and when a child was added to the acquisition... I freaked out." She says. Her hair is getting wetter by the moment.

"Ok." He simply says. But his eyes speak volumes.

"And... I'm not sure how to do all that, and in general I'm a well maintained mess." She continues and he doesn't say a word.

"Fell free to stop me any time you want." She says and he laughs. He closes the distance between them and takes her face in his hands. Rain drops from his hair and the sky are covering her face.

"Let me tell you something cause you are repeating what you told me last night." He says and her mouth opens in shock as memories come back.

"If we want we can do this, as long as we are in the same team." He says and kisses her nose. 

"We can be..." he kisses one cheek and then the other "... a well maintained mess together."

"And another thing. I love you too Haziran Sedefli." He concludes and kisses her lips.
