
It's been a few weeks since the Dave & Buster's family outing, and Mari couldn't wait to hang out with Beyoncé. If you're nice and warm to her from the start, it's not hard for Marissa to get attached.

Waking up and getting a group text from Beyoncé asking if the girls wanted to spend the night with her after they hung out, Mari immediately replied back yes. It took Destini a few minutes to answer back, but her response was a yes, too.

Walking into her sister's room, Marissa saw Destini's bag sitting on her bed. "Looks like you're just as ready as I am." Marissa said. Destini, rolling her eyes, laid back on her headboard and propped her leg up.

"Yeah but I just wanna get out the house. Daddy's taking Miles to a game so anything is better than that." She said.

"Why can't you just admit that you like Beyoncé? It's not going to hurt you." Marissa said.

"Because she's aight. They may not even last long." Marissa shook her head & left out. The doorbell rang and she knew it'll be Beyoncé and Miles.

"Daddy get the door!" Mari yelled. Meeting Destini at the stairs, they walked down with their bags in hand.

Excited to spend time with the girls, Beyoncé was happy to know Shawn wanted to also spend time with her son. Caidence loves basketball so going to a game will make his day.

"Hey girls. Are you ready?" Beyoncé asked. Destini and Mari both had duffle bags in their arms. "Yeah."

"Okay mommy is leaving Caidence. Be good." Kissing her son on the forehead, Caidence hugged his mom's waist.

"Alright. Bye girls. Be good for Beyoncé." Shawn said, putting extra emphasis on the word good & looking dead at Destini.

"Bye daddy."

"So Bey what are we doing today?" Marissa asked. She called shotgun, leaving Destini in the back seat of Beyoncé's Mercedes.

"Well what do y'all wanna do?" She asked.

"Going to the mall or movies is typical. I wanna do something way different & fun." Marissa said. Suddenly an idea clicked in her head.

"Oooohh what if we all got henna tattoos?" She said.

"Isn't that permanent?" Destini asked.

"No it isn't and I like that Mari." Beyoncé said. "Can you google a spot downtown?" Mari went to google on her iPhone & found a cool spot in the heart of Atlanta.

"I found a spot, but can we eat before we go?" Mari asked. Beyoncé laughed and agreed.

*Few hours later*

"I love my henna Bey!" Mari said. She took a picture of hers and Bey's side by side & posted it on Instagram. "Mine is dope too. Thanks." Destini said. Beyoncé noticed Destini has loosened up since their first meeting, but can sense that her guard is still up. "You're welcome. This was a great idea Mari."

"Y'all wanna go to my house now?" Beyoncé asked. They nodded so she headed towards her house.

Strolling into the arena in a special entrance than the regular attendees, Shawn had a surprise for Miles. He was going to let him meet one of his favorite basketball players before the game.

"Are you excited lil man?" Shawn asked as they walked down the tunnel with his bodyguard.

"Yeah, but why aren't we sitting in our seats?" Miles asked.

"Because I have a surprise for you." Shawn knocked on the door and out stepped Chris Paul.

"Whoa! This is so cool!" Miles exclaimed, looking up to Shawn and back to Chris Paul.

"Hey man. What's your name?" Chris asked Miles.

"It's Caidence but I go by Miles."

"Well it's nice meeting you Miles. I gotta get ready but I wanna see you cheering for me in the stands."

"Okay I will." Chris dapped up Miles and Shawn, and took a picture before he headed back to his locker room.

"That was so awesome! Thanks Shawn!" Miles said, hugging Shawn.

"No problem. Let's go to our seats."
Destini *Night Time*

Destini has been having a great time with Beyoncé & for once, it was good to hang around an older female who can relate to you. Her dad is simply a man so it's hard to come to him for "girl talk." Destini liked that Beyoncé is genuinely interested in what she and her sister has to say, and doesn't act fake as if she cares. She truly does.

"Bey can I get more popcorn?" Destini asked Beyoncé. They were sitting down watching a movie on Netflix called Brotherly Love.

"Sure sweetie. Lemme pause the movie and get it." Beyoncé got up and left the girls in her living room.

"You had fun today?" Destini asked her little sister, who's really her best friend.

"Yes. Beyoncé is cool as hell." Mari said. Destini nodded her head, agreeing.

"Yeah she cool. I just hope she doesn't break up with daddy." Destini finally admitted. "See I knew you liked her. Ease up and let your guard down Dee. You know she's not phony." Mari said.

Beyoncé smiled as she held the popcorn in her hand. She overheard the girls talking, and was happy Destini admitted to liking her. She truly loves the girls and hope they can build a close relationship.

"Alight here's more popcorn." Beyoncé carried out with Capri Suns.

"Don't tell Miles I gave y'all his drinks." The girls laughed and played the movie where they left off.

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