Chapter 39: Hot Topics

The first day of the childcare teacher's unified examination ended and the relevant examination was listed on Reader's popular search list, occupying the top five places.

Reader is a social network with an extremely large number of users and a huge amount of traffic and its popularity is immense. Top searches tend to represent StarNet's most popular words over a period of time.

Many users have just finished their day's work and opened Reader to browse the popular searched as usual and on the list, they see the hot search "Even if I can't get a high mark, it still should around a hundred or so."

At first glance, this title was related to the exam.

Curious users clicked on it and found that it was a hot search about the childcare teacher's comprehensive assessment, with the most-watched video being a short video from Thirty Minute Water.

Thirty Minute Water:
Today is the first day of the childcare teacher's unified examination. The childcare teachers have said that this was the most difficult test for individual courses in recent years. This channel's reporter interviewed the candidates for the childcare teacher's unified examination and the teachers who normally taught cubs recalled the horror of the final exams when they were students.
But in the midst of all the wailing, there were some school tyrants who said it wasn't a big problem.

At the bottom is the video playback window.

Unlike human children, who don't need to take exams in kindergarten, the dragons take exams from kindergarten all the way to university graduation and every adult dragon is ruthlessly tested.

The dragons, who had been tested since childhood, couldn't control their trembling hands and slowly clicked on the video.

As soon as the video opened, an expressionless young man appeared on the screen and because of his height, he had to lower his gaze slightly to meet the reporter's gaze. His eyes were an elusive deep black and his gaze was cold but heavy.


[Open screen beauty alert!]

[A-level scenic alert!]

[Note for screenshots ahead!]

[This face headed for sniping! You hit the nail on the head!]

The reporter held the microphone in front of the youth and asked him about the difficulty of the test.

The background of the video was a noisy high school entrance, some candidates who have just finished the exam even cried. The youth in the chaos of the candidates was calm as if he did not take the examination.

The youth, facing the reporter's question, avoided the childcare teacher who was crying until they hiccupped, and dropped a remark as he continued to walk forward, "Not bad, the difficulty was at the point where half the candidates failed."


[Is that true? Is it that hard this year? The soon to be graduating young dragon education majors are shivering.]

[It's really difficult. There were many details in the exam that I don't usually review. I chose almost all of my answers blindly and cried when I came out.]

[Is it that scary? Almost half of them? So will there be any childcare teachers next year?]

[It's okay as long as the total score of the six courses exceeds the passing line. The second course should be of normal difficulty. I guess the next few courses shouldn't be too difficult, but a lot of the candidates have been mentally fried.]

[We had a brother in the exam room who cried while answering the questions. It was hilarious and pitiful.]

In the video.
The youth returned to the side of his vehicle. The adult dragon wearing a black jacket held a small half-human, half-dragon girl in his arms and when he saw the youth approaching, one large and one small hand extended towards the youth at the same time.

The youth swatted the adult dragon's hand away and then gently held the young girl's hand, fixing the little dragon cub's somewhat messy hair.

The adult dragon wasn't angry at all and pointed to the red banner beside him, "Do you like it?"

The youth tilted his head up to take a look, grabbed the red banner, looped the lower end around his hand a few times and with little effort, pulled down a small black dragon cub. The words "Qiming Childcare Centre" flashed in front of the camera and then a small black dragon cub fell into the young man's arms in a daze.

The youth rolled up the banner in his hand slapped it onto the adult dragons face, "I like it, I particularly like it. I'd be happier if you wore it on your body instead of hanging it here."

The adult dragon, "Mhm, my family's dean is also very fierce today."

[Here? Force-feeding me other people's sugar?]

[Hahahahaha That banner seemed to say "Dean Shen Mian Shen, you are the light, the legend" and I didn't see the rest.]

[I also saw it too, the second half of the sentence was "Qiming Childcare Centre's star", so embarrassing hahahahahaha.]

[The way he rolled the banner was very handsome, the action was so shard and powerful.]

The reporter coughed lightly to bring the attention of the few people in front of him back to himself, "Then what results do you expect to get in this course, sir?"

The camera showed several baby dragons gently grabbing the young man's clothes and the baby gem dragon held the young man's hand tightly, "Don't be afraid, Dean. We'll definitely so well in the exam."

The youth bent over and petted the gem dragon's head, "Even if I can't get a high mark, it still should be around a hundred or so."

The reporter was puzzled, "Has the total score for this course been reformed?"

The youth looked baffled, "Of course not, it's still a hundred and twenty."

The barrage had question marks rolling across:


[?????? How many points did you say again?]

[As we all know, one hundred points on a difficult paper with a total score of one hundred and twenty is not a high mark.]

[Let me see which childcare centre is redefining what a high mark is.]

[Reporting, after sniping, this centre is called "Qiming Childcare Centre".]

In the few minutes of the video, the opening was face-value sniping, the middle was the suspected couple feeding sugar and it ended with the sentence "Even if I can't get a high mark, it still should around a hundred or so," killing all the candidates outside the video.

After the topic became a hot topic, new messages and barrages kept coming in to increase the popularity. From the afternoon into the evening, the topic was so popular it was scary.

In the evening, when the topic's popularity slightly dropped, Cat Eye Live's official Reader account salvaged a handful of topics and reposted the original video.

Cat Eye Live:
We've come late! Who wouldn't love to squeeze into the front row to confess to the dean, who is an alpha-like and handsome school tyrant little brother? Watch the Dean's online lecture now on Cat Eye Live!
@Shen Mian
Secretly asking Dean Shen, why is he so handsome?
#Enter Live Room 1551#

The top comment under the forwarded video:

Not a cloud in the sky: Ahhhhh to be honest, I fell in love with Dean at first sight in that video, thank you to the official salvation for letting me know that Dean is actually an anchor. The moment he caught the dragon cub was the moment he caught my heart, I saw the tenderness beneath your cold exterior wu wu wu. I love the Dean, aerial dance confession!

Shen Mian had his own account on Reader and after throwing it to He Xing to operate it for a while, the number of fans caught up with the number of followers he had on Cat Eye Live.

He Xing found Cat Eye Live's forwarding at night, deliberately sent it to Shen Mian to see and asked the question, "May I ask Dean Shen, why you look so handsome?"

Shen Mian looked at the four dragon cubs waiting for him to tell the story, thought about it and replied, "Because I want to set an example."

He Xing and the little dragon cubs looked like they didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

Shen Mian, "It's just that I want you to learn from me."

Gian hugged the little sister and whispered in fear of scaring Xing Fei, "Will we look very good if we learn from the dean?"

Yan Tan and Lu Yuan were shocked, "So this is something that can be learned?"
