
(Della is Alden's best friend in this short story. Cyrah was a close friend to Prentice, and Wylie doesn't exist. Sorry Wylie.¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

When Prentice broke, the words "No reason to worry" echoed in his head. It was the only thing that made him try to keep a hold of his sanity. Until he gave up. 

Alden didn't have a choice. He was forced to break Prentice. In Prentice's last few seconds of sanity, Alden transmitted, "No reason to worry.

After the memory break, Alden's life started falling apart. He and Quinlin were no longer cognates, Della was inconsolable, and Prentice was still broken. By the end of the year, he was up to his chin with sorrow. He had no hope left. 

After who knows how long, Prentice was finally awake. Alden rushed to see him. When Prentice saw his lover, he smiled as a myriad of beautiful flashbacks about him and Alden came. A young blond elf was staring down at him. Strange; she had brown eyes. There was something familiar about her, something about a project. He would look into that later, but first, he needed Alden. 

He pulled Alden in, and kissed him. 
