Chapter 1 - Ethruin Ivywood

Our journey starts here, just east of grahtwood where tall trees and thick dark forests reside. Hidden through the complex forests is a small village where Ethruin our first hero resides. Ethruin was popularly known to the town as "The archer" "the Savoir" and "The protector" he took these to heart, he loves it when he gets showered in thanks and gifts.

To the village, he was vital, some say he'd bring the tribe years worth of food when he'd only spend a week on the hunt. he was an excellent huntsman, an outstanding archer, and an amazing protector.

our story starts here, the night of tears.

Ethruin sits alone checking off the lists of supplies that he'd have to deliver to the tribe. he finishes, throws the list in his bag and he stops, silently he listens in the distance he hears a screech or a siren of sound, it almost sounded like a battle cry. his village was close but nobody can find their way through such a thick forest, no, it just had to be something else.

laying near him was his bag, Ethruin walked slowly over to it and opened it up. Inside were typical adventuring items, potions, food, etc. He reached in and pulled out everything but his dagger and some potions. then he grabbed his bow and quill, from there he put his bag on, equipped his bow, then left.

A lot of things crossed his mind, nothing bad, nothing good. he cared about bringing home the food he'd hunted for. Ethruin left his lonely tent and headed for the cry. he noticed something particular, something he couldn't just figure out. the air around him became dense, harder to breathe in, and less visible.

Ethruin looked up, he'd lost his breath at the sight in the sky. An aurora of red, orange, yellow, and white faded the distance. He knew something was off, something bad. His tribe, like most wood elf tribes during the 1st era, hated the burning of trees or harming of nature. Seeing orange and yellow signified the burning of trees, which panicked him. 

The cry got louder and louder the closer he came, the tresses cleared up a tiny bit to show the sight of fire. Ethruin ran as fast as he could, as he was running he grabbed an arrow from his quill, and knocked the bow. he smelled the burning flare of fire and death, and saw the red burning trees. it was his village...

"No" Ethruin stopped to catch his breath. "I've got to do this." He started to bolt as fast as he could towards the village. Embers, smoke and fire everywhere. 

His village was gone, all gone. Fire engulfed the tribe and filled it with fear. Ethruin knew there was a single force of life, he just had to find it. The Tribes inn, Grim-water Drinks, had a purple hue surrounding it. Ethruin was enthralled. He walked up to the blazing inferno and was dazed to rush in, so he did.

Smoke filled the Inn to the point where he couldn't see. in front of him was a lonely crystal, upon further examination it was a shard of one. the smoke wiped his vision he could only feel the cold touch of the crystal as the heat from the fire engulfed all around him.

There was no clear escape, he only closed his eyes and said one word. "Spare me Stendarr, please spare me." Ethruin held the crystal as everything collapsed around him, then it went silent.

The smell of trees and grass surprised him, as he opened his eyes, he was free.

He felt purified of all feelings from before, strange it wasn't a dream, his hunting clothes were scorched with flame. he slowly got up and looked around in a forest, it was a lot more tamer than those before him. his homeland was nowhere near as calm as these oak trees.

Where was he?

Only the gods knew.
