chapter 4

Kellin's p.o.v

I don't know what got into me . Of course I was only trying to defend my friend but I don't normally go around beating people up. I walked towards the sink leaning over it keeping my head down. "Kellin...a-are you okay?" I heard Vic say.

I looked at him and said "I'm fine...are you okay?" I asked looking at him. He only nodded his head in response. "sorry...its just I dont like when people mess with my friends." I said truthfully. He looked up at me


"Are you sure you're okay? " I asked with a little laugh.

"Yea, I'm sure..its just I've never had anyone defend me." I looked at him for a second then walked back to the sink. I felt my self getting upset by that response for some reason. I splashed some more water on my face when I heard him speak.

"Kellin, I should be going now." I looked at him and said "Oh Okay I guess I'll see you later." he nodded his head in response and walked out the bathroom.

I stayed in the bathroom for a while longer. 'maybe if you gave him hints he might notice you , what Kellin don't he's just your friend besides that Jaime kid might be his boyfriend ' am I literally having this conversation with myself?

A couple minutes passed and I realized I should be heading off to class. As I walked out the bathroom I hit someone's shoulder. "Sorry." he said quickly and walked faster. He looked like no Alex? But the guy sounded like he had been crying. I shook it off real quick once I saw Jack walking towards the bathroom. He looked at me then walked faster past me. What the heck? Was he going for Alex? Im not sure.

I walked down the hall to a water fountain and as I was about to take a sip I saw Alex angrily walking down the hall. He doesn't look like he's about to cry but I can't say the same for Jack. He came out following Alex with watery eyes. He glanced at me and wiped his eyes .

What is going on between them? Could they be dating? No, not even. I bent down to take a sip of water. I stood up and started making my way to class.

I saw Vic talking to Jaime. He looked confused. Picking up my pace I caught up to them. "Hey Jaime." Vic looked relieved to see me. "h-hey Kellin, well I'll see you guys at lunch." He just walked away from us. Does he not like me or something?

"what's wrong with him?" I asked . "nothing he's just..going to be late for class. " He didnt even look at me when he said it. Maybe they were talking about something important before I came . "Oh, well we should get going to class now."He looked up at me and smiled. "Yea, okay." I smiled back. There's something about his brown eyes and that smile that make me melt everytime.

I'm still curious to find out what's going on with Alex and Jack. Should I tell Vic? I mean its none of my business but I'm pretty sure after they saw me witness whatever I witnessed they'll come up to me later. Oh great I can't wait. Maybe I should keep this to myself for now.

*Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying my story. cx Please vote and comment I'd really like to get some feedback. If theres anything you guys dont like or maybe some other people you want me to add into my story just inbox me or comment. Anyways thanks for reading I hope you like it. Cx*
