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‧₊˚ 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎

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you meet gavin for the first time at one of his house parties.

you were sitting up in your bed rolling up to go smoke on your bedroom balcony, when your bestfriend jenni burst through the door causing you to loose grip of your grinder , weed spilling all over the bed , "ugh dude seriously?" you stare at her, she laughed out loud "ha dude I totally scared you" you pick up the reminisce of what spilt off your bed putting it back into the grinder , grumbling to yourself as jenni sits on the mattress , rolling her eyes at you "stop pouting and get your ass up we are going to a party" she pokes your face as you continue to roll up , looking at her with an unamused face , "you know i hate parties jj" you state , finished rolling the joint, setting it on the rolling tray. "okay i know BUT it's not what you think, it's a a small house party, my friend gavin is hosting it and no, the music will not be trash i promise" she pleads, "plus you'd love gavin, trust me, he's a nice guy" she looks at you, you knew she wouldn't give up. you let out a groan, sighing "fine, but im only staying for like 2 hours tops." she claps her hands excitedly, as she sits up , you watching her run to get ready in your bathroom that was attached to your room. "hurry, get in here i need help putting my eyelashes on".

you guys ended up walking , realizing gavin's place was only a block away from your townhouse, which was nice because you got to smoke before without having to worry about any jerkoffs begging for a puff.

you both walk inside, the door just wide open for literally anyone to step into. you observe everything around you, music blaring, sweaty bodies , some people playing beer pong , some people smoking, some basically hooking up right next to the speakers ..it was alot for someone like yourself to absorb. this definitely wasn't a "small" house party, but jenni was right about one thing , there was no horrible music , it was like some australian punk music, you realized just how stoned you were when you started to feel the music vibrating throughout your body intensely.
you followed jenni through the sea of people , holding hands so you don't loose one another , we keep walking till we stop at this couch, a man with a short brown mullet kind of hairstyle, a sort of tight dress shirt that hugged his figure perfectly. he had a gold earring in his left ear , and a cigarette in his hand , turning his head to face you and jenni, he stared at you for a second with observing eyes before panning over to jenni, getting up to greet her with a smile on his face wrapping an arm around her neck enthusiastically kissing her temple "JEN how are you feisty? glad you could make it mate" he said to her , you silently snort at the nickname he has given her , because yes she is a feisty one for sure especially after a couple shots, they both turn to face you , "this is y/n , they are like one of my bestfriends" she explains to him as he looks at you with a smile on his face "y/n this is gavin" she introduces you.
"hey , cool music choice by the way it's nice to be at a party that isn't playing shit music" you say to him chuckling, he smirks at you "only the best when at an ellis house party" he laughs , at this point you guys were seated on the couch , gavin reaches in his pocket "speaking of, let's spark this up" he holds up a backwoods, "oh your a godsend dude" you say gawking at the blunt in his hand, this gavin guy was now in your good books so far.

after the blunt was passed around you three a good couple of times you guys found yourselves more giggly than usual, talking about different genres of metal , jenni of course not knowing what the hell you and gavin were on about , but she still stayed and listened , jenni silently smirking to herself at you both interacting, this was exactly what she wanted to happen , you two were like made for eachother and she's been dying to introduce you for so long, both jenni and gavin gave up with the blunt letting you finish it off, you smoked a lot so this was nothing to you "damn jenn i thought i was the huge stoner , but i guess i met my match" he laughs as you puff away on it , laughing as gavin laughs, you both finding it funnier than it was, jenni chuckles getting up "well you two are boring im going to look for ryan, keep my bestie safe gav" she said giving me a kiss on the head and leaving , you were really starting to feel the effects now , you definitely spoke to soon , it hit you like train, the random sudden urge to go outside springs into your mind "let's go outside come on" you said to gavin motioning for him to come with you for a walk , he happily obliged , gripping his sweaty hand pushing through everyone to get to his back door., you both ran down the hill, that attached to his backyard, the laughs of both you echoing as you make it down the hill, there was a gate that led to a path back there, you both climbing over it , him helping you over, gripping your hand, his politeness and soft touch giving you butterflies.

"there's a park down this path, you wanna walk to it ?" he suggests , you nod smiling , continuing to walk , turning the corner that leads to the public park. your eyes spot a swing set , quickly booking over to it with a happy smile, gavin looks at you confused as he tries to catch up,
"y/n wait up" he yells out, breathing heavy from behind you as you take a seat on one of the swings , "come on come on swing with me" you say excitedly kicking your feet up to start swinging , gavin laughs as he watches you have the time of your life , a warm feeling building in his body, joining you in swinging.
you make yourself go higher , "doesn't it feel like your flying" you laugh happily , the weed in your system amplifying the feeling your experiencing , gavin enjoyed watching you so happy, he thought you were the coolest person he'd ever met , you let your inner child shine & you didn't seem to really care what other people thought ,he really admired that., "let's swing in sync" you say looking at him , his face being beautifully lit up by the moon light , his earring glowing a tad bit, he quickens up the pace to swing in sync with you , both of you now swinging steady with eachother, his laugh sending a blush to your cheeks. "watch this y/n" he says as he jumps off the swing from up high landing on his feet , "oh my god be careful. MY TURN" you shout but before he could protest , you were already jumping off, screaming ,not landing on your feet but landing on your ass. "ow oh my god" you laugh loudly as he helps you up , "that was embarrassing" you say , he chuckles , your hands still interlaced , you pull him with you to the jungle gym , starting to climb up the stairs , sitting up top of the enclosure , both of your legs dangling off the edge , you both sat in a comfortable silence for a minute, gavin pulling out his pack of cigarettes, offering you one , you accept and he helps you light it. you stared at gavin as he smoked, he was a very beautiful man , like ethereal actually and it made your head spin, tonight has been so fun , you never wanted it to end. but just like that your phone goes off , ruining the vibes. you answered and a very drunk jenni was on the other end , "I lost my louis bag y/n" she drunkenly said, you roll your eyes, "okay hold on im coming , go sit on a couch jj, I'll be there in a second babes" you say to her and hang up , "yep she's trashed, she didn't even bring her louis bag with her , we need to get to her before there's bloodshed because if she thinks someone stole it we both know what's about to go down" you chuckle shaking your head as you both jump down from where you sat. "are you guys gonna stay over or? you two and ryan are welcome to stay if you'd like. maybe we could go through my metal cds n play some, I can roll us another backwoods too" he suggests looking down at me as we walked , your heart leaping out of your chest at his words, your face heating up , smiling softly "im so down for that" you reply , both of you walking back up the path, the comfortable silence filling the air again, leaving both of you thinking about one another as you walked side by side , enjoying the energy that you two bring to the atmosphere when your together.
little did you two know this was the start of being absolutely infatuated with eachother.
