Chapter 1

Yet another day I woke up to my 6:00 AM alarm in order to get to school on time, however myself and everyone in my family knows that I'll be at least fifteen minutes to school. I hate going to school but I love getting educated; it's just that, to me, the system is fucked up, the teachers are hypocrites and the students are dumb and immature.

I get out of bed, stumbling over all kinds of shit I got on my floor, reminding myself for like the tenth day in a row that I'll clean up later. I'm a clean person but just sometimes suffer from what I call the mental inability to complete tasks. I firmly believe that there is something or many things wrong with me mentally but I don't have the time to see a therapist, plus I hate self reflection although I should really consider doing some 'cause lately everything's just been going downhill but I don't really care and I can't be bothered.

I head out my bedroom door, seeing that the hallway lights are still off which means that no one else in my five person nuclear family is awake. I'm the middle child, 16 years old, situated between a dumb bratty 18 year old sister and an adorable 5 month old baby brother; my mom and dad have been married for 20 years but they've been together 22 years and knew each other practically their whole lives. Anyways, so as I head down the hallway to brush my teeth and wash my face, I pass in Joshua, my little brother's, room and kiss him on his both cheeks and forehead like I usually do every morning when I wake up and evening when I come home.

I head back to my room to do my hair, after freshening my face, and decided to do a messy bun on top my head with a blue scarf tied around my head.

"Laila!!!" I hear my dad yell, as he usually does every morning, ensuring that I'm awake and "on time".

"I'm up! Getting dressed!" I yelled back loudly.

I put on one of my favourite albums, Ctrl by SZA, while just lounging in my room. After a few minutes I hear Josh crying, knowing that my mom's probably still sleeping and my dad is most likely having yet another banter with Onika, my sister, I head over to his room and pick him up.

It's now 7:30 AM, and after spending the past 45 minutes with Josh, my mom comes into my room and tells me that it's time to head to school. So I grabbed my Vans backpack that has nothing but my headphones, charger, a bikini, extra clothes, condoms and weed in it and headed out the house after giving all my family members their goodbye kisses.

Despite having extremely good grades all my life, I'm kinda of a delinquent. I'm one of the students that gives teachers the reason to say "you can be extremely intelligent but if you have a bad attitude, you'll reach no where" however I don't give a flying fuck as I only care about making myself happy, as selfish as that may sound.

I beginning walking, very slowly, to my school that's roughly twenty minutes away, knowing damn well that I'll be skipping the first two periods and be leaving a period early as I planned on going by Aundre, my boyfriend of six months. My parents don't really approve of my relationship with Aundre, however I don't care because we have a lot of fun together and he makes me feel somewhat happy.

I reached school towards the end of second period as I made a pit stop at the local convenient store in my small town to buy a new lighter, cause I have a habit of losing all my lighters, and get some paper. The security guard, Roy, didn't tell me anything about being late or enforce the dumb rule that my school has where you have to pay $2.00 for being more than ten minutes late because we're super cool with each other and he is my dealer... but shhh don't tell anybody.

As I had just climbed up these long ass staircases sat down in the library to study the notes, from my woodwork class, that I had gotten from my friend Ashley, I was called to the principal's office, over the wack ass intercom system that our school had donated to them from this electronic store, that I'm pretty sure was just a drug front. 'Now it could be three things,' I thought to myself, '1: it was for marijuana,' which I really hoped was not the case although I'm a firm believer in being just as brave to own up to something as brave as you are to do it, '2: my provocative behaviour,' which I couldn't care less about, 'And/or my 3: absence and complacency in school.' Honestly, I was slightly nervous as I've only been called to the principal's office once before and that was because I spoke about her in a manner she didn't appreciate, not that I cared though.... but this time it felt different, my guts felt tight and I was slightly sweating.

To my dismay, the principal's office was right next to the library and so I had no reason to be late and I loved to be late just to make a point. However,I proceeded I gather my stuff from the table situated at the back of the library which was unofficially mine and headed off to the office. I said good morning to Miss Johnson, the secretary that always gets picked on by students, and waltzed into Miss Abraham's office, without knocking which she, to my pleasure, she didn't appreciate.

I have a tendency to laugh at basically everything: if I'm upset... I'll laugh, I'm about to speak... I'll laugh, you try to reprimand or scold me... I'll laugh, if I don't straight up ignore and off course I'll laugh at something that I think is a joke. But today that habit didn't work in my favour because as Miss Abraham was speaking to me about my absence and punctuality, or lack thereof, when it comes to school, I couldn't help but chuckle and as a result I was given one week detention. But she and I both knew that I didn't plan on attending especially since I almost always go to Aundre's house after school.

It's now the period after lunch time, 6th period: Mathematics, which I made a free period for myself 'cause I can't stand the math teacher and deadass couldn't mentally handle calculating shit. I just wanted to get high and so I left school, way earlier than planned, and headed to Aundre's house 'cause I know that he always skips on Tuesdays 'cause he mostly has free periods.

As I left the school yard and was heading to the bus stop I head my name being called and I did what I known best for, not smoking, I ignored the fuck out of that person. Probably shouldn't have done that, I came to find out later.


Author's note:

Didn't think I'll be writing author's notes, however here I am. The word count is lower than I stated in the description but just let me know if you want the chapters longer, shorter, more details, more dialouge... just let me know.

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