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โœฎdating specs, hanging out with him in his room and helping him organize his collectibles.

you lay sprawled out on the living room couch, watching the exorcist as specs stands in the kitchen making more popcorn, one thing you've noticed about specs once you two started dating was that he really loved popcorn , like a lot.

specs walked back out with a bowl of popcorn , moving your legs from his spot and moving them back onto his lap as he sat down, the warm popcorn bowl now resting on your ankles , you looked up at him as he continued munching away, getting right back into the movie , specs loved the exorcist, kind of ironic really , him being a paranormal investigator and all but it makes sense , you also grew a love for the movie, it now being your guys saturday night routine, it has been going on since you two had met before you even started dating, a good 3 years now, you could probably recite the entire movie by heart at this point.

you went to grab the bowl of popcorn but specs beat you to it , handing it over to you without saying a word, a small smile creeping on your face as you hold the bowl in your hand, you two were in sync , you always have been , tucker thinks its the creepiest thing when you and specs say stuff at the same time.

after the movie ended you both were still pretty awake, it's not unusual for you to not be tired at this time , specs and tucker both had a weird sleeping schedule due to work reasons so you kind of picked up on it after moving in with them,
you and specs decided to go to his room to hang out , you jumped on his bed as he continued his way to his closet , opening it and bringing out a box of most likely new trinkets he bought to put on his shelves, you sit up and moved closer to the box of stuff , looking in it curious as he pulls things out, he looks at you and smiles "you wanna help me baby?" he asks you , you nod and grab a spider-man 3 action figure from the box, specs points at it in your hands "hot toys MMS 165 spiderman 3, black suit , very important, please be careful with it my love" he says in a nervous tone, he was always so serious when it came to his collectibles which you very much respected, "you got it boss" you said in a silly voice as you carefully placed it in its correct place on its shelf , next to the other spiderman memorabilia.
you both continued organizing his collectiblesย  , you asking him questions about them every now and then, and he happily answered, going on and on about certain ones, you loved hearing him talk about stuff he enjoyed , it brought you a lot of peace, and plus you learned a lot about random yet very cool things having a boyfriend like specs , you were so thankful for that.

after awhile you grew tired, moving back to laying on the bed as you watched him finish up , he looked over at you, fixing his glasses with his index finger, "you tired?" he chuckled, putting the empty box back in his closet, and making his way to the bed , climbing in with you, he didn't feel tired yet but wanted to make sure you got to sleep, and he knew you loved when he was next to you while you fell asleep, so he grabbed one of his comics from under the bed, you laid your head on his chest, and watched as he opened the comic book, you looked up at him as he focused on the book, you smiled softly looking back down at the comic in his hands, snuggling closer to him , causing a blush to appear on his cheeks, he kissed your head , continuing to focus on what he was reading, your eyes grew heavier as you listened to the sound of his heart beating , his scent of fresh linen and lavender filling your nose sending your nerves into a calm state, all you heard was the soft humming of the heater in the room and the turning of the pages of specs's comic before you drifted off to sleep.

hearing your soft snoring made steven chuckle, he thought you were the prettiest and gentlest being he's ever laid eyes on, he felt himself yawn , now growing tired after finishing the comic , he set it down and turned off the lamp on his bedside table, making himself comfortable with you in his grasp , making sure he didn't wake you, kissing you on the head once more before falling into a peaceful sleep.
