My Rival, My Love- Ricka Machiyuki

Kazuki is gone. All of the school is different. I have one memory I'll hokd with me forever.

Ricka: Wondered where you went. Saved me and then dissapeared.

I'm looking at what used to be his dorm. The door was just like if he was still in there. It wqs unlocked, so I walked in. I sighed.

Ricka: I'm weak. Couldn't protect you. Was my fault for failing you.

I looked at his bed. Normally, he'd be there today on the weekend morning. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Something that rarely ever happened. It had to be him. Of course, it had to be the boy who made me feel love. The only one to do so.

Ricka: Will never forgive Guten. If he ever escapes, I will end him...

I found a book. Not a dirty magazine, but a photo album. On his table, the book lay closed.

I licked it up and opened it. The first picture was the first the ninja seeking club ever took together. He was in the middle. I was smiling next to Yamabuki.

Ricka: Miss you...

I looked at other pictures of him. And some were of him and I together. Those made tears fall lut of my eyes instantly. I wanted to marry him. But now... it was impossible.

Ricka: I will never fall for another man. Onlh one eho caltured heart was you, my rival. My love...

I left his room and closed the door, knowing that everything was going to change.
