5. Promise

Updated: 2/25/17 My beta reader corrected it! It's a lot better now!

A/N: I'm sorry for the late update! I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to put a time skip in yet, but when I finally decided, a few months had already passed. Also, my beta reader isn't responding, so that took a little longer. The fact that I changed my mind again didn't help.

P.S. There's going to be a time skip to fourth grade in the next chapter. I'm sorry if you don't like that idea, but that's the decision I made. If you guys want, I could add some flashbacks, but personally, I've never really liked flashbacks for some reason. I don't like reading flashbacks, but I don't really mind writing them, so if you want, that's an option.

Narrator POV

The pictures had finally been taken and now the workers were busy getting their stuff packed up for the day. As they were finishing that up, the models, Tetsuya and Seiji, didn't know what to do. That especially being said for Seiji as the magic from modeling had worn off already.

Seiji glanced at Tetsuya before directing his gaze on the floor. He was starting to feel awkward as he didn't know what to say, while Tetsuya was a whole different case. Sure, Tetsuya was fidgeting a little at first, but then he quickly got sidetracked when he saw Hiromoto among the group of people. Seeing him taking some sample pictures for a different magazine – with Tetsuya somewhat attached to Hiromoto – his fidgeting got replaced with small admiration as curiosity on what the man was doing took over.

Seiji thought nothing of it as he was still nervous around his now proclaimed friend. After deciding to just go with the flow with what he thought he should do, which was have a conversation with him, he glanced at Tetsuya's direction to see him not there.

Seiji, not noticing this, went back to playing with the hem of his shirt before doing a double take. He was honestly surprised and awed by the fact that his new friend could disappear in a blink of an eye. Knowing he had a new task at hand, he quickly emptied his mind to have no unnecessary distractions. His task as a friend – which he had made all by himself – was to keep track of Tetsuya.

Looking around, he noticed a blue blob of hair moving from a few miles away. Not taking any chances – Tetsuya is the only blue-headed child in the room, after all – the small little child went closer. To his satisfaction, it was indeed, Tetsuya.

Seiji watched a little longer until he decided to walk to the blunet. Tapping his shoulder, Seiji asked, "What are you doing?"

Tetsuya jumped at the sudden touch before facing Seiji.

Tetsuya, seeing who it was, relaxed and gave Seiji a smile. Not saying anything, Tetsuya grabbed his hand. Seiji, surprised at the sudden action, just let Tetsuya drag him off somewhere. When they were away from everybody else, Tetsuya stopped and glanced at Seiji.

"Want to make a promise?"

Curious, Seiji didn't even have to think about it as he found himself nodding energetically.

Tetsuya's expression slowly turned into a happy smile as he gestured Seiji to get closer. Seiji, confused, followed his order as he inched towards him and waited.

Tetsuya took a deep breath in and out, making it seem like he was getting ready to say something important. After doing that a few times, he got reminded of something. He didn't think this through. Why did he say that? He was completely clueless on what to say. He was going to say something else to change the subject, but when he saw Seiji's hopeful eyes, he couldn't bring himself to.

Tetsuya gulped before he decided to wing it, "Promise to be friends with me forever?"

Seiji didn't quite process the information at first, but when he did his lips gradually grew into a bright smile and had additional sparkles around him.

"Can I?"

It was like a dream come true for Seiji. Sure, he hadn't admired Sora all that long, but to him, it was long enough to be happy with such a request. Besides, Tetsuya was his first friend. Everybody treasures their first friend, right? So of course, knowing the fact that his first friend wanted to continue being friends – and forever at that – would just make him dwell up with joy.

Tetsuya blinked at how exhilarated he was. He didn't expect this kind of reaction. Getting influenced from seeing his grin, sooner or later, he too, found himself smiling, "Yeah!"


The staff had finished their setting up and was starting to get ready for home. Slowly, everybody started to leave and say their goodbyes. Once the room only had the main staff and the models along with the two moms, Seiji looked at Tetsuya with gleaming eyes.

"Tetsuya-chan," Seiji smiled as he waited for him to turn around.

Hearing Seiji calling him by his name with -chan, Tetsuya couldn't help but grin. Seeing Seiji smiling at him made Tetsuya's smile grow even wider.

Seiji, getting the courage out of nowhere, grabbed Tetsuya's hand and showed an identical smile, "Do you want to come to my house?"

Ayano and Shiori found the bold gesture adorable as they continued to giggle among themselves.

"Seiji-kun's house?" Tetsuya tilted his head before nodding, "Yeah!"

Seiji turned towards the two females and waited with anticipating eyes.

Ayano was the first to answer, "Of course, if Shiori's okay with it, I'm okay with it."

That made the two boys gleam before they directed their attention to the other mom. Knowing that her answer was the deciding factor – they looked at her with round puppy dog eyes.

Shiori was going to sigh and reluctantly agree, but remembered that someone wouldn't like that idea, so she gave a small smile instead. "Sorry, Seiji-kun, Tetsuya-kun, but I don't think that's possible at the moment."

The boys' smiles quickly turned into frowns as they looked at the ground.

Teary eyed, Tetsuya replied, "It's okay. We can do it later..."

Seiji just continued to look down as he knew the reason for her denial. Having such a fun time, he had forgotten that it wasn't possible to have such a thing happen with his father around. And moreover, he didn't like the idea of him being a model, but he let him do it with the deal of his grades on the line. He's not old enough to have any classes, but when he did, he would be expected to do exceptionally well – with all 100% – even if he was busy with modeling.

Shiori felt a pang of regret well up inside her as she noticed the looks on the boys' faces, but nonetheless, she held her ground. Glancing at Ayano, she noticed that Ayano understood the reason she had said that as she looked at her and smiled sadly, mouthing, "It's okay."

Seconds passed that felt like minutes to them as the atmosphere started to darken. Not liking the gloomy aura, Ayano puffed out, "Well, we could still hang out in my house. Right?"

The boys' gaze quickly went to Ayano. They were back to their normal smiley faces as they grinned and nodded.

However, they then glanced to Shiori before looking at the ground, worried that she was going to reject that idea too.

Shiori mentally sighed, she wasn't quite sure if her husband would allow it, but she'd manage. Smiling, she replied, "That sounds like a great idea."

The boys didn't expect her acceptance as their eyes widened. They soon found themselves cheering, grinning from ear to ear.

Going back to a sad smile, she continued, "It can't be today, though," Seeing the pouting faces, she quickly added, "We can arrange it on some other day, though."

The boys seemed to be fine with that as they started cheering.

Ayano and Shiori smiled, happy that their sons were okay with that. Seeing that they were the only ones left in the building, Ayano coughed into her hand, "That's great and all, but we should get going; it's almost time to close the building."

Shiori nodded before taking her son's hand. Bending down to his height, she smiled:

"Say goodbye, Seiji-kun."

"Bye, Tetsuya-chan!"

Tetsuya waved, "Bye, Seiji-kun!"


"We're home," The two red-heads softly said as they knew that if they were louder, no one would answer anyway.

Before doing their own things, Shiori asked her son if he wanted anything. Seiji just shook his head and smiled at her. He later excused himself as he wanted to go to his room.

Shiori let him and watched him leave with sad eyes. She wanted a much more cheerful family, but knew that the moment she married Masaomi, it wouldn't exactly turn out that way. Don't get her wrong, she loved Masaomi that she was even willing to let her dream family stay a dream. She loved this family, besides she had two lovely boys that made her happy enough that it even changed Shiori's idea of a dream family to what she had now.

Letting the sadness go away, she shook her head. She had matters to attend at the moment. For example, telling Masaomi about the new friend of Seiji and getting him to somehow agree with her idea.


Seiji arrived at his room and was going to study, but stopped at the sight of a familiar face. The boy looked exactly like him, but he had red eyes instead of golden ones, making them distinguishable from their different eye colors. He was reading on the bed, probably studying the material he was given from his tutor.

Seiji's gloomy face turned into a smile as he shouted, "Sei-nii!"

Seijuurou glanced at Seiji before giving him a smile of his own.

"Seiji, how was modeling?"

"I got to meet my idol!" Seiji grinned and even had sparkles surrounding him.

Seeing the grin, Seijuurou couldn't help but smile wider.

"What was he like?"

Seiji blinked and tilted his head, "Hmm... I don't know. Slightly invisible?"

Seijuurou blinked at the vague and weird description. Not quite knowing what to say, he responded with uncertainty:

"Slightly invisible? That's nice...?"

Seiji, oblivious with his brother's reaction, excitedly shouted: "Yeah!"

Not knowing what else to say, Seijuurou patted the side next to him.

Seiji gladly sat there as he made the bed move from how jumpy and happy he was.

Seiji noticed that Seijuurou was still looking at him. Understanding on some degree, Seiji went into more detail about his experience with his idol. After a four minute description, Seiji seemed to want to get something as he jumped up from his spot and rummaged through his desk.

Seijuurou lifted an eyebrow, but continued to watch out of curiosity and mild amusement.

When Seiji finished fishing out the thing he wanted, it turned out to be a magazine.

Seijuurou dubbed it as Seiji's most favorite magazine as he usually had it with him. He seemed to understand why he took it out as Seiji quickly went back on the bed and pointed at a blue haired boy.

The boy was grinning as he held a toy he was advertising. The toy happened to be a toy car, not that that mattered.

Seijuurou now understood why he was his idol. Tetsuya was a pretty good model despite the young age. Besides, he was most likely the same age as them making it even easier for Seiji to admire him.

Taking the magazine from Seiji, he took the face in memory and smiled, "Sora, huh?"
