You get to choose B)

Currently writing a filler chapter( I'm picking up the actual storyline after this chapter), but I'm not sure if I want to (y/n) to interact with BIll or with Juno. If (y/n) interacts with Bill then that specific situation will be slightly intense, but it ends with the chapter being cute and fluffy. The interaction with Juno would be more of Juno being jealous of (y/n), because of the relationship (y/n) has with Legoshi, and that chapter's vibe will be lowkey awkward(love putting Legoshi in awkward situations) and laid back.  So dm me or jus comment.

Side note: So I started my spring quarter two weeks ago, and I haven't had  much free time to write this. Just know that I'm not abandoning this story, but college is jus taking all of my free time.
