
Dear Fred,

Why did you have to go? Why was it it that you had to leave? Leave your mum and dad, brothers and sister, fans and foes?

Everyone missed you. You may not know it, but you were a vital person to the war. You completed George, who is now left, stranded. The pair of you raising people's spirits actually worked, infecting them with hope.

But it's been lost. Because if I gave you hope that we could survive, then died, wouldn't you lose that hope? Wouldn't you feel doubtful?

So many questions, I know. And I'm sorry. Not just for the ridiculous amount questions - which you can't even answer - but for the way my writing seems accusing. It's not your fault, and it never was. The fault belongs to two people: that stupid ass baldy and the Death Eater.

And what you would've wanted happened - you were avenged.

Look Fred, we all miss you. I just want you to know that. You were - and are - more well-known than you think. People you probably haven't even met have cried over your death. Like Mad-eye Moody, you're one of those people who just can't die. Not in the way Harry can't die. But in the way that it's wrong you should die, you're just un-killable.

I guess lots if people are though. We're slowly getting over it, I guess. Or at least I am. You didn't see me, but I was there. I was in that corridor, I witnessed that final curse. I wish I hadn't. The scene re-plays. I sometimes find myself going over it in my head - the ghost of your last laugh on your face, as your hazel eyes glazed over.

If fate is real, then whoever creates them is twisted.

I guess you'd be kind of glad to know that I still listen to that band you recommended - Night-Time Nargels. It reminds me of when the days were... Well, not good of such. But when they were lighter. When it was possible to look at the Daily Prophet and not see the list of the newest muggle killings.

As I've said, I miss you. We all do. And missing you just seems to make writing this harder.

With love,

