Chapter 286 Wang Mansion

The Xīn Wang Mansion was not located within the Imperial City, but rather in the southern district. After an hour's journey in a horse-drawn carriage, Han Li and the others arrived at the intersection of the southern district.

The architectural style of the residences in the southern district, unlike those in the eastern district where the Qin Mansion was located, was noticeably different, mostly consisting of standard, orderly buildings.

The size and style of the residences here directly indicated the rank and status of the occupants.

These residences were all built by the government and allocated to officials strictly according to their ranks and titles. No one dared to expand or renovate them arbitrarily, as it would constitute a violation of regulations.

As a member of the royal family and holding the title of a prince, the Xīn Wang naturally had one of the most prominent residences in the southern district.

The area of his mansion was slightly larger than that of the Qin Mansion, making it a colossal estate.

When the carriage stopped in front of the Xīn Wang Mansion, Han Li immediately sensed the majestic aura of worldly wealth and power that could only be found in the mortal realm.

The gate of the mansion was about five or six zhang high and three or four zhang wide, entirely enveloped in thick brass skin. Dozens of huge door nails were embedded in the facade, giving the gate an opulent and dignified appearance.

On both sides of the nearly ten-zhang-high steps, there were ferocious bronze lion statues, polished to a shine, emitting a dazzling light, incredibly eye-catching!

However, what made the Xīn Wang Mansion appear even more imposing was the sixteen neatly dressed guards standing on the steps outside the gate. These guards were specially borrowed from the Forbidden Guard of the Imperial City by the Xīn Wang to prevent any unexpected incidents due to the large number of people.

The steward of the Xīn Wang Mansion was a thin, old man who was currently standing on the steps, smiling and greeting each new guest on behalf of the master, the Xīn Wang. He didn't dare to neglect any of the guests.

At this moment, dozens of carriages of various sizes had already stopped in front of the gate, almost filling the entire empty space in front of the mansion.

On the huge bluestone steps, there were five or six guests who had not yet entered the mansion, chatting with each other. They were all elegantly dressed and graceful in their movements, clearly individuals of high status.

Seeing all this, Qin Yan straightened his clothes and calmly got off the carriage.

Han Li, vigilant, looked around and saw the presence of cultivators, so he also got off the carriage with peace of mind.

As for the several young masters and misses of the Qin family, they had already gotten off the carriage as soon as it stopped. They were now standing in front of the mansion, excitedly discussing something.

Han Li glanced at the guests still on the steps and found that besides the juniors of the Qin family, other guests also brought young relatives such as sons and nephews.

"Are they all invited by the so-called young prince, or is it simply a pretext by the Xīn Wang Mansion to deliberately gather these young people here?" Han Li pondered, feeling puzzled, and then glanced at Qin Yan.

Seeing Qin Yan's similarly furrowed brows, it was evident that he was also somewhat surprised.

"Grandfather, let's go in! The young prince and the others are waiting for us!" A sixteen or seventeen-year-old young master of the Qin family, seeing that his grandfather had been standing near the carriage without moving, couldn't help but step forward and say this, encouraged by the persuasion of his siblings. He was afraid of being reprimanded by Qin Yan.

"Alright, let's go in. Everyone, follow me!" To everyone's surprise, Qin Yan nodded casually in response to this statement and agreed with a smile. This unexpected response delighted the young man, and he hurriedly returned to his peers.

However, before Qin Yan could lead the group inside, the steward of the mansion, having just dealt with a guest, immediately spotted the Qin family and approached them with a smile. As soon as he reached them, he warmly said:

"Master Qin, you've finally arrived! Our young master has been talking about you for several days, wondering why you haven't visited the mansion. Come, come in quickly! The young master will be delighted to see you!"

"Ah, it's just recently..." This steward was truly eloquent. With just a few words, he made everyone feel warm and happy!

Qin Yan couldn't help but smile and casually chatted with the steward for a few words.

But because more guests were arriving at the mansion, the steward didn't have time to exchange more words with Qin Yan. Instead, he led Qin Yan and the others into the mansion. After apologizing, he hurried back outside.

Although Han Li had been standing by Qin Yan's side, silent, he couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort when he saw the steward's figure leaving. He couldn't sense any spiritual fluctuations from the steward, yet when the steward approached, Han Li suddenly felt a chill, as if a terrifying monster was approaching. It made Han Li extremely uncomfortable!

Although Han Li didn't know why, he was always confident in his own feelings. He immediately added the steward of the Wang Mansion to his list of people to be cautious and suspicious of.

"Han nephew, let's go! Let me introduce you to some uncles and elders you haven't met yet!" Qin Yan, seeing the steward leave, smiled and said to Han Li.

This made the other Qin family members standing on the other side of Qin Yan immediately feel sour in their hearts, feeling that the head of the family was being too biased.

But Han Li just smiled inwardly, knowing that Qin Yan was actually creating an opportunity for him to stay close to him. Therefore, he didn't refuse and agreed without hesitation.

Then, led by Qin Yan, they entered the grand hall of the Wang Mansion.

There were about a hundred people in the hall, although it appeared crowded, most of them were in groups of two or three. Of course, there were only two or three families like the Qin family, who came with seven or eight people.

At this time, the Xīn Wang had not yet appeared in the hall. It seemed that he would not show up until all the guests had arrived.

As soon as Qin Yan appeared at the door of the hall, several familiar friends warmly greeted him.

Qin Yan naturally responded to each of them with a bow of respect, and after scanning the room, he apologized to others and went to an elderly man sitting beside a man and a woman.

The man had thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a steady demeanor. Although the woman's appearance was ordinary, her eyes were sharp and full of enthusiasm, as she unabashedly looked over the younger generation behind Qin Yan, including Han Li.

"Hua Lao, I didn't expect you, the famous divine physician, to appear here! I thought with your temperament, you would definitely refuse to come to such an occasion." Qin Yan sat down next to the old man and joked in a low voice.

"Cough! Originally, I didn't want to come, but the strange illness of the prince's favorite consort was unexpectedly cured by someone. This makes me very curious, I want to see who has such miraculous medical

skills!" The old man addressed by Qin Yan as Hua Lao didn't feel any restraint at all. He smiled slightly and said lightly.

"Oh! So, the rumors about you being invited by the prince to treat his consort are true. It's rare that with your medical skills, you couldn't cure this illness?" Han Li saw Qin Yan's extreme surprise, indicating that this old man's medical skills should be very famous in Yuejing.

"Hehe, there are all kinds of strange and difficult diseases in this world. With my limited medical skills, it's purely a fluke to have achieved the reputation I have today. There's nothing surprising about some incurable rare diseases!" The old man laughed and said nonchalantly, seeming to have a very broad mind.

"But I still don't believe that there's a doctor in Yuejing with medical skills superior to yours?" Qin Yan shook his head, showing that he had great confidence in the old man's medical skills.

But when the old man surnamed Hua heard this, he smiled faintly and didn't respond. Instead, he pointed to the man and woman beside him and said:

"Hua Nan, Hua Fang, you've met him before. Come here and greet Grandfather Qin!" The old man surnamed Hua seemed to be deeply respected in the hearts of these two men and women. As soon as he spoke, they hurried over to greet Qin Yan.

"Hehe, I didn't expect both of your grandchildren whom I haven't seen in years to grow up so much. I don't have much on me, so I'll give you two this pair of jade pendants as a token of meeting!" Qin Yan said kindly, reaching into his pocket and taking out a pair of white jade pendants inlaid with green jade, obviously valuable items.

Although the man was fine, his eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, which quickly disappeared. However, the woman's face was full of excitement, and her gaze at the pair of jade pendants was extremely eager!

"Unworthy of your kindness, Grandfather Qin! Qin Lao and our family are not strangers!" The old man surnamed Hua saw this and couldn't help but smile and scold.

Hearing this, the man and woman dared to accept the jade pendants from Qin Yan, but the woman's expression was extremely excited.

"Besides him, I've met the other juniors behind you a few times. Is this your new nephew who just arrived in the capital?" Finally, the old man surnamed Hua turned his gaze to Han Li and looked at him up and down with some interest.

"Yes, this is Han Li, a descendant of one of my elders."

"Han nephew, this is your uncle Hua, one of the two famous divine physicians in Yuejing. He's just as famous as Doctor Ye, who specializes in treating the emperor!" Qin Yan suddenly remembered and hadn't introduced Han Li to this old man yet.

"Uncle Hua, hello!" Han Li obediently greeted the other party.

"Well, not bad, not bad!" The old man surnamed Hua didn't see anything outstanding in Han Li, so he just casually praised him a few times.

But when he thought of the recent rumors related to this young man, he hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his thin, dry hand, and took out a small white bottle from his sleeve, handing it to Han Li.

"This is a bottle of Heart-Protecting Pill that I carefully formulated! Although I dare not say it can cure all diseases, it's definitely effective for minor injuries and illnesses. Take it as a self-defense measure, Han nephew!" As soon as the old man spoke, Han Li immediately felt the envy and jealousy from the Qin family members behind him, while Hua Nan and Hua Fang also showed some surprise. Obviously, this "Heart-Protecting Pill" was quite famous!
