Chapter 29

Asch's POV

Ugh.... My head... That party yesterday was such a irritating moment in my head...

With those female humans just surround me throughout the entire night , it was mercy enough for me not to burn down the mansion... My damn mind was filled with nothing but those squeals and flirtatious invitation of the humans.... Was Oscar's family that messed up? That's certainly a reason for Oscar to grow hatred on that family of hers...

"Oh morning Oscar , Princess Ava."
"Morning Asch , fancy seeing you early waking up."
Ava greeted as Oscar waved with her hand holding a steaming hot black cup with white cursive writings. I waved back before sitting next to Ava as her hand busy rubbing her temple. I questioned for concern as she claimed that just some effects after getting sober throughout the night.

"Are you feeling alright now?"
"Just...let me lean on the couch for a little while..."
Ava said as she leaned... towards me?!

Before I could give her a hint , she already leaned on my arm with her head and body rested comfortably. I turned to Oscar , hoping for assistance , yet she gave me a thumbs up , wishing me luck before returning to her chamber. Feeling betrayed and flustered at the mean time , I looked back to Ava who's in her slumber for so long who's hands were grabbed with mine. This actually made me realised how small was her hand compared to mine. 

I thought to myself before gently moving and placing her by the other side of the cau-ch , with my cape pulled off from my neck and covered her up. Her mouth let out a small comfortable moan before she snuggled with my cape. I smiled before noticing someone looking at me , which was the white haired annoying demon knight of mine.

"Wow , did I just found a rare expression of Prince Asch himself?~"
"Shut up , you're going to wake her up."
I scolded him in a soft tone , afraid if I turned up my volume and it will stirred her awake.

"Aww , the mighty prince was being all gentle as a lamb?~"
"Shut up before I-! Argh!"
I groaned annoyingly before walking to the TV and switching on the Socky the Sock Puppet channel. I turned to only find Leif was about to poke Ava by the cheek with his freaking sickles. I dashed to the demon as I tackled him onto the floor , creating a loud thud on the ground.

"What the hell you're up to?! If it's the one who's sentencing her to death , it was me! You have no rights to touch or kill her!"
"And why was his majesty being such nice to the human? Considering you to be feared by every subjects and servants of yours back in Daemos~"
"One more word and I burn you-"
"Asch... What are you doing...?"

I looked up to find Ava who's rubbing her eyes with my cape rested on her shoulder. Her hot pink eyes blinked as she have a better vision and focus of staring at me.
"Nothing , Princess Ava-"
"Prince Asch , for Goddess Ocellus's sake , you're attempting to kill Leif."
Great , and there's my advisor , who also stood on Princess Ava's and my acquaintance who have just betrayed me back then. 

"As you tell , I was ATTEMPTING to , I have not succeed."
I spoke as I moved my way out from Leif's body and sat back on the cau-ch where Pierce just sat there while witnessing the situation happening back then. Frustrating by Noi's words of concern screaming , I turned my focus to the TV as a picture of Ear-th cracked open with buildings and stones smashed into pieces on the ground. 

"Don't be amused , it's just the news! Another earthquake has happened in the Alaska and this time , death increased and so is the injured ones. But fear not! For campaigns had united as one to team up to send volunteers to the location for saving the innocents. Here , I have the leader of the amazing team , Sir Bourgeois on the line , for some additional information on the volunteering activity."

"Thank you very much Nadja ," A man with white hair appeared in the screen as he proceeded , "This volunteering was certainly important as us team had worked super hard for the sake of the innocents who were trapped under the stones. By our surprise , we have Oscar Langford in the volunteering list!"

I froze by whatever I have just heard. I took a peek at the others who were yet still being concern Ava. 
'Seems like neither of them noticed or heard....'
It was when I heard a click sound and turned my neck to find Oscar bringing the cup up to cleanse it up. With the moment our eyes met , hers moved to the screen quickly as she walked back to her chamber , with me rushed to her.

"You're not going there , human."
"Just a trip , Asch , nothing much-"
"A death trip! You heard the human , don't you?!"
I yelled as she sighed with her back facing me.

"Look at me when I'm talking , human."
"Sure ," She said as she turned towards me with a smile , as she spoke , "I shall pay the rightful respect to my demon prince ranked friend."

That's right... You're my friend....
"I have a question..." I spoke as she hummed , "If you're my friend... ,"

"Why do you have to leave your friend behind to somewhere such deadly?..."

She froze whatever she was doing as she turned to me , with a sad smile , "Perhaps... I could be heartless for once..."
"Since when? When have you been acting like one?! You never leave me behind , you were hurt the other day yet you forgave me by the power of your god! You.... *Sniff* , You made me a friend..."
Water glided down from my eyes as I looked down to the carpeted ground. My face was soon lifted up as I was face-to-face with Oscar , who had this sorrow looking smile upon her face.

"Hey... It would be just a quick trip alright? I just need... to look for something I have been seeking for years."
"What... What were you still looking for? When you have almost.. everything?!"
"People had flaws , Asch ," She said with her hand ruffling on my head , "And people had attempting to undo them to prevent troubles and mistakes. I wanted to , to be a better person , a better friend for you."

"T-Then , if you're going , then I'm going!"
"I'm afraid not."
"Why not?!"
I raised my voice but soonly apologized as I noticed Oscar flinched by my tone.

"I-It's nothing , Asch. It's the fact , Ava needed protection. Leif can be a little idiot , Rhys can be a little annoying for people to follow him , Noi was too innocent and Pierce can't tell whatever was he thinking in his skull. You're prince of Daemos , leader of the demons. You had to stay to lead them."
"I will save myself. I , Oscar Langford ," She said as she had her pinky finger reached out to me , "Promise to return , without a scar." I reached out my pinky like her as she intertwined our finger together.

"Now , I have made a promise with you. And if that promise was break , I would face the worst of fate."
"You don't have to do that-"
"But I wanted to. This is how I can be determined to stay alive. Because I made a promise , a promise to stay alive for my friend."
I pulled her into my arms , embracing her as I felt her hand patting my back.

"I will stay alive... most possibly."
"Do stay alive , and that's an order from me!"
I said in my usual prince like tone as Oscar chuckled , with a bow , and said jokingly , "Your word was my command , your majesty."

Rhys's POV

What's going on with Asch now?
He has been acting quite off lately...
Something hits his head? He was legit not screaming at Leif for the day.
Perhaps asking him would be the best of option.

"Prince Asch."
"Yes , Rhys?"
Asch said as he stepped out from his chamber. Yet it was late in night , wonder why he was being up so late?

"Are you being alright lately , you seemed to be in a good mood? I have not find you fighting with Leif , except this morning's early incident of course."
"What makes you think? That I'm in a great mood today?"
Asch questioned me with a small growl. I panicked as he sounded like I have offended him in some way.

"Now , why don't you be excused while I mind my own business? Hmm?"
I bowed for apologies as Asch scoffed and walked past me , towards the exit. By the sake of curiosity , I sneaked out with my invisibility spell casted upon and walked as quiet as I can.

"Asch , I told you not to-"
"I insisted , human."
Those were the first sentences of Asch and Oscar's conversation that echoed in my head. I looked at the two who were stood in front of Oscar's chamber doors. 

Oscar was dressed in a white collar unbuttoned shirt with a black undershirt and black tights. Black boots were found on her feet as her hair was tied into a small pigtail with the 'cap' on her head. As usual , her eyes were also found sparkling under those glaoses of hers. Just yet... why were there bags on the ground?....

"Was that really hard to say goodbye? I told you I would be back after a few days when the wave is calmed"
"Apparently , not all words can be trusted , especially yours. How can you promised? That you would come back , alive?"
What... where is she going?
What such dangerous and life-risking trip that she had to take to let Asch be such feared of?

"We made a promise , do you forget about it?"
"I didn't! It's just... , " Asch had his hand ruffled by the back of his head as he spoke , "I met Rhys earlier."

Me? What about me?

"I told you it would the best he doesn't know about this."
"He doesn't know! What was he? Like your favourite of all times?! You have liked him for goodness gracious!"
Oscar huffed by Asch's statement.

"One more time , Asch , if he asked , where was I. Tell him to ignore that and move on whatever he was meant to do. He needs to know , and even we don't , he will figure it out. Rhys's a smart Daemos , and I know that."
"Of course he was. He was my grandmother's student , prized pupil to be accurate?"
"Now , that sounds like a compliment to a guy you wanted to kill earlier~"
"He was my royal advisor for goodness sake!"
Asch shouted as Oscar laughed a bit. That laugh was something that can warmed my soul... The one thing that can melt my ice....

"But hey , I mean it. Tell him whatever I said if her asked about it."
"Fine. It seemed to be the one thing I can do for you... But hey , take care alright?"
"I will and I shall attempt to come back alive."
"That's not convincing much."
Asch said with his arms on his waist.

"But , please , come home when it's over."
"I will."
Oscar hugged Asch with her arms around his neck as she picked up the bags on the ground. With one across her chest and the other in her hand.

"I await , for your return."

After Oscar walked out , Asch sighed as he had his arms crossed on his chest and walked back into the pocket dimension. I undo the invisible spell as I sat by the cau-ch with the company of the purple spirit who looked at me , meow-ed as it was asking me if I was doing alright.

"If what Asch and Oscar talked about was true.... , all I can do was...."

"Pray for her safe return...."
