⇨ I Nearly Broke his Fucking Jaw⇦

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"Oh Davey, your a really bad kisser",I heard as I strolled through the library returning from my doctors appointment.
  "What? I'm sorry Nikki, what?",I laughed as I turned the corner noticing that they were the only people here, considering it's Summer that didn't surprise me.
   "Guys Cut The shit! Unlike you idiots I actually come here to study so don't get me kicked out!",Farraday snaps turning into a computer.
   I laughed aloud making them turn to me.
"Ah ,she lives",Eats says throwing his arms in the air,
  "How's the crippled shoulder?",Davey asked keeping his eyes on the screen,
"Painful thanks to you assholes",I pull a chair up beside them.

"Check it out, Cape May slayer, fifteen confirmed victims and still counting,so rad",Davey read from the paper,
"Why would the killer only write a letter now after all this time?",Farraday asked glancing between Davey and I,
"He's been killing people and getting away with it for years, he's bored so he's raising the stakes",Davey nodded approvingly his own answer,

"or wanted to make some history, ever heard of Jack the Ripper",I roll my eyes at one of the obvious reasons,
Farraday grabbed the mouse moving the screen about as fast as a snail crossing a road,
"Jesus Farraday it's not like your gonna break it!",Davey snapped grabbing the mouse from him whilst Farraday raised his hands in defense.

Davey flicked through the articles of a bunch of unsolved, body unfounded and a murder of a whole family.

The thought gave a shivers, there was a murderer killing kids our age. I mean I was ruled out considering he was targeting young boys.
But there was still a murderer...An a river serial killer in Cape May.
Holy fuck the thought would send most people into a frenzy.

"Peekaboob",I jump back nearly falling from my seat at the sudden noise, "haha, get it?"

"Jesus Christ Eats don't do that",I grab my shoulder after a sharp pain took over.
"The hell are you doing?",Farraday asked as he watched Eaton shove the magazine down his jeans,
"Free porn bro",He shrugged throwing his shirt over it.
"Is he just gonna take that?!",Farraday whisper yelled in disbelief,
I rolled my eyes and laughed standing to follow them out.
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"Do I have to be here tonight?",I groan at the thought of having to play manhunt with my injured shoulders and infected tattoo that wasn't only seeping green fluid but was also making my whole other arm throb.
"Yeah,Where's Sammy?We need him when we don't have numbers",Davey asked Eats as I complained to Woody,
    "I don't know we haven't heard from him in a few days, his cars in the driveway"

"Can I go home now?",I look up at Woody who shakes his head,
  "You know I could just leave",I say crossing my arms over my chest,
"Yeah, but you won't"

"Let's go get the little shit, Woody stay with these dickweeds",Eats says turning off a corner to get to Sammy's house,
   "This way dickweeds",Woody leads them in the opposite direction,
"I'm going with them",I jog past woody to catch up.
  We show up to the house that looked as if it was the middle of the night and everyone was sleeping.
Davey knocks as Eaton and Farraday look in the window.
    "No movement",Eats says shining his torch at the window,
"Or lights, oh well",Farraday sighs out,
  "Oh well? No-ones seen Sammy in days what if-",Davey starts leaning against a wood panel,
"Don't even say it he's probably up at the lake or some shit",Eats reasons turning his torch to the window again,
  "Yeah don't it's already creeping me the fuck out that's There's a freakin serial killer In Cape May",I shiver from the cold digging my hands into my jean pockets.

"Then Why is their car here?",Davey asked gesturing the the car,
    "Maybe they rented one",Farraday suggested,
"Why would they rent?",Davey trails off,
"Who cares, okay the real issue is that we don't have numbers cause of the prick so now I can't play man hunt, Whatever I'm out",Eats says before making his way off the porch,
  "Thank fuck",I said following his actions and leaving the front of the house,
"Yeah Sorry Davey I got a book to finish anyway",Farraday apologized leaving Davey alone at the house.

Yes it made sense that Sammy could be dead and rotting in his house along with his family but I chose to ignore that.
  Dwelling on something gave me a sick feeling in my stomach that I wanted to avoid.
Sammy was our age but acted like a seven year old, so we treated him like one.
We had fights over stupid things, like our name,
He wasn't in our friend group so I avoided him as much as I possibly could.
When somebody says Sam and two people say yes it's bound to get a little bit awkward.

I walked down the street feeling the breeze pick up, Yeah it was summer but in the pitch black it's sure to be cold.
I could see some of the guys making their way home knowing that manhunt was subsided until the next day.
They all lived pretty close, lucky for them.
I'm sure they've all heart about the 'Cape May Slayer' from their parents.

I stop outside my house looking at the opened curtains.
Before even walking in the driveway you could see my mother on the couch with a bottle of whiskey on the table along with and ashtray filled with burned out cigarettes.
I never understood why she didn't pull the curtains.
It's like she wanted people to see her.
But you'd only be able to tell if you knew what it was you were looking at.

To others they would probably just see a woman, up to her eyeballs with work, has two teenage kids, that needed to unwind a bit.
But what Woody and I seen was a broken woman with too little to do.
Woody and I took care of the housework and made our own food, we took care of ourselves aswell as her.
    She didn't take it for granted of course she would slur how much she appreciated it and mumble random things as she slowly fell asleep.
   We blamed our Dad of course, he was the one that walked out leaving us all behind.

He had a new family now and lived off of his wife and his money.
   I had found out before Woody and my mom.
He'd called once, early around seven A.M. just as I was getting up for school.
I answered it expecting g it to be a salesmen trying to sell us a bible with our family name printed into it.
   So when I said 'I told you to stop calling here we're a faithless household'
  I didn't expect him to answer with.
"Sounds like your mothers doing a great job raising you on her own"

He wanted Woody and I to visit him up in Santa Monica leaving me to break the news to my mother he'd already moved on.
   Woody and I didn't go obviously.
I told him to go to hell along with his new family.
We regretted it later when he stopped paying my mother child support dropping his roll as legal guardianship.

I walk up the porch steps swinging the door open and shut making my way straight into the living room.
  There she sits,Mrs.Woodsworth, in a pool of her own tears and ash.
She turned her head to look at me wiping her tears.
Sitting down beside her I take the cigarette and put it out along with taking the whiskey and the glass into the kitchen.

When I come back she's already laying down on the couch staring off into nothing,
"Do you want me to take you to your bed?",I crouch down to her level so I'm making eye contact with her.
She extends her hand to where my face is just holding it there.
"I'm sorry",She said another tear falling from her face as I place my hand over hers.
"It's fine mom, go to sleep",I rised up onto my feet turning off the only light source which was the lamp.

I turned to look at her once again to see she was in fact already asleep.
Reaching out and grabbing the pack of cigarettes as lighter left on the side table and letting out a sigh I left.

Was it smart to roam the streets In pitch black whilst a serial killer was probably living in my town?
But I once again would rule myself out considering the fact I'm female.

It was now 12:56 And the sky was pitch black, everyone's lights were off and no cars were out.
I could understand why a serial killer would come to a place like this.
Quiet and empty.
Maybe he was trying to work his way around to killing our generation of guys.
It could be a woman trying to rid of the half-baked gender before they could repopulate themselves.

I pulled up my sleeve to check the infection in my arm, scolding myself for not cleaning it when I was in the house.
   The swelling had gone down and there was no longer green fluids dripping from it but it was scabbing.
I pulled down the sleeve after inspecting it for long enough turning to my shoulder to see if the bruising was getting worse.
When I'd used myself as a human bulldozer to stop
Nikki from seeing Davey, and completely failing because she had noticed him before might I add,
  I'd landed on my shoulder, the doctor popped it back into place saying I now had only soft tissue bruising.

I will forever hold that against Davey,
I looked up at Farradays house seeing his lights were also off,
   I should've known he goes to sleep at around ten thirty ,eleven at the latest.
Just down the street was Tommy's house.
  I could hear it before I seen it.
His parents were going at it, arguing about something I couldn't make out.
  I ignored it and hopped the backyard fence to where the treehouse was and climbing straight up.

The light in the treehouse was off so I assumed nobody was there.
   I got myself up and sat on the end of the worn down mattress in the corner.
It was mine before I had to get a new one, so you could say I donated it to the treehouse.

Pulling out the lighter and pack of cigarettes I stared at it.
I had quit more than ten times and yet every time my mom left them there I had to get rid of them.
It's not like I was helping her, she'd just get more.
But it felt like I was doing something instead of just throwing them away.

I lit up the cancer stick inhaling and exhaling out.
"Really Sam?",I jumped at the voice causing me to tumble into the corner and let out a yelp.
The lights that were pinned around the treehouse came on revealing Eats sitting there on the other end of the bed.
"Jesus fucking Christ what is your problem?!",I snapped shoving the pack and lighter into my pockets before picking up the still lit cigarette off the floor and taking another puff.
"Woodys gonna lose his shit if he finds out your smoking",He laughs at my reaction,
"I fucking hate you",I say catching my breath as I move my way back to where I was sat before.

"No, you don't,give me one",He said knocking back a bottle of soda.
"Why are you sitting in the corner being a creep in the first place?",I ask throwing him the pack and lighter.
"Are you deaf?",He asked gesturing in the direction of his parents screams as he lit up a cigarette.
"Doesn't explain why your sitting in the dark and why you waited a full minute before revealing yourself",I catch the pack and after he threw them back ,putting them into my Jean pockets.

"First I was hoping to fall asleep before your climbing disrupted the process and second I was hoping you were gonna take your shirt off",He flicked the stray ash into his soda bottle.
"Why would I do that it's freezing and what process?",I scoffed at the thought.
"A man can't dream?",He asked holding up the porn magazine giving me a pretty clear idea of what he was doing.
"Your disgusting",I state putting out the cigarette.
"You asked",He rolled his eyes mirroring my actions and putting out the cancer stick.
"So why have you come to the man cave?",He sighs leaning back into the wood.
"Didn't want to be at home",I shrugged turning to face him.
"Your not scared that Davys Serial killer is gonna get you",He mocked the fact that I believed Davey.
"No but you should be, He goes after guys",I stand up walking over to where the radio was, pulling the antenna up and switching Chanel's trying to find one that wasn't static.
   The only station that was playing had 'when doves cry' prince playing.

"I hate this song",Eats complained lying down onto the mattress.
"No you don't, nobody hates this song",I roll my eyes placing down the radio and pulling off my jacket.

"You really think a serial killer would hit this town?", He asked looking up at me.
"Yeah,Cape May is nothing compared to the rest of the world, he could literally be living beside you",I say out trying to convince him.
I knew he wouldn't believe it unless he seen it but it was worth a shot.
"I wouldn't be surprised if it was Kyle",I say in a 'matter of fact' tone,
"You think Kyle could be a serial killer? He'd be caught within the day of his first murder",Eats laughed,
"You'd be surprised, a lot of serial killers turn out to be hot",I shrug opening a stray bottle of soda.
"You think Kyles hot?",He scoffed in disbelief.
"Extremely",I confirm taking a sip out of the bottle.
It was room temperature and was flat but that didn't stop me from drinking it.

"You know people have told me Kyle and I look alike, I personally can't see it but...",He trailed off making me raise a brow at him,
"You look nothing like Kyle",I shook my head taking a large gulp from the bottle.
"You saying I'm ugly?",He asked sitting up tilting his head to the left.
"No I'm just saying you don't look like Kyle",I shrug placing down the bottle.
   "So your saying I'm not ugly",He raised his brows in amusement, "that means your saying I'm hot"

"No it doesn't",I denied turning up the radio,
"Yes it does",He smirked lowering the volume once again.
   "No it doesn't",I repeat shaking my head with a laugh.
"So What am I Then?",He asked placing his head in his hand not breaking eye contact.
"I don't fucking know,Average",say after a minute,
"Average also means fuckable",He states proudly,
   "I'm not gonna fuck you if that's what you trying to get to",I laugh finishing the bottle and dropping it outside the treehouse.

"Really?",He asked clearly amused with this conversation,
   "Yes Really",I confirm turning the volume higher again,
"Why's that?",He asked completely turning it off and placing it on the ground,
   "I was listening to that",I point to the radio,
"No you weren't",He shook his head,

"Your literally wearing a padlock on your neck and your asking me why I wouldn't fuck you",I say pointing to the lock he had on his neck.
   "What are you doing?",I ask as He reached up to the back of his neck and pulled the chain the padlock was on, off,

"Still not happening and it's getting late I'm leaving",I say standing up to but instead of just leaving and him being silent I hear,
"Your jacket",I turn around to see it in his hand.
He walks over and hands it to me,
"Thanks",I say turning to leave once again but he gripped my wrist whirling me around to face him before smashing his lips up against mine.
I felt like I'd fell into a state of shock but just gave into it.
He pulled away leaving us just simply looking at eachother for a solid minute.
"You didn't pull away",He gave a smug look like he was proud of himself.
So I did the first thing I could think of, clenched my fist and connected it with his jaw.

"Holy fuck!",I shout surprised that my fist just took control against my minds best judgment.
    "Jesus Christ Sam that's one right hook",He hissed grabbing his face,
  "Holy fucking Shit, that wasn't meant to happen, Sorry",I said quickly apologizing at the fact I nearly knocked his teeth back into his head.

  He just laughed before going back to the mattress.
"Goodnight Sam",He chuckled to himself lying down leaving me to climb down the treehouse.

'Goodnight Sam?', I thought to myself

I nearly broke his fucking jaw.
