3. Seiji

Narrator POV

Three months later

A red-haired boy with smooth, adorable features and golden eyes could be seen in a large, elegant room that seemed to have a dark theme as it only had the colors crimson red and black. The room was filled with paintings, instruments and small amount of pictures that were spread across the walls.

The child was looking at a magazine with a boy of the same age as him. He looked fascinated and in awe as he skimmed through the latest pictures of the young boy. There weren't a lot of pictures of the him yet, so after looking through it once, he'd look through it again. He continued on like this without noticing the click sound that was heard after awhile. A feminine figure appeared at the front door. It seemed to look around the room before spotting the redhead. Seeing that the boy didn't notice their presence, they coughed into their hand. The young child, out of instinct, hid the magazine behind his back and turned his head to the direction of the sound.

The unknown person had straight, scarlet, hip length hair with a lighter color for her matching eyes. It seemed that the young boy took after her, but instead of red eyes, he inherited yellow irises. The person was his mother, Shiori. Worried that she might have seen what he was looking at, drops of sweat went across his forehead as he stared at the woman. She examined him before asking for what she came for.

"Seiji-kun, dinner has already started. Are you not feeling well?"

With this, the boy heaved out a relieved sigh. The lady happened to see this and was slowly getting curious at her son's reaction.

"What do you have behind you?" she inquired.

At this, Seiji tensed up and started to feel his hands get clammy. After thinking of possible escape routes, he showed her the magazine, knowing that he wasn't going to fool his mother any time soon. Shiori looked at the magazine and recognized it immediately. It wasn't the first time Seiji happened to spend his time looking at modeling magazines.

Having a better look at it for the first time, she noticed that she knew the company owner. Feeling nostalgia, she zoned out a little, catching a glimpse of blue hair before going back to reality when she saw her son anticipating her response with glistening yellow eyes. The woman thought of what her youngest son had been doing the past few days and noted them in her head. The boy had been interested in modeling magazines with the same child on the cover for a while now. She came to the conclusion that her son wanted to either model or meet the young blue haired kid. In the end she decided that it was both.

Nowadays, it wasn't all that uncommon to make your child model at such a young age, so she made up her mind and asked with a small smirk:

"Do you want to go on a small trip with me?"

Seiji was surprised and taken aback when she didn't mention the magazine and to add on to that, she mentioned a small trip. They never did that before, so he subconsciously nodded his head out of shock. Shiori smiled before she excused herself and dialed a number in her phone.

In the Daycare Center

Tetsuya was currently in the middle of a small tug-of-war with his fellow peers, but instead of a rope, the replacement was him.

Kirin was on his right arm as she shouted: "Me and Tetsuya-chan are going to play Witches!"

Taka was gripping his left arm along with Kotarou as he shouted back: "Hey! You can't have Tetsuya-chan all to yourself!"

As this was going on, Takuma and Kazuma were watching this from the sidelines. Takuma, wanting to join, yelled: "Let's take turns!"

"Yeah!" Taka and Kirin replied, seeing that Takuma was somewhat agreeing with them.

Takuma gradually got closer to them before he grabbed Tetsuya's hands that somehow got abandoned when Taka and Kirin were yelling at each other. Feeling that they weren't paying attention, Takuma shouted: "I'll go first!"

"Yeah!" Taka and Kirin replied on the spur of the moment as they continued to argue with each other. Takuma saw this as a chance to lead Tetsuya to the toy section while saying: "Let's go, Tetsu-chan!"

When the two children finally stopped fighting, they both gained a question mark above their tilted heads before they realized that they had been tricked.


Kazuma continued to watch this with his usual teary eyes. He grabbed the hem of his shirt while murmuring in a crying tone.


Seemingly sensing his twins' distress, Takuma turned around and shouted in Kazuma's direction: "You can come too, if you want!"

Kazuma almost started to glow from joy as he was finally noticed before he nodded and walked over to them.

"So, Tetsu-chan, what do you want to do?" Takuma asked as a grin spread on his face.

"You can choose," Tetsuya replied, still kind of dizzy from the tug-of-war.

"Hmm... I don't know. Any ideas, Kazuma?" Takuma turned to his twin.

"N-no," Kazuma stuttered as he looked at the ground, uncomfortable with the attention on him.

"Oh, I know! Let's ask Ryuu!" Takuma announced and led the way to Ryuuichi.

"Ryuu!" Takuma shouted with Tetsuya going with the flow.

"Hm? What is it?" Ryuuichi responded with his usual kind smile as he bent down.

"We don't know what to play," Tetsuya said for them.

Ryuuichi, not seeing why they'd ask him, responded: "Eh? Um... How about Freeze Tag?"

The kids stared at him as said teenager sweat-dropped.

"Is that a no?"

The silence disappeared after the rest excitedly chanted.

"Freeze tag!"

Ryuuichi seemed to be relieved that his idea wasn't rejected as he sighed. Apparently, they didn't know how to play "Freeze Tag", but they did know how to play, "Red Light, Green Light", so they decided to switch games. After a few minutes on deciding on who says, "Red light. Green light." they began the game. Tetsuya was facing away from them before he turned around and said: "Red light."

Kazuma was at the very back while Takuma, Taka, and Kirin were already a few steps away from Tetsuya. The said boy turned around again and said: "Green light."

Tetsuya repeated the same movements before the results were made. The results ended up with Midori winning while Kazuma got second place and Takuma, Taka, and Kirin disqualified for moving during "Red light" too much.

After a few more hours of playing the game, Ayano came in and picked Tetsuya up for their scheduled modeling shoot. Before they left, Tetsuya waved at them.

"Bye bye!"

"Bye bye, Tetsu/Tetsuya/-chan/-kun!" the others replied back.


As soon as Ayano and Tetsuya arrived at the front door of the modeling studio, Takumi trudged towards them while shouting:

"Kuroko-san, you're late!"

"Ahaha, sorry," Ayano laughed.

Hiromoto appeared and muttered in a somewhat cold voice:

"Save the chitchatting for later."

Takumi and Ayano sweat-dropped while bowing.


Hiromoto reverted back to normal and looked around before asking: "Where is Tetsuya-chan?"

Tetsuya perked up at that and replied: "I'm right here!"

"Tetsuya-chan or should I say... SORA?" Hiromoto grinned, looking into Tetsuya's eyes.

"SORA?" Tetsuya slightly frowned as he tilted his head.

"That's going to be your model name," Ayano explained with some excitement evident in her voice.

Tetsuya let out a quiet, fascinated, "Oh."

"I know, right?" Ryouka agreed while puffing out her chest out of satisfaction.

Hiromoto was shown in the background, silently getting angrier by the second before he snapped.

"Everybody, get into position!"

Every single one of them seemed to jump at that as they saluted.

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Now then, Sora, you can start whenever you're ready," Hiromoto gave an encouraging smile.

Tetsuya nodded before he started moving.

-Small Time Skip-

"Perfect! Next outfit, please!" Hiromoto snapped his fingers.

At that, Ryouka appeared and showed Tetsuya the way.

"Sora-chan, please follow me."

Tetsuya nodded then followed the lady to the changing room. After a few minutes in there, Tetsuya along with Ryouka walked out of the room. Ryouka felt the need to introduce Tetsuya as she gestured to him.

"Taa-daa! Here is the adorable Tetsuya-chan in his new outfit!"

"AWW! Tetsuya-chan looks adorable!" Ayano squealed before she ran over to him and rubbed her cheek on Tetsuya's.

Hiromoto happened to be the only one that noticed the new addition to the crew before he asked:

"Whose dog is that?"

"Hm? Oh, we found him in the studio, so we brought him along," someone from the staff explained.

Hiromoto along with some other people sweat-dropped. Ayano decided to ask the question that all of them were thinking.

"Is it abandoned?"

"Yes," the same person responded.

Ayano seemed to have a hard time on making her decision before she agreed.

"Fine. We can keep it."

The others silently cheered, however, they soon deflated when they heard Ayano's continuation.

"I'm not responsible of taking care of him, though."

The others looked at the possible candidates before they stopped on Takumi. The man realized immediately what they wanted from him, so he let out a sigh.

"I don't mind."

The staff cheered once again.

"What do we call him?" Ryouka questioned.

"Doesn't he look familiar?" someone in the audience interrupted Ryouka.

"...EH?! He looks like Tetsuya-chan!" someone responded.

"It's decided then. His name will be Niko," Ayano said.

"Don't you mean Nigou?" Ryouka asked as she tilted her head with her index finger near her lip.

"Nope. Niko, because it has "ni (number 2)" and Niko in general means daylight. Doesn't that match Tetsuya-chan's name, SORA (sky)?" Ayano explained.

Before anyone could comment on that, Hiromoto interrupted, "We're running out of time, so chip-chop hurry up! Go back to your positions!"

Once everybody got into their positions, they took about thirty-five pictures then called it a day.

-Time Skip-

"That was fun, wasn't it, Tetsuya-chan?" Ayano poked the child's cheek.

"Uhn," Tetsuya sleepily replied with a weak nod.

Ayano's phone went off as they were talking. Without looking, Ayano answered it.


"Hello, is this Ayano?" someone with a soothingly tender soft voice asked, though it felt slightly intimidating.

"Yes, and who might this be?" Ayano replied back as she glanced at Tetsuya to make sure that he was still there.

"It's me," the lady answered.

Ayano was downright confused before realization processed in her mind. Her eyes widened and at the same time. She let out a soft gasp as her grip on her phone loosened from the shock.


Shiori, seemingly enjoying herself, responded lightheartedly:

"Why are you surprised?"

"Ah! Sorry, it's just been so long. How have you been?" Ayano quickly composed herself.

"I'm doing well. I presume that you're doing fine as well?" Shiori said, a smile audible in her voice. "Oh, I just called to let you know that my youngest son has been wanting to model for a while now. I was wondering if you could let him model in your company..." she continued.

"O-of course! When will he start?" Ayano seemed excited to have an addition to her modeling group.

"Hmm... How about tomorrow?" Shiori replied.

"Tomorrow?" Ayano's voice deflated a little.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Shiori asked.

Ayano thought about it a little before she replied:

"No, not at all."

"Good. I'll show up at your company at six o'clock in the afternoon," satisfied with the answer, she ended the call.
