Frankenhamster (End)

   Inside Himiko's magic room, Himiko went straight for the bookshelf full of grimoires. She scanned their spines until she found the one she was looking for: "Cures For the Cursed Beast."

   " it is!" Himiko said, pulling the grimoire off the shelf. She joined Kokichi at the table in the middle of the room and flipped through the pages. 

   "Will any spells in there actually work?" Kokichi asked. "Maga-Z isn't cursed, just mutated."

   "Nyeh...tomato, to-mah-to," Himiko replied, waving her hand dismissively. Kokichi smiled in amusement at her. "There's no harm in trying."

   "Welp, if you say so!" Kokichi replied. Himiko stopped on a chapter.

  "It says here, 'Music will soothe the savage beast, but it isn't the only thing. It is fun to charm the savage beast as you play an instrument or sing. But when the wild beast is loose and causing a commotion, the next best thing to stop it is a Slakov potion! '" Himiko read the list of ingredients for the potion. " it!"

  "So..what's a Slakov potion?" Kokichi asked. 

   "It's a relaxant potion," Himiko explained. "It puts you in a very calm and placid state to the point where you don't wanna do anything."

   "'ve been drinking a lot of that potion, haven't you?" Kokichi joked with a cheeky grin. Himiko smiled and smacked his arm playfully. 

   "Very funny," she said. "But that's only to calm Maga-Z down. We also have to turn him back to his normal self. There's gotta be a spell for that in here, too!" She flipped through more pages until she found what she was looking for. "A-ha! This might help: 'If a once gentle creature is now a vicious, raging beast, never fear! The spell you are looking for is on this page here! Point your wand at the creature in question, and repeat these words that I will mention: Pure Sweet Sugar Healing!' "

  "Wha...Pure...Sweet...Sugar...Healing?! " Kokichi asked, his eyebrow raised. "What kind of spell is that?! You mean to tell me that there are...magical girl-sounding spells that actually exist?!"

  "Lemme see who this chapter was written by," Himiko said, flipping back to the beginning of that particular chapter. "Oh, no was written by Princess Vali of the Spring Mages. She's, like, eight years old, or something. She must have invented this spell."

   "What?! There are Spring Mages?! And a little girl made that spell up?! You can make up spells?! I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!" Kokichi exclaimed, his head swimming in confusion. 

    "Yup, there are mages of the four seasons, not just the elements," Himiko explained. "And yeah, you can make up spells and write them in a grimoire to help other magical beings, but...we'll talk about all of that later. Right now, I need to get to work on that potion."

  "Okie-dokie, Himikokie! I'll leave you to it!" Kokichi said. He sat down on a stool, casually flipping through a fashion magazine from the magical world called, "AbracaDapper," while Himiko prepared the potion. Finally, she finished the potion and poured the blue, thick substance into a cup before slapping a lid on it.

   "Nyeh...finished!" she said triumphantly. 

   "Aaaalrighty, then! Let's go!" Kokichi said. "You remember the spell, right?" Himiko checked over the book one last time to make sure she memorized it.

  " it," she replied, giving Kokichi a thumbs-up. Together, they exited the magic room and towards the front yard, looking out to the city, where Maga-Z ripped through buildings. "Oh, my! How are we gonna get there in time before he destroys everything?!"

   "C'mon, we'll take my bike!" Kokichi said, hurrying towards the garage. A few seconds later, he came back out riding his purple bike, and stopped in front of Himiko. "Hop on, Monkey Buns!"

   "'re not gonna steal Kaito's car this time?!" she asked incredulously. 

   "Nah...Maga-Z might destroy it while we're trying to cure him, which means I won't be able to steal it anymore," Kokichi replied. 

   "Nyeh...I guess that makes sense," Himiko said thoughtfully. She placed the cup of the Slakov potion under her hat and hopped onto the wheel's pegs behind Kokichi. Kokichi sped off towards the city. He sped down the highway, both he and Himiko watching in silent horror as they neared the giant hamster, who was still rampaging through the city. Maga-Z smacked down a massive chunk of a burning building that was heading right towards Kokichi and Himiko. 

   "Hang on tight, Himiko!" Kokichi shouted as he sped up, barely dodging the burning building. Another part of the building fell in front of them.

   "WAAAHHH!!!" they screamed together in surprise. Himiko tightened her grip around Kokichi as he popped a wheelie and rode his bike perfectly through a large window and out the other side of the building through another window. He lowered his front tire back onto the pavement. 

   "Nyeeeh! That was so fun and cool, Kokichi!" Himiko breathed, feeling an adrenaline rush coursing through her veins.

   "Hahahaha, you think so?" Kokichi called back to her. 

   "Yeah!" Himiko said with a small, shy smile as she blushed and hugged Kokichi closer to her. Maga-Z was now right above them, standing still. Kokichi steered his bike behind a building that was still intact. He and Himiko watched the gigantic hamster in silence, wondering why he had stopped all of a sudden.

   "H-He stopped," Himiko whispered. "Maybe he's tired already?"

   "Mm-mmm," Kokichi replied, shaking his head. He then pointed up at the top of the building that Maga-Z stopped in front of. "Look! Gundham's up there!" 

   "Maga-Z!!! Come to me!!!" Gundham was saying. "You may be an all-powerful being, but I am your master, the Overlord of Ice, Gundham Tanaka! I command you to cease the destruction of this city at once!" Maga-Z stared at Gundham and slumped his shoulders as if Gundham's words were reaching him.

   "It's working!" Himiko whispered. "I can't believe it's-" However, Himiko didn't get to finish her sentence because, in that moment, Maga-Z opened his mouth wide and immediately bit off a chunk of the building's rooftop with Gundham still on it. 

   "WAAAHHHH!!!" Kokichi and Himiko screamed in unison. "HE ATE GUNDHAM!!!" Maga-Z swallowed and let out a satisfied belch. Then, he scampered over to a different building. 

   "C'mon, Himiko," Kokichi said, pedaling towards the massive rodent with determination. He parked his bike in front of the nearest tallest building and grabbed Himiko's hand. "Let's go!" he said, leading her up the stairs to the rooftop. On the roof, they were level with Maga-Z's face. He looked a lot more horrifying up close. 

  "W-What do we do, now?" Himiko asked in a small voice.

   "We have to get his attention and somehow manage to get him to swallow the potion" Kokichi said, removing Himiko's hat to retrieve the potion. "I'll do that part." With one hand, he held the potion, and with the other, he reached into his scarf and pulled out a slingshot. He turned towards Maga-Z's direction. "HEEEEYYYY!!! OVER HERE, YOU BIG, STINKY FURBALL!!!" he screamed. Maga-Z turned to Kokichi and Himiko. With thundering steps, the large hamster lumbered towards them. Kokichi placed the cup of the Slakov potion into his slingshot and aimed it at Maga-Z's mouth. Himiko covered her eyes with her hands, too afraid to watch as the large beast's footsteps and heavy breathing grew louder. As Maga-Z roared right when he was about to bring his jaws down over Kokichi and Himiko, Kokichi shot the potion into his mouth. Maga-Z swallowed the potion. He stopped moving. His eyes grew heavy, mom's spaghetti (haha, I'm just kidding XD), and he began wobbling back and forth in a very dazed manner. Maga-Z then sat down like a normal hamster would and sighed lazily. 

   "Okay, HimiCocoa Bean! It's your show, now!" Kokichi said with a triumphant smile. Himiko uncovered her eyes and smiled, as well. 

   "Nyeh...on it!" she said. She brought out her Guardian Mage staff from her hat. She twirled majestically before waving her staff and uttering the spell. "Pure Sweet Sugaaarrr....Healing! " Beams of silvery, sparkly, tiny crystals shot out at Maga-Z. The hamster shrieked and began to shrink in size back to his old tiny hamster self. Kokichi and Himiko ran back down the building and outside to find Maga-Z chomping on a sunflower seed. Gundham was right next to him, dazed and confused, and covered from head to toe in hamster saliva. 

   "Wha...What just happened?" he asked, his head spinning. 

   "Uhh...Maga-Z is back," Kokichi said, holding out Maga-Z to Gundham. Gundham came to his senses and snatched Maga-Z away from Kokichi.

   "Get your filthy paws off of him!" he growled. "Let this be known to you that from this day onward, you are never, under any circumstances, allowed to go near my Four Dark Devas of Destruction ever again! If you do, I will have your body stuffed and your head mounted on my wall! Do I make myself clear?"

   "That's disgusting," Kokichi said. "Buuut, yeah, I guess so!" Gundham harrumphed and began walking away back to the dorms, his shoes squelching with saliva with every step. Kokichi and Himiko looked at each other with excitement.

   "WE DID IT!!!" they exclaimed, and hugged each other tightly. 

   "But what are we gonna do about all this mess?" Kokichi asked, looking at the destroyed city all around them. 

   "I think I can handle that, too," Himiko said with a smile. She closed her eyes in concentration. All around her body shined a bright white light as she began levitating off the ground and into the sky. She uttered another spell in a voice loud and clear: "Ravaged by a wild beast, bring this city back to peace! " she said. Shiny, silvery crystal beams shot out of Himiko all throughout the city, making fires vanish, the buildings return to normal, and repairing everything else that was destroyed. When the city returned to its former self, Himiko lowered herself back down. Kokichi gaped at her in amazement.

   "HIMIKO, THAT WAS AWESOME!!" he exclaimed. Himiko smiled sleepily at him.

   "Nyeh...thanks, but I feel...kinda...sleep...y...nyeh..." she fainted into Kokichi's arms. 

   "I gotcha, HimiCocoa Bean," he said gently. He smiled at her as she slept peacefully in his arms. He kissed her forehead before lifting her up in his arms and carrying her back home. 
