
Vespera and Fitz... What an unlikely ship. But that's how it made it into this compilation of atrocious ships. Anyways, here you go: 

Fitz is a stupid idiot. He is so stupid that he managed to gain feelings for Vespera, the main villain. (Cue in a collective facepalm) 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️

Anyways, Fitz somehow has feelings for Vespera. The last time the black swan faced off against again, he was acting more stupid than usual because Vespera winked at him to play with his feelings. 

"Hey Fitz," Sophie says to him, waving a hand in front of his face. He just drooled. 

"Fitz?" Sophie tries again to no success. 

"FITZ!!!" Sophie screams in his face, finally having his attention. 

"Hi Soapbox," Fitz greets her happily. 

"Fitz, you forkling idiot. Do you like Vespera or something?" Sophie interrogates him. It didn't take long for him to answer. 

"Yeah, I like her," he slurs stupidly. Sophie throws him at Vespera. Vespera catches him and holds him lovingly for a second before dropping him. She then kills him on the spot. Sophie and the others just stood there with impressed and shocked expressions. Fitz comes back from the dead and moos. 

"What the Alden?" Tam asks, absolutely baffled. 

"What the Forkle happened to him?" Dex asks, exasperated. 

"Language, you two," says Linh. 

"He's even more stupid than before!" exclaims Biana. 

"Get used to it, he's only gonna get stupider," Keefe deadpans, feigning a yawn. 

Sophie kicks Fitz; he just rolls over and says "Per-se." Everyone, including the Neverseen, just looks flabbergasted. 
"How do you even use 'per-se' anyway?" asked Gethen, looking at Ruy. 

"Why are you looking at me? I have no idea," Ruy replies. 

Gisela just takes the Neverseen home. Vespera gives Fitz one last hard kick. He rolls over again. Sophie bends down and pokes him. Suddenly, he rolls insanely fast off a cliff. She shrugs. 

"Oh well."
