Romeo and Juliet (2)

    "Nyeh...have you come up with any ideas to get Kaito and Maki back together, Kokichi?" Himiko asked the next morning as she and Kokichi were walking their way to school together, their pinkies intertwined with each others.'

   "Ew, no!" Kokichi said, sticking his tongue out in disgust. 

   "You said you'd help me," Himiko pouted.

  "Yeah, but I wasn't going to waste my sleep time thinking about dumb ol' Kaito and Maki," Kokichi replied. "If I'm going to think about them at all, it'll be because I'm thinking of ways to make their lives more miserable! Mwa-hahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!" As he laughed evilly, the sky began to darken, and the clouds grew thicker and darker with lightning bolts shooting out of them. Himiko leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, causing him to stop laughing abruptly and stare at her in surprise. The sky grew sunny again. "Heeey, what was that for?" he asked.

   "Nyeh...because I forgot to give you your daily dose of sugar this morning," Himiko said. "It helps your evil to go away for a little while." Kokichi slumped his shoulders.

   "If I'm gonna help you get Kaito and Maki back together, can't you at least let me be evil for a few hours?" he mumbled.

  "No," Himiko replied. "You've lost your evil privileges until we get them back together. Supreme Lady's orders."

   "Danggit," Kokichi pouted, crossing his arms. 

   "The faster we bring them back together, the faster you can be evil again," Himiko said, patting his hand. 

   "Alright, alright, let's get this over with," Kokichi said. "It's been, like, 10 hours since I last pranked Kaito, and I'm already going through withdrawal!" He started rubbing his hands together in a villainous way. "Heh heh heh, the next prank I have in store for him will be my greatest one, yet! MWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!" Again, Himiko kissed him on the cheek. "Will you stop that?!" Kokichi said, rubbing his cheek. "You're making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!"

   "Good," Himiko said. "Now, no more being evil. We've got some work to do."

   "Fiiiine," Kokichi mumbled and pouted as Himiko led him inside Hope's Peak Academy. 


   During first period, an announcement was made for everyone to head to the auditorium. Himiko waited outside the doors of the auditorium for Kokichi. When he showed up, she rushed over to him. 

   "Nyeh...Kokichi, Kokichi! I think I have a great idea for getting you-know-who and the other you-know-who back together!" she said. 

    "So...Voldemort, and who else?" Kokichi teased with an impish grin. Himiko smiled and rolled her eyes.

   "Noooo," she said. "And don't say his name!"

   "Voldemort! Voldemort! Voldemort! Voldemort! Voldemort!" Kokichi said, dancing around. Himiko covered his mouth, and pulled him into the auditorium. They sat down together in the back row, so as to not be disturbed by, or cause disturbance to, the other students. 

   "Sooo...what's this ingenious plan of yours, Monkey Buns?" Kokichi asked as he leaned back in his chair, and casually placed his feet on the chair in front of him. 

   "'re going to love this," Himiko said. "I know I said that you can't be evil right now, but I was thinking that maybe your evilness is key to getting Kaito and Maki back together!" A devilish grin appeared on Kokichi's face.

   "Keep talkin,'" he said. 

   "Okay, so..." Himiko began, but she was interrupted by the voice of Monokuma. 

   "Everyone, shut up!" he said. The students quieted down, and turned their attention to the stage, where the spotlight shone on the figure of the tiny bear. "This wasn't my idea, as the thought of this makes me sick, sooo...I'm going to give it over to my associate, Usami! Get over here, ya dumb bunny!" Monokuma grabbed Monomi's ears, and pulled her over to the center of the stage.

   "Owww, it hurts when you pull my ears!" Usami exclaimed.

   "Yeah, yeah, whatever!" Monokuma spat. "Just say what you came here to say so we can all be done with this crap!"

   "I'm s-sorry," Usami whimpered, massaging her ears. She then cleared her throat, and turned to the students. "Um...well, I'm proud to announce that I will be directing the famous play by William Shakespeare, *Romeo and Juliet!* If you'd like to audition for the play, stop by after school at 3:30 p.m.!"

   "Is that all?!" Monokuma said. "You made me waste *my* time coming here just so you could say something that you could have said over the intercom?!" He snatched Usami's magical wand and smacked Usami over the head with it.

   "OW!!" Usami shouted, grabbing her head. "That hurt!"

   "That was the point, rabbit!" Monokuma replied contemptuously. Then, he turned to the students. "Welp, now that you guys know why 'Carrots' here wasted your time, get out!" The students murmured amongst themselves as they stood up to leave the auditorium. Himiko, however, turned excitedly to Kokichi.

   "Nyeh...Kokichi! That's it!" she said, grabbing his shoulders. 

   "," Kokichi said, holding his palm up at her.

   "What?" Himiko asked. 

   "Go with your original plan," Kokichi said. "The one where I get to be evil. Not the one you *just* came up with where we somehow convince Kaito and Maki to play as Romeo and Juliet...and I don't get to be evil."

   " did you know I was going to use the play to get them back together?!" Himiko asked in amazement. 

   "It was kinda obvious..." Kokichi replied. "...and kinda stupid."

   "Nyeh? Why?" Himiko asked. 

    "It's one thing to convince Kaito to play as Romeo, that'll be least, for me, it would," Kokichi said. "But, how are we going to convince Maki? Better yet, how are we going to convince them without letting them know what we're *really* trying to do? Furthermore, we don't even know if they'll get the parts." Himiko's face fell. 

  "I guess you're right," she mumbled as she forlornly lay her chin on the armrest of her seat. "Maybe we shouldn't get them back together, after all. Maybe I am just wasting my time." She stood up to leave, when Kokichi placed his hand on her arm.

   "You're going to give up just like that?" he asked incredulously.

   "Well...yeah," Himiko said with a shrug. "You're right. Using the play to get them together was a stupid idea."

   "Yeah, it is a stupid idea, and it sounds super complicated," Kokichi said. 

    "Nyeh...I agreed with you, you know," Himiko mumbled. "You don't have to rub it in my face."

   "Buuuut..." Kokichi continued. " also sounds kinda fun and challenging. Plus...the more I think about it, I might get the chance to be evil, after all." Himiko brightened up a little.

   "So...we're going through with it, then?" she asked with excitement. Kokichi lifted Himiko's chin with his thumb and forefinger, and gave her a mischievous grin. 

   "We'll be the *true* directors behind the scenes," he replied in a low voice, chuckling evilly. "And Kaito and Maki will be the pawns in our Shakespearean scheme." Himiko squealed with glee, and threw her arms around Kokichi before giving him a kiss.
