Sorry But, This Ain't An Update

{Halloween Fanart๐Ÿ™ˆXD}


I know, I know.
That's some amazing fanart by Shock777.

But if you thought that was epic, just look at this.

Aren't they awesome?

Okay, back to what I meant to say, thank you for 4k reads.
Y'all are incredible.

So, Thanksgiving's coming up, and I'd just like to say that I'm thankful for each and every one of you, who took time to support me, through thick and thin.

I try my best to update every week, but I usually slip the 7 day mark.
(Aka, I suck at updating)
I'm so sorry for dishonoring you.

Welp, as I say every time I make one of these, according to tradition, there'll be a new chapter up in a matter of seconds.

Brace yourselves....
And scroll down.

