⇨ picture frames ⇦

A/N:Ever have 88 drafts just sitting in your wattpad account waiting to be written cause same

This is a short chapter :(


"Hey Guys what time are we playing man hunt tonight?, Ive got an Idea"

The sound of my feet slapping off the pavement as I walked in the dark scared me.
Each time my foot hit the ground I got the idea that the sound didn't come from me, and that it was somebody following me.
I'd glance back, taking heavy breaths to see nobody there.
Sighing out in relief I kept walking.
But still jumping a-bit every time I heard it.
I refused to look back, convincing myself it was only my paranoia kicking in from the fact there was an active serial killer in Cape May.
"AHH!",A yell came from the left of me causing me to throw myself on the ground and roll in the opposite direction.
I let out a groan after the impact on my freshly healed arm left scratches.
I glanced up catching the eye of Davey Armstrong who laughed at my reaction.
"I knew somebody was following me, Asshole!",I snapped pulling myself up and inspecting the wounds on my arm.

"Relax, it's not that bad, come on",He shoved my shoulder in the direction we were going.
"So what's your big plan?",I asked turning to face him.
"You'll see",Was all he said as he caught sight of the other boys.
He waited until we got up to them to pull out an old Walkie talkie.
"Jesus Davey you still have those?",Farraday looked some at them.
"Last time we used them was like five years ago",I stared down at them, "they still work?"

"While you guys are spying, we're gonna plant one of these outside Mackey's bedroom window",Davey explained glancing to each on of us.
   "Unclear on what I'm doing",I say after a second of thought.
   "Your putting it outside his window,we're gonna use it to listen to him",Davey cleared up my confusion that was quickly replaced with terror.
   "Are you fucking kidding me?! Why me?",I snapped looking up at Mackey's window.
   "Your the smallest",Woody agreed making me sigh in defeat.
  "Audio surveillance, smart",Farraday commented.
"Let's just not get caught ok?",Woody stated turning to us.
   "Easy for you to say asshole",I roll my eyes at the thought of being up there.
   "If Mackey spots you , act like it's part of the game",Davey advised all of us looking around him,
   "Now we probably have like two minutes until these little shits are up our asses with flashlights so let's be quick, ok?"

"Farraday, Eats you guys take the backyard me,Woody and Sam will plant the walkie, operation manhunt starts now",Davey smiled to himself as all the boys put their hands on top of eachother.
"I hate this",I groaned throwing mine there aswell before turning the opposite direction to run towards Mackey's house.
"Who's got eyes on him?",Davey asked through the Walkie as we got to the side of the house.
"I got him, he's in the living room, over",Farraday replied a second later.
"Go",Davey instructed, Woody crouched over letting me stand on his back to reach just outside the bedroom window.
"Found you, you if titty butthole!",A kid shined a flashlight in Woodys face making me jump abit.
"No-uh we're in time out",Woody stuttered out.
I continued taping down the button to the wall as they argued.
"No you don't, I caught you",The kid scoffed at us.
"Why don't you shut the fuck up and get out of here before I pound you, you little shit",Woody snapped at the kid making him run off after saying.
"Whatever pussy, you three are out, hah!",

"I freaking hate that kid",Woody complained just as I finished taping the walkie.
"Guys, holy fuck guys he's wearing rubber gloves and he's got a bucket of cleaning shit",Eats came through on the walkie.
"Ah shit",I groaned fixing the walking back in place.
"What? What do you mean like...",Davey started but was cut off by Eats voice.
"Farraday he's coming your way"
"We are so gonna die",I sang out trying to get the walkie to stick.
"Looks like bleach,scrubbing brush , and I can't tell what the rest is",Farraday replied for him.
"Holy shit he's got blood on him!",Farraday exclaimed making my eyes go wide jumping off of Woody.
"Let's go",I pulled on their arms but quickly came to a halt when Davey pulled us back.
"What? Are you sure?",Davey asked turning to make sure the walkie was secure.
"I don't know, could be paint, it's on his shirt, shit he went into the basement ",Farraday answered quickly.
"All his basement windows are painted over,Mackey's MIA",Farraday Added.
"This is the part where we fucking leave!",I whisper yell at the boys.
"Who's watching the basement door?",Davey questioned the boys.
Davey ran in the direction of the back yard but jumped the opposite way when Mackey's window opened.
"Shit!",Davey yelled before running in the opposite direction.
Woody and I followed his actions running to Davey's house.
We entered his house, out of breath we trudged up his stairs and into his room where he grabbed his binoculars to look out the window.
"You think he's onto us?",Woody asked sitting down on Davey's bed.
"No as far as he knows we were just playing manhunt,stupid G.I Joe walkies not working.
"Did you tape the button down?",Woody asked me from across the room.
"Yes I taped the fucking button down!",I snapped at the boy who threw his arms up in surrender.
"The batteries are brand new",Davey complained.
"It might be the distance then, those things are junk that's why we upgraded",Woody reasoned with Davey.
"Are you just gonna day frick it and leave it up there?",Woody questioned opening a magazine.
"That sounds good",I point to my brother.
"No way,I gotta make it work",Davey shook his head at us before turning back to his binoculars.
"Well I'm going home, you coming?",I turn to woody who just shakes his head.
"I'll see you at home",I sighed out standing up to leave.
"Bye Davey",I say before leaving the room but not getting an answer.

I rolled my eyes at the boys ignorance.
  I knew he'd probably blamed me for the walkie talkie.
Davey always looked for the logical answer with things, he never left a stone unturned.
That's how we got our entertainment, through Davey.
  Farraday made fun of it, but was always interested in Davey's plans even if he'd never admit it.
  He'd went along with every single one of them, along with the other boys of course.
   But for some reason Farraday seemed to be olive him more than the rest of us did.
    Farraday was slowly losing faith in Davey though, You could tell from the way he acted about the situation.

Woody on the other hand never believed Davey, he just went along with Davey's plans, at one point I thought I was the only one that most of the time believed Davey.
    Was I gullible?Yes.
Did recent fails ever make me doubt him? No.

I entered my house feeling a sudden rush of relief that all the lights were off, meaning my mother either made it to bed again or was still at work.
   I sighed out in relief as I pushed the door open, locking it behind me as I entered the house.

Something felt...wrong.
I couldn't quite place it, it just felt different.
   Too quiet.
I took a deep breath knowing it was just my nerves.
I switched on the hall light glancing around.
     Something definitely was different.
Something was missing from the halls, I couldn't pick out what it was.
   It's like that feeling that you get when you throw out a piece of furniture or an item that's been in the same place for years.
      Maybe my mom had thrown away some wall decor or a picture frame.
Who knew.

I kept the light on, running up to my room and closing the door behind me jumping into bed.
   The feeling lingered through my body,my heart was in my stomach.
I just wanted to sleep.

I closed my eyes laying in silence in hope of just drifting off into sleep.
    "Sammy!",My mothers voice yelled from downstairs.
  "What?!",I shouted back after the shock of hearing her voice come out of nowhere.

"Where's the picture of me, you and Woody gone?"
