Chapter 37

The entire day rukmini was busy with other works. She didn't get any time to even talk to her husband. Infact she didn't see him entire day.

At Night she waited for him to come but.....
He didn't. This was enough for her.


Shalini and krishn had a long talk. She always loved talking with krishn.
They talked for few minutes about random stuff and shalini left Krishn's quarters with a huge grin on her face. She was so happy and anyone who saw her was able to tell that immediately.

Rukmini should have gone to sleep half an hour ago but her mind was in a chaotic state. She couldn't figure out what her heart wants so she decided to have a walk. Subconsciously her little walk brought her near Dwarkadish's living quarters where he used to sleep after their marriage.

Although she kind of wanted to see Krishn since they didn't interact much today because of the Krishn's busy schedules, Rukmini knows that she can't very well go and knock on the door. Like what could she even say?

She was just about to walk away when the door suddenly opened and Shalini came out. With one look, Rukmini could clearly see the happy grin and the dark red blush that Shalini had on her face.

Rukmini struggled to find a reasonable explanation as to why Shalini would have a blush and a grin, coming out from the krishn' room. Specially at this time of the night. Tried as hard as she could, but Rukmini couldn't think of an explanation other than the obvious one.

And that made her very jealous. And against her very judgment........ very very angry.


Next Day.

Rukmini was even angrier next day morning. Her husband didn't even bother to meet her since they returned back. But he had time to meet his so called friend Shalini.
She saw her husband spending time with Shalini but not her.

She had to go for breakfast in hall....where everyone were seated. Devkimaa signaled her to sit beside krishn.

Why Rukmini didn't want to see krishn in this condition is that she knows how she gets when she's angry. The connection between her mouth and her brain seem to get disconnected when she's jealous.

So she seem to spit out whatever that comes to her heart without any filter.It has gotten her in many troubles and she'd rather not have one with the Dwarkadish , again.

Krishn however, was in a good mood. He's determined to let Rukmini know his feelings, make her understand them and get a positive response.

He was happy to see Rukmini in breakfast room.

Krishn-- Good morning Maharani.
Krishn said in a cheery voice.

Rukmini-- Good morning, Maharaj dwarkadish.
Rukmini replied politely but krishn instantly sensed something off about it.

He brushed it off from his mind and had his breakfast. They were having their breakfast but something was definitely wrong with Rukmini. She was not meeting krishn's eyes and also she didn't seem to avoid him for 'shy' purposes.

After breakfast everyone left for their respective works. Krishn decided to talk to his beloved wife since he didn't get time to talk to her....

Krishn-- Maharani??? .... wait..

Rukmini stopped and turned back with a cold face...

Krishn-- I was thinking of having a horse ride

Rukmini-- you don't need to have my permission
She said in a cold tone..

Krishn-- huh??.... like you and me together.....for that I have to get your permission right?😏.

Rukmini-- I am not intrested.
She said and turned back to leave..

Krishn--Hey.... you good?
Krishn asked in a Concerned voice.

Rukmini--Yeah, I'm fine .

She answered without meeting his eyes.

Krishn--Maharani, what's wrong? He asked again as he took a step closer to the her.

Rukmini-- I said I'm fine. You can enjoy your horse ride alone or with your FaVoRitE peOpLe.

She said through gritted teeth ,turning away from  him.

Krishn was now sure that something is indeed wrong. He thought about forcing Rukmini to say what's bothering her but then decided against it.

Krishn-- Alright, out with it! What's bothering you?
He asked in a gentle voice.

Rukmini was silent for few seconds before speaking up.

Rukmini--Why did you you marry me?

Krishn-- huh?
Krishn was confused.

Rukmini-- Why did you pick me to be your life partner? There were other more deserving girls right?

Krishn didn't know where this was going but answered anyway.
Krishn--I loved you thats why...

Rukmini-- But devakimaa wanted you to marry someone else??!...

Krishn-- No!!! not exactly. Yes she used to bring me proposals of girls but I was not intrested. Also when I told her about you...she was so happy...😄...
She said either you or Shali

Krishn was cuttof by rukmini

Krishn-- what's this about? Are you angry about something ?
Krishn asked with genuine worry.

Rukmini--Why do you care?? You just get on with your horse ride. Unless you want to call Shalini .
Rukmini replied with huff and walked away..

Krishn--Shalini?? Why do I want to call shalini?.

Rukmini-- I don't know. You tell me!! Rukmini was yelling by now.

Krishn looked at his wife with shock. He can clearly see that rukmini is angry, at him, but couldn't figure out just why. He hasn't done anything recently, at least he think he hasn't.

They looked at each other for few more seconds before Rukmini again walked away. But before that she gave him a very pissed off look.

Rukmini-- Fine, whatever. You can go with her.
Rukmini spat in a venomous voice and strode towards the exist of hallway.

Krishn caught her by her arm and brought her closer towards him.

Krishn-- Where do you think you are going?
Krishn seemed to be getting a little angry now too. He didn't understand this behavior of her.

Rukmini--You clearly have many more people to go with you for a horse ride, leave me alone.
Rukmini tried to pull her arm out but krishn held it even tighter.

Krishn-- What are you talking about maharani ? What's wrong with you?

Rukmini--What's wrong with me?!! Nothing, I suppose. I'm feeling a little dumb because I thought...
maybe...but yeah, whatever!

Rukmini succeeded in pulling her arm out this time and walked towards the door.

Just as Rukmini opened the door, a hand pushed it back, shutting it with a force. Another hand grabbed her waist roughly, turned her and pushed her on to the door. Rukmini felt her back colliding with the door.

She looked up to see Krishn's eyes, now dark with intense emotions, glaring at her.

Krishn--You are not going anywhere until you tell me what was that about.

Rukmini-- I don't think I have to explain anything to you.

Krishn--Oh yes, you do.
He said in his quiet, intimidating voice and Rukmini gave a humorless laugh at that.

Rukmini--That's not gonna work this time. I'm not shalini to get intimidated that easily or blush.
Rukmini looked at dwarkadish as she said this and was surprised to see his confused look.

Krishn blinked few times, trying to figure out what the matter. But he couldn't.

Krishn-- Shalini ??!! Why are you even bringing her in this conversation?

Rukmini -- Well, why was she IN YOUR ROOM YESTERDAY!!??
Rukmini felt so angry and mortified at the same time.

The last thing she wanted was to let dwarkadish know that she was jealous. She was so damn jealous of the fact that her husband had another girl in his room, at that time of the night. Jealous that whatever they said or did in there, made shalini come out of the room grinning and blushing.

Jealous that he didn't even bother to look at Rukmini since they returned from village but had time to spend with Shalini. She was so angry that she didn't even saw the smile that spread in to krishn's face. But it was not possible to miss the laughter few seconds later.

Krishn felt tension evaporate from his body at the sudden outburst by his cute little wife. Rukmini was jealous, and she was being freaking adorable at that. krishn couldn't stop the laughter that escaped from his mouth. A laughter of relief and happiness.

He put his hands on either side of Rukmini's head, caging her in for the second time.

Krishn--Why? Were you jealous?😏 Krishn asked in a taunting voice and Rukmini gave a huff at that, now looking at the floor.

Krishn-- Answer me maharani, were you jealous?
He leaned in a bit and whispered in to her ear.

Krishn looked at her eyes that were now staring back in to his own.

Krishn-- You look so cute when you're jealous.
He said with a gentle smile.

Rukmini gave him a softpush, making one of his hands leave the door but dwarkadish immediately put it back.

Krishn-- you can't !!!!.

Rukmini rolled her eyes at that but she couldn't stop the heat that was creeping in to her face. Krishn looked at his wife between his arms for few more seconds before closing his eyes and leaning in to capture those inviting lips with his own.

Rukmini's lips felt even better than krishn imagined but before he could feel anything else, he was roughly pushed back.

Krishn opened his eyes in surprise to look at her .Rukmini had her both hands pressed in to krishn's chest which she used to push the man back but her eyes were screaming something entirely different. Krishn raised his eyebrows at rukmini in a taunting way before pushing forward and capturing those lips again.

But this time, krishn felt the other kissing him back, with a force to match his own.

Rukmini felt as if her whole body was on fire. There wasn't any sense of time or place, just the euphoric feeling of the sweet assault on her lips and the pressure from hands that are currently placed securely on her waist. She doesn't want this sensation to end, ever.

But there is this tiny, insignificant thing called 'breathing' and they both had to detach their lips just to do that. Rukmini couldn't suppress the involuntary whine that left her mouth when krishn pulled his lips back.

Krishn chuckled at her whine and pressed his head against Rukmini's head gently.

Krishn-- You need to breath.

Krishn said after his little laugh and rukmini huffed.

Rukmini--You don't?
Rukmini asked in a mocking voice making krishn chuckle.

Krishn-- Uhh... yess I have to breathe too but yours is more important to me."

Rukmini rolled her eyes.
Rukmini-- stop with your flattering...

Krishn just hummed and tried to kiss her again but rukmini just turned her face to the side. Krishn pulled back for a second to give Rukmini a questioning look and started to kiss her neck.

They were busy with their business until rukmini heard some footsteps from far. Krishn was facing the door so he didn't notice anything but rukmini saw balram and Revati coming from the hallway towards them. But to their fortune they were busy in their own talks and didn't notice these people.

Rukmini-- dauu!!!!...

Krishn-- no!!... you can't fool me this time......
He said kissing her more...

Rukmini-- offo....!!!!! I am not fooling you!!!! Dau and bhabhi are really coming towards us....

Krishn then turned back to realise....he had to stop now. He was sad.
He left her....but not entirely.  He kept holding her hands. Rukmini tried hard to free it.... but was failed.
