Chapter 370 Challenge (2)

"What's so funny? I just showed mercy and didn't want to hurt anyone!" The immortal opposite Han Li, seeing Han Li's indifferent expression, couldn't help but become annoyed, and began to act even more superior.

"Nothing! I just feel like this competition seems to be easier than I imagined!" Han Li casually said, tapping the ground beneath him with the tip of his toe.

"What? You dare to underestimate me like this!" The middle-aged cultivator's face flushed red in an instant. He raised his hand, and a shiny object appeared in his hand. However, before he could use it, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes. Then, everything went black, and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.


A moment later, Han Li emerged from inside, holding the unconscious middle-aged cultivator upside down.

The other cultivators in the hall were shocked to see this scene.

They were well aware of the difference in cultivation level between Han Li and his opponent. But it was Han Li who emerged victorious, which was truly unexpected.

However, not all cultivators were extremely surprised. The old man who had been frowning the whole time revealed a strangely intrigued expression.

He glanced meaningfully at Han Li, and although he didn't say anything, it seemed like he knew how Han Li had won.

Han Li chuckled, nonchalantly placed two bamboo slips in front of the old man, and left his unconscious opponent on the ground before returning to the group of victorious cultivators.

The old man looked down at the unconscious middle-aged cultivator at his feet, shook his head lightly, and revealed a smile that seemed both amused and cryptic.

"Number eight."


When the last victor appeared, the old man glanced at the other ten cultivators who hadn't participated, cleared his throat, and said lightly:

"Next, the challenges will proceed in numerical order. If you feel that your mana is severely depleted, you can take a break first and challenge later. However, all challenges must be completed today, or you will forfeit. Furthermore, challengers are not allowed to challenge someone who has already fought. As for the additional number eleven, they will challenge one of the ten winners at the end."

"Alright, let's begin!"

After the old man finished speaking, the first-ranked cultivator couldn't wait to choose a seemingly weaker opponent from the remaining ten cultivators and entered the platform together.

The challenged opponent only had cultivation at the sixth level, while he was at the seventh level, giving him a significant advantage!

However, after just a cup of tea's time, it was the cultivator of the sixth level who emerged from the white light first. As for the first-ranked cultivator, he emerged later with injuries covering his body.

With a look of shame, he didn't say a word and rushed out of the hall.

Seeing this scene, the remaining challengers' expressions changed. However, the cultivator seemed indifferent as he returned to the group of ten.

"The next one!" the old man called out without any surprise. It seemed that the victory of the cultivator was expected!

"Senior, my mana hasn't recovered yet. Can I wait a moment?" the second-ranked cultivator said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Number three." The old man ignored whether this person's mana had truly not recovered or if he was just hesitant and called out the next number.

The next cultivator frowned slightly and also avoided the challenge.

As for the fourth-ranked cultivator, he couldn't bear to be left behind and reluctantly challenged an opponent, entering the platform.

The result was the same scene repeated once again.

Seeing the heavily injured fourth-ranked cultivator, the remaining challengers couldn't help but show shock.

In this situation, the next two cultivators also delayed their challenges. In their view, it was wiser to let others go first and test the situation.

"Number seven." The old man's expression changed slightly before he calmly called out Han Li's number.

Han Li walked out silently, pointed his finger, and chose an opponent with cultivation at the sixth level.

The opponent was a sturdy man who grinned ferociously upon seeing Han Li not backing down and choosing him. He strode towards the platform with confidence.

On the contrary, Han Li walked slowly, as if contemplating a strategy.

As the sturdy man and Han Li disappeared into the white light, everyone focused their attention on the platform.

The old man at the Foundation Establishment stage closed his eyes, seemingly concentrating.

But after a while, his expression changed slightly, and he opened his eyes with a hint of surprise. Following that, a figure appeared on the platform as the white light dissipated. It was Han Li. He was completely unscathed, but he was dragging his opponent, who was charred all over, with one hand. He walked out leisurely, looking extremely relaxed.

Seeing this scene, not only the other challengers were stunned, but even the remaining challenged cultivators showed disbelief.

As for the elder behind the old man, his mouth hung wide open, unable to close for a moment.

Han Li placed his still-breathing opponent in front of the old man and calmly returned to his original position amidst various astonished gazes.

Seeing this, the other challengers couldn't help but give way, showing a trace of awe.

Seeing this situation, Han Li couldn't help but sneer inwardly.

It seems that no matter where you go, strength is still the most effective way to speak.

Perhaps Han Li's unexpected victory gave the remaining challengers confidence, as the rest of them chose not to back down and directly selected their opponents for battle.

However, none of these challengers escaped without sustaining serious injuries.

Seeing this scene, the earlier challengers were shocked and completely extinguished their desire for victory. After some consideration, they all chose to forfeit.

After all, knowing that they were no match but still forcing the issue wasn't a sign of bravery, but rather foolishness!

In this way, the old man announced on the spot that only Han Li had obtained the qualification for the Great Island Merchant on behalf of the Gu family.

Then, the old man handed a blue jade slip to Han Li, instructing him to deliver it to the Gu family.

Then, the old man didn't hesitate to issue an order for the visitors to leave. All the cultivators were rudely expelled from the hall.


In the corridor, when Han Li handed the blue jade slip to the head of the Gu family, the expression on his face was truly priceless.

At first, he was a bit incredulous, then surprised, and finally ecstatic!

"Master Han, there's no need for me to express my gratitude further. You can rest assured that the conditions promised by the Gu family will be fulfilled for you."

As he said this, Han Li, the head of the Gu family, and Wang Changqing were already sitting in the beast-drawn carriage on their way back to the Gu family estate.

Although he expressed his gratitude with every word, he held the jade slip tightly in his hands, fearing it might fly away. His appearance was quite amusing.

"I trust Mr. Gu won't go back on his word, especially to a cultivator," Han Li said with a faint smile, leaning against the wall of the carriage.

After hearing Han Li's seemingly warning words, both the head of the Gu family and Wang Changqing paled and hurriedly assured him that they wouldn't dare.

Shortly after,

Han Li returned to the wooden house on the hill, with Qu Hun obediently guarding it.

Han Li only practiced Qi in the house for three more days when Wang Changqing came again.

This time, he came to inform Han Li that he could go to the Immortal Mountain's Heavenly Ascension Pavilion to apply for permanent residence on Kui Star Island. He also wanted to confirm a place for Han Li to cultivate.

After all, every cultivator on the island could have their own cave abode.

Although because he hadn't participated in the competition for the spiritual land, the place he could obtain would definitely have thinner spiritual energy, at least he would have a place to cultivate.

With the guarantee letter signed by the Gu family in hand, Han Li flew directly to the central part of Kui Star Island. Qu Hun naturally stayed behind to guard the small house.

On the way, Han Li flew over seven or eight cities and dozens of towns before finally seeing the Immortal Mountain described by Wang Changqing.

It was a towering green mountain that pierced the clouds, with three peaks soaring into the sky, giving it a majestic and imposing presence.

The countless small peaks beneath the giant mountain were too numerous to count.

At a glance, Han Li had no idea how wide this mountain was.

Han Li stared blankly at the so-called "Immortal Mountain," feeling a bit dazed.

"Huh, isn't this Fellow Daoist Han?" Suddenly, a voice of greeting came from behind Han Li.

Han Li was slightly surprised and felt somewhat familiar, so he quickly turned around to take a look.

Not far behind him, the weak-looking Wen Qiang was smiling at him, standing on a flying artifact that looked like a wheel.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Wen. What a coincidence!" Han Li was slightly surprised and chuckled.
