chapter 6


I woke up from my nap at like 7:00 PM. I'll have trouble going to bed again. This insomnia makes it all the worse .

"Kellin?" I heard my mom say.

"Yes?........yes.?" I hate when she does this . She calls me and doesn't say anything until I go up to her. I opened my door just to find her standing

in front of it. "Yes?" I asked once more this time very annoyed now.

"Oh you are up. Well I was just coming to tell you that I will be gone all night." I looked at her like she was crazy. Really all night?

"Why?" Was all I could make out.

"Well , I have a date . " she said . I hate this . She is always going on dates , I dont know why if every guy is the same . They take her out , they act all nice and loving for a couple of weeks then they take advantage of her and become real dick heads.

"Oh Kellin, I know what you're thinking . This time he's different. There's something about this one that just.... I don't know he just *sigh* he's different." She said obviously hoping that her words helped my worry.

"Okay, just be careful." She looked at me surprised . Sometimes it feels like I'm the adult here.  She gave me a quick hug before shooting down the stairs and closing the front door behind her.  I looked out my bedroom window and saw him. Her date. He looks so weird, but my mom looks so happy I don't want to ruin her night.

I layed back in bed looking over at my clock. It read; 7:50 PM.

It hasn't even been an hour and I don't know what to do with my time.

I went downstairs and turned the TV on. Some commercial was playing so I headed toward the kitchen . I opened the fridge to see some left overs my mom had left me before leaving. Spaghetti and meatballs yum.

I warmed it up and turned to get a glass of orange juice . When I placed the cup on the counter I heard people screaming outside.

I opened the blinds to see Vic's brother Mike. He was riding his skateboard with a couple of friends . His friends were squirting water at some girls with water guns. I laughed at the girls , and noticed Mike laughing as well.

My microwave made that beeping noise telling me that my food was ready. I walked back and took the plate out , grabbed a fork , poured myself some juice then walked back to the living room.

I heard screaming again and thought nothing of it, until I heard police sirens. I shot from my spot on the couch and ran towards the window to see. I could see a couple of Mike's friends getting chased by some police officers .  I looked around frantically for Mike. I spotted him running towards the back of my house.

I ran to the back door and opened it. "Hey, Mike come here." I whispered but loud enough for him to hear me. He looked at me and ran towards the door.  "Hey man thanks." He said while sliding through the space between me and the door. He was out of breathe , all sweaty and he smelled like .... weed? "Do you want some water?" I asked closing the door. "Yea man please."

I walked towards my fridge to get a water bottle and I heard him say something. "It's Kellin right?" He asked, hands on his knees still breathing heavily. "Yea." I said while handing him the bottle. "Thanks man." I walked back towards the living room gesturing for him to come . "No problem."

I watched as he drank the water. He stopped and looked at me obviously feeling uncomfortable. "Oh sorry." I said trying hard not to blush from embarrassment. "Nah , it's alright." He said

"So, you're Vic's brother right?" I asked .

"Yea , you're his boyfriend right?" I turned my head and looked at him feeling nervous . I don't know why though because it's not like we are dating. "N-no."

"I'm just playing man clam down ." He said with a little laugh. "Oh r-right." I said starting to blush. I reached to grab my TV remote and pressed guide. I noticed the time in the corner. 10:00 PM .

"So, what are you doing out anyways?" I asked. "Oh, you know just trying to have some fun. Hang out with a couple of friends."

"Friends that almost get you arrested?"

"Eh, they're not that bad,they just made a stupid decision tonight." He said playing with the bottle cap. "Oh." Well this isn't awkward at all . What do I do now? I've never exactly had any friends in my house. He isn't even a friend like that. So I never had any one in my house. "Shit, I gotta go." He said getting up quickly from his spot dropping something out of his pocket. I looked down at it and then back at him. His eye's widened in fear . I looked closer and it was weed. He actually has weed with him? Is that why the cops came? How much did they have? Is this even his? I knew I smelled it.

"It isnt mine. My friend passed it to me if he didnt then he would've gone to jail. " he said while picking it up . "It's okay. I'm not going to say anything." He looked relieved. "So how'd you get here?" He smiled then dropped his smile and said "shit, dammit my skateboard. Ah man now how am I gonna get home?"

"Well I mean I can give you a ride." I said getting up from my spot and reaching my keys that were on the coffee table. "You sure? Nah I can walk maybe run i'll make it on time."

"It's no big deal c'mon I'll drop you off."

"Okay, thanks I guess." I walkedtowards the door and opened it .

We got in and I turned the car on. "So where do I go?"

"Make a left right....HERE." he said. "Then keep going straight. Make another left over ... here." His neighborhood really wasn't that far. "My house is right over there." He said pointing to a blue house on the end of the street.

"Wait." He said. I stopped the car. "Yea?"

"Can you leave me here? Some of my friends are over there." I nodded and unlocked the doors. "Oh and don't worry. You don't have to hide the fact that you only gave me a ride to see where my brother lives." He said giving me a wink.

"Thanks for the ride Kellin." He said then closed the door. It didn't even cross my mind that I would be knowing where Vic lived now. I mean its not like i'm gonna be looking through their windows trying to see him naked. Or maybe him taking a shower with the water hitting every inch of his tanned body, hair sticking to his skin. Oh great now I have a boner.

I looked out my car winow and saw Mike staring at me. I smiled then turned the car around and left his neighborhood. Hopefully this thing will go down so I wont go to bed with it.
