The Memory Of It All

Beast Boy's POV 💚
After my amazing breakfast, everyone was eager to watch the camera feed and finally know what had happened.

Not so much.

I couldn't stand the thought of watching myself harm Raven.

It would just hurt me ten times more.

"Come on y'all, we can watch it from my room." Cyborg called from the end of the hallway, motioning for us to join him.

We all rose from our seats in the kitchen and headed to Cyborg's room.

Once we neared his door Cyborg was standing in front of it and held his hands out, halting us to a stop.

"Now, before you're allowed to enter my humble abode, I must warn you to proceed with caution. Almost everything in here is extremely fragile, so unless I say so..."

He squinted seriously and pointed to each of us one at a time as he spoke.


Then he smiled."Now that we've got that cleared up, come on in!"

He pushed the door open and stood to the side, extending his arm out so we could go in.

I'd been in Cyborg's room loads of times, more than I could even count, so I knew what to expect. But the other's hadn't, and they each looked around with eyes full of wonder.

Even Raven looked impressed.

The walls were a light shade of grey, lined with light blue glowing circuitry, similar to that of Cy's parts. They all were connected to a device of some sort, ranging from colossal screens to tiny mounted computers.

We kept walking further and further into the room and Cyborg led us to a door which he opened.

Inside, many screens were hung on the wall, showing live surveillance from every room in the tower.

Cyborg sat down in an office chair placed in front of the screens, and Raven used her magic to pull up 4 more.

We each sat down.
Cyborg managed to find the saved video from the specific night.

He was about to press play when Raven said,"Wait! I have an idea."

She muttered a quick spell and suddenly, strong, merciless winds filled the room, blowing papers and other small objects around.

It grew stronger and stronger.
Raven remained unfazed.

"What's going on!!" Robin yelled over the wind.

"We're going to relive the events of that night, and this time we'll remember everything, but we won't be able to control what we're doing. It'll be like we're inside our "past bodies", watching what happened from within." Raven explained.

The screens cracked revealing a growing black and purple portal.

"That's not permanent, is it!?!!" Cyborg asked in panicked tone.

Raven faintly smirked. "I don't know...possibly."

The winds grew more and more severe, to the point that we were hanging onto ours chairs for dear life while the portal tried to suck us in.

Raven just looked deep into the portal, as if she were waiting for something.

Then after a moment she screamed,"NOW!" And let go of the chair.

She was instantly sucked into the portal.

"Well, it's now or never." Robin said and let go too, followed by Cyborg.

I did not want to let go.
I did not want to watch myself hurt Raven.

"Starfire..." I looked over at her.

"I...I can't do it."

"Life is all about taking the risks. You can do it friend Beast Boy, I believe in you." She smiled widely and let go, but quickly reached for my hand.

I took it, and we were pulled in together.
Raven's POV 💜
I opened my eyes and I was sitting on the sofa next to Beast Boy, again. It felt so weird.

Starfire walked towards us.
"Hello friends! I am feeling the need to do the hanging of the outs with somebody."

I felt myself look up at her.
It was almost as if my body were on autopilot.

Her eyes flickered to the TV screen. She leaped into the air.

"Friend Beast Boy and friend Raven, you guys enjoy this show of TV too? Oh goody! I will go search for the popped corn in the kitchen."

Then she left.

This is definitely going to take some getting used to.
Beast Boy's POV 💚
Starfire returned with a big bucket of popcorn, complained that she had no place to sit, Raven started to leave, I heard myself tell her to sit with us, bla bla bla.

I wasn't really focused on what was happening. We had already figured that all out.

But as the seconds ticked by, I knew I was getting closer and closer to having to hurt Raven, and I was beside myself with worry.

I can't control anything I do, I can't stop myself from hurting her.

How could I possibly focus with everything that was on my mind?

Starfire squeezed herself next to us and pushed Raven into my chest, just like last time, but now it felt slightly different from how I remembered.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion.

She moved away from me and pulled her hood on further, and I said,"How are you gonna watch the show with that thing on?"

I slid her hood down to her shoulders revealing her beautiful pale face and shimmering short, purple hair.

"There," I said,"Besides, you look much better with your hood off."

And she really did.

I didn't understand why Raven always wanted to keep herself hidden inside that cloak. I felt that the world deserves to see her incredible beauty.

A blush rose to her cheeks and before long she was as red as a tomato. I smiled at her and turned back to the TV.

I made her blush! Score!

Starfire gasped. "Oh how rude of me! I am not even sharing the popped corns with my dear friends! Here friend Raven, you and Beast Boy can have the rest."

I watched her practically throw the bowl into Raven's lap.

I licked my lips and shoved my hand into the bowl, and accidentally touched Raven's leg.

It was so warm, I just wanted to wrap her in a hug and never let go, holding onto her for the rest of eternity.

Raven blushed profusely, and I felt myself blush as well.

She's so cute when she blushes.
