Chapter 97: Get a Certificate

After a whole night's deliberation, Shen Mian thought that He Xing's idea wasn't bad.

So after he got up in the morning and washed up, Shen Mian looked at He Xing in the mirror, who hadn't buttoned his clothes and wandered around behind him. He hinted, "Today is Friday. I don't have class in the afternoon."

Marshal He would wander around in front of Shen Mian every morning half-clothed, showing off his pecs, abs, sharp shoulders and neckline, but most of the time, the object of his display just lifted his eyes to look at him and did what he was supposed to do without changing his face.

Dean Shen actually paid attention to him today and he(HX) felt him(SM) hinting something.

No class in the afternoon... Is that a hint to go out on a date?
He Xing coughed softly and hugged Shen Mian from behind, shaking him slowly like a tilting doll, his eyes all smiles. "I just so happen to not have classes this afternoon either. I heard that a new restaurant opened in the city. We can go for a meal first, then..."

"What I'm trying to say is," He Xing didn't successfully pick up on his hint, so Shen Mian had to directly say it, "Do you want to go get a certificate?"

He Xing was stunned for a moment before reacting. The smile on his face slowly disappeared. After staring at Shen Mian for a while, he suddenly turned around and walked away.

The weight stuck on Shen Mian's body suddenly disappeared and then he saw He Xing turn around and walk away. He was slightly stunned that he didn't even talk to him- this was the first time He Xing had shown such obvious displeasure in front of him.

That expression... he's probably very angry.

As for what he was angry about, Shen Mian pondered for a while in front of He Xing's toothbrush and cup but still couldn't figure it out. He decided to go and coax He Xing first.

Shen Mian opened the bathroom door. He Xing was sitting on the chair, his back to Shen Mian. The quantum computer on the table buzzed several times, but He Xing didn't pay attention to it and just stared out of the window.

Shen Mian made the sound of his footsteps louder and walked over, picked up He Xing's quantum computer and looked at it. It was a message from Yan Zhou, saying that he would post this image tonight.

Shen Mian put down the quantum computer and put his hand on the armrest with his jaw resting against the top of He Xing's head. He Xing's hair was a little longer than before. Marshal He didn't go to the army, so he lovingly grew his hair a bit. He even snuck off to get his hair done the first few times, though it would be messed up by Shen Mian at night.

Shen Mian called him. "He Xing."

He Xing didn't say a word.
In fact, when Shen Mian leaned in closely, most of the fire in his heart was extinguished.

Shen Mian had never coaxed such a big dragon before and didn't know where to start. "Are you ignoring me?"

He Xing spoke up after a moment of feeling stifled, "... What you just said."

Shen Mian repeated, "To go get a certificate."

He Xing, "..."
Gian's dullness must've been from Shen Mian. He Xing said that, but it was not to hear Shen Mian repeat what he had just said.

Shen Mian didn't understand, stood up and asked, "Isn't it nice to get a certificate?"
He Xing was only a little bit away from hating marriage. He usually didn't get hung up on a conversation, but when he was in the heat of the moment, he still liked to go over and talk about marriage-related matters.

He Xing was so angry that if he were in dragon form now, his scales would have exploded. "Are you now agreeing to marry me for the little dragon cubs?"

Dean Shen had to admit it. "... A little bit."
He came from the apocalypse and had lived through periods where the law and social morality collapsed to the extreme. He didn't care about wedding ceremonies and often ignored the validity of the law.

Shen Mian cared more about actually getting along rather than about getting a certificate or holding a wedding.

There was nothing he cared about more than living peacefully like now.

He Xing's jawline suddenly tensed. He stood up and walked out.

Shen Mian failed to coax the big baby. Fortunately, although he was insensitive in this regard, he was still quick to react and immediately remedied the situation. "It's mainly because I like you."

He Xing's had already wrenched open the dormitory door and stopped again when he heard that, hesitantly turning around. "Really?"

Shen Mian probably figured out what He Xing was upset about. "Why would I want to get married if I didn't like you?"

"If it was just for Gian and Xing Fei, wouldn't I just go find and marry a random alpha?"

"I just thought this was the right opportunity. I don't think marriage is unimportant and don't see it as a tool. Maybe it might be a little informal..."
Shen Mian walked in front of He Xing and gently moved aside He Xing's hand that was holding the doorknob, closing the door with the back of his hands. The refurbished dormitory door made only a slight metallic clenching sound and the dormitory was so quiet that only the sound of breathing remained.

Shen Mian looked directly at He Xing. "Do you want a proposal?"

He Xing's breathing stopped.

Shen Mian lowered his eyes. "It's a bit rushed... I forgot to prepare, but I hope you like this."
He raised his hand and silver mana poured down from his fingers and formed two plain rings. He took one and put it on He Xing, which was, of course, the right size.

He Xing had been with him for so long and this was the first time that he had learned Dean Shen's ability to play romantically. The mana that touched his skin obviously had no feeling. The mana, which had not been transformed by Shen Mian, was not fierce at all and was sheepishly wrapped around He Xing's fingers.

He Xing clutched Shen Mian's hand, pulled him in front, lowered his head and kissed him. "Don't just coax me."

Shen Mian, "... I won't coax you."

If he was good at coaxing people, he wouldn't have been single until he met He Xing.
"Everything I said is sincere."

He Xing looked up, his eyes shining brightly at Shen Mian. "Then let's go get our certificate now."Shen Mian, "??"
Aren't you changing too quickly?
