Chapter 2: Zell

We learned about our first hero and the forests of VallenWood, but how did our second hero, Zell get stuck in this too.

Our second hero resides in the great imperial kingdom... in the shopping district

A solemn khajiit walks down the main street looking around at the buildings, he walks up to a female redguard soldier, tall and straight postured, she is our second hero.

"Excuse, ja'za. This one is curious about the celestial," he emphasized the statements final words as if it was a code name.

"Sir, are you looking for the shop?" She replied

"Yes madam,"

"come, follow." she looked around for guards and leads the khajiit outside of the shopping district into the residential district.

She cut corners and started to run with the khajiit through the cold dark alleys. She eventually made her way to an old abandon house, shoved far back into the city. "Up here, the door's locked." She climbed up onto the old rusty fence guarding the house and jumped onto a balcony, waiting for the khajiit to do the same. He made his way up of course a lot slower. She was fast and very swift.

She takes one more look around for anybody and opens the door. From there they ran downstairs to the basement where it was loud, people were everywhere, Crowding the place. people were dancing, drinking, and fist fighting. A redguard wearing a light leather armor piece walks over to them.

"Hey, sister how was 'Work'" The redguard pours a drink of ale into a tankard.

"It was fine" She takes off her helmet revealing her long maroon hair.

"This one is curious about joining," the khajiit asked the redgaurd as he is pouring the ale.

"Right, right, Venza is the one to ask, the argonian over there" he points over into the distance, as the khajiit leaves.

"So what's this for?" she asks

"Oh just celebrating our last payload, all thanks to you" he hands her a tankard. "She's the best leader in town, right boys!" He screams it out loud causing the plays to rowdy back up.

"Right, right thank you Alex" she giggled and finished her drink. "I have to get back to my 'duty' ok." she puts her imperial helmet back on and says her goodbye. She runs swiftly back to her station where she stood like always, her shift never changed unless she was on a real job.

She was a master at the arts of Sneak, Speech, Pickpocket, and Illusion. The town simply knew her as a guard, little did they know she was the owner of the biggest thief hideout.

Her shift was normal like always, until today. She heard a commotion down by the residential district and was intrigued, she took off her helmet and placed it down by her sword and shield. She pulled out a dagger and hood from her satchel and equipped them.

She then climbed onto a roof and began to jump, building to building, over to the district. she found herself looking upon the city streets below where she saw the unthinkable. Before she was her home, the old abandon house sitting solitarily in the district now riddled with guards and imperial soldiers all surrounding her friends and family.

They bounded their hands and took them in a horse and carriage, her own people, now awaiting their death penalty. a small tear slowly fell off of her cheek, there was nothing she could do, she was hopeless. Who ratted out their home, it's been hidden for so long, until today.

She looked around as the horse and carriage slowly pulled out and drove away out of the city. she focused her eyes on her once called 'Home' she slowly dropped from the roof above and walked up to some of the guards

"What are you doing here, imperial business only." the soldier threatened Zell

"I deserve to be here, Lt.Zell top guard in my class, I can ask the same, what are you doing here." she felt emotionless, her acting skills were phenomenal.

"Not too sure, started with a tip-off of a stormcloak hiding out here, then somebody found out that this place is riddled with thieves." Zell's attention gazed away from the soldier as she saw something strange, behind the house was a small but slender man, one with a tail, most likely a khajiit.

He walked quietly alone away from the house, with his cloak and backpack as if someone is following him. she began getting intrigued and stopped her conversation to confront this khajiit. she slowly and quietly walked up to him as he stopped.

the khajiit turned towards the wall and searched through his bag, Zell stopped and hid behind a thick bush. He grabbed these bear claw shaped hand guards out of his bag and started to climb up and over the outer wall.

She had no hesitation to run after him, so she did.
