Chapter 24


Next Day.

The day of rukmini krishna wedding...
Dwarka was ready to host The grand wedding of Rukmini Dwarkadish.

Everyone was busy in their own work.
Ram and Anirudh were handling the decorations and all the work related to wedding.

All the maids were preparing food.

Also they were decorating by putting rangolis and decorations....

Balram and Revati were welcoming all the guests. Devaki was so happy....she was so overwhelmed that she couldn't sit in a place.

All the brahmas were chanting mantras. They were preparing for wedding.
The wedding of Laxmi Narayan of Dwarpayug.

All the guests and invited people were gathered in the hall....where the wedding was gonna take place.
Devaki asked ram and Anirudh to bring krishn in mandap.

Ram and Anirudh entered krishn's room. Krishn was siting there quietly....

Ram-- Oh loverboy....come on!! Get up what are you relaxing here.
Every one is going crazy down there for your wedding!!

Anirudh-- Get up dwarkadish...let's go...devaki maharani is calling you down.....aren't you excited!!!

Krishn didn't speak anything....

Ram-- O loverboy...are you gonna speak nothing??
He got confused...

Anirudh-- Maybe he is too shy to speak😁😂....
Ram -- Oooooooooo
They both started teasing him.

Anirudh-- someone is too shy today....oh I see...😏.

Krishn -- Am I doing this right?
Krishn suddenly spoke out of nowhere...

Ram and Anirudh stopped joking and got serious.

Ram-- what?? What did you say??
Krishn-- What if she doesn't want to marry me??

Ram and Anirudh looked at krishn in disbelief....
Anirudh-- are you for real dwarkadish?? Is this correct time to ask such things...??!!!!!
He spoke in disappointment.

Ram -- Exactly... krishn you have a habit of overthinking.  Just shutup and come down....your bride is waiting for you...

Krishn -- But.....
He was cutt off...
Ram-- No brought her here and now you have to marry her have no choice...also she didn't protest for marriage so it's a clear message that she also want this one is forcing her!!!

Anirudh-- Exactly now let's not waste more time and get downstairs quickly....or else maharani will be very upset with us....also Brahman is calling the groom😏....

They didn't let krishn speak anything further. The grabbed him downstairs.

In wedding hall.
The mandap was ready to host The most important and lovely marrige of dwarpayug.

Revati looked at shy krishn....she smiled.

Revati-- Oh are looking so handsome.....

Krishn was embarrassed....
Krishn -- um...a...thankyou bhabimaa...

Revati-- You are glowing kanha...
Ram-- obviously bhabhi ......someone is going to marry the love of his offcourse the glow is unavoidable 😏😏.

Everyone laughed.
Then krishn entered the mandap. Brahman started with chantings.
After some time Brahman commanded to call the bride....

Krishn's heart started beating fast. His bride!!!....yes...Rukmini his bride!!...
He was dying to see her.

Devaki-- Revati...go and bring the bride....and subhadra also....
Revati did as she was said.

And then she her wedding gown....looking like a literall godess.
Everyone was mesmerized by her.

Krishn couldn't take his eyes off her...he was staring at her shamelessly.
Rukmini didn't look up even for a moment. She walked inside the mandap and sat next to krishn....

Krishn was still staring at her.
She could feel his stares on her.
Ram came close to krishn's ear and spoke softly....

Krishn-- Control loverboy....she is going to be your wife in few minutes.....dont scare her by staring at her like that😏..

Krishn instantly looked away.

And with this their wedding took place.
They were MARRIED now.
Now the world was going to remember them as Couple.
Rukmini was finally the WIFE of krishn.

Every one were overjoyed....they were happy. Devaki got emotional to see her lovely kid getting married to the love of his life.

Balram was happy.  After all of the struggles.....they were finally married now.

Krishn was quite.  He didn't react a lot.
Offcourse he had never been happy like this before. But he had to keep his emotions towards him. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of every one. And also....many things were not 'Ok ' between him and his wife.

Rukmini didn't say a word nor she looked at krishn once.
Krishn was hurt by this behavior but he  understood why she was behaving in this way.

Rukmini was now krishnardhangini.
Queen Dwarkadishwari.

At Night...

In krishn's Room.

Rukmini was sitting on the giant bed of krishn’s Room...
Looking down...she was nervous.....

Krishn entered the room.....
The room was filled with one was talking. They could hear the voice of waves of sea.....and wind blowing....

There was a awkward silence.

Krishn tried to speak but he couldn't....words were not in the mood to come out of his mouth.
He just stared at her.....

Rukmini then spoke softly... in low voice
Rukmini-- Are you going to sleep here?....

Krishn couldn't hear it properly 😅

Krishn-- huh?? I didn't hear properly.....,,what did you say pls repeat......

Rukmini-- Are you going to sleep here in this Room??

Krishn-- what??!!!....

Rukmini got annoyed....can't her husband hear what she is he deaf!

Rukmini-- Can't you hear what I am asking?!😠

Krishn-- I heard it...the second time you asked.,,,..actually my 'What'  was not  particularly a question...,, but my sudden reaction!....hehe...😅...

Rukmini started at him blankly....was this man serious.....!!
Again there was silence....

Rukmini then got up from bed and started walking out....
Krishn panicked ....

Krishn-- wait!!! Where you going priye!( ❤ love).

Rukmini stopped and turned towards krishn with angry expression...

Krishn-- mean Rajkumari...

Rukmini narrowed her eyebrows...
Krishn-- you are not Rajkumari became Maharani now.....yeah...sorry bad😅.

Rukmini looked at him in utter disbelief.
Krishn-- Where are you going maharani....if you need anything I will make it available for you.
This krishn will always be at your ... Service maharani ji...!!!!

With this krishn bowed down to her!!...

Krishn was in fun mood. He wasn't taking Rukmini's anger seriously.  He was making her more frustrated. She was irritated 😆.

Rukmini-- Oh!! you will do anything I will order.....?!!
She spoke crossing her arms.

Krishn looked up....
Krishn-- Yes maharani......Anything for you....,,.you just have to order.....and I will do it the next moment 😌.

Rukmini smirked....😏
Rukmini -- Ok then......GET OUT !

Krishn didn't understand....he gave her a "what" expression...
Rukmini-- Get out of this room....I am tired and I want to sleep!...
She said pointing at the door.

Krishn understood😉...but krishn being krishn decided to play along.

Krishn-- ................But this is my room!!!

Rukmini looked at him offended...

Rukmini-- ...oh....ok then I will get out...of YoUR rOOm..
She said sarcastically....and she started walking towards the exit door.

Krishn-- wait!!....priye!!...I...a..I.. mean..maharani....wait!!

Krishn came in front of her...
Krishn -- why you want to go out but??

Rukmini-- I don't want to share my room with you....
Krishn-- what?!!

Rukmini-- Are you really deaf or what??!😠 heard was just my sudden reaction 😅...hehe...

Rukmini looked at him giving 'unbelievable ' expression.

Rukmini-- Either you will stay in this room or me...😤
Krishn-- But this is OUR room now....yours and mine equally....we are husband and

Krishn was cutoff by Rukmini..
Rukmini-- I don't consider you as my husband 🥱....
Krishn-- what?!!!

Rukmini was soooo Done!!..
She started walking again...

Krishn-- wait priye what are you talking...!!!

Rukmini-- are you really deaf?? I said I don't consider you as my husband....
You kidnapped me from my wedding....!!

There was a pin drop silence....
Krishn spoke in his deep voice...
Krishn-- On your parents request darling!!...😏

Rukmini-- what?!!...
Krishn -- it's ok priye....I understood it was not a question but your sudden reaction 🥰.

Rukmini-- It was a Question!!
Rukmini said getting mad.

Krishn-- then ok. Let me explain you.......
