
My dear son the prankster,

How are you? I guess you've met half my old classmates by now - not that that's good. I guess it would mean that you're in good hands though, wouldn't it? Oh Freddie, why did it have to be you? It's not fair, you were so young! You all were really - Bill, Charlie, Percy, you, George, Ron, Ginny...

George is handling it particularly bad, although given the circumstances, I suppose you could say he's handling it the best of us all. I miss you. We all do. And you should know that, because it pains me more than every single once of pain in the world, to think that one of the last pieces of contact with you I had wasn't hugging you, or any kind of affection. It was pushing you aside so that I could give my affection to Percy instead, so that I could hug him. If I had known I would have never let you escape your home, and kept you tied to a chair. Then again, that's one of the most terrible things about wars; you never know what will happen. Yet it's also unnerving in a way, because even during your every-day life, when no raging war is going on outside your front door, the unknown is there, and it's both a horrifying and treasured thing.

Sorry dear, I was going off for a minute, wasn't I?

Even in my wildest nightmares - even when confronted by a boggart - you and George weren't separated. I remember two years ago, when there was a boggart in Grimauld Place, every person I loved would become dead and bloody and mangled, and even then the two of you were together. Fred, I know you've never taken it to heart when I've said I love you, but I really do. I wish I could show you that, but I missed my chance - my 20 years worth of chance. I'd do anything to take your place. Anything at all.

You'd laugh at me now. Laugh Freddie, please? Your dear old mother, whose second nature is to scold you for something or other, is crying. I never cried in front of any of you if I could help it. Make you feel more secure. That if mummy wasn't scared, or upset, you shouldn't be either. I've broken my promise to myself to do that right now I guess. Well, if you can see me. Or read this.

I thought everyone should write one of these, because personally, it makes it feel like you're still there. That I still have a method to communicate with you.

I'll write to you soon, I promise.

With tons of love and tears,

Mummy xxx
