(๐Ÿ‹) What A Treat~

[Karaku, Urogi, Aizetsu, Sekido x Hashira!Female!Reader]
[Warning: Fivesome is about to happen for the first time ๐ŸŒŸw๐ŸŒŸ ; Also profanity and spoilers as usual]
[Other Warnings: (please comment what else I should put here)]

Author's Note: So sorry for the random note at the top, but but!
Follow and maybe hang with t0xicccccc, cause they're the ones who request this juicy orgy for a first-time writer (myself). Best human being ever! And a very fun person to talk to! Such brave soul for them and you hornies out there! Now! Straight to the story!


...What happened? Where am-

"Watch out!"

Snapped your eyes open to find a big leafy fan swinging down by the hands of Karaku (the Relax ; Hantengu the Upper-Rank #5's personality). Before the blast begins, you immediately move out of the way whilst a multi-sharp pain goes throughout your body.
Gritting the jaw shut go hold back the cries of distress.


Cursing under your breath to the discomfort when stomping hard on your heels to stop sliding away. Standing up properly from a crouch position go breathe properly.
Observing the situation once again: Genya Shinazugawa is punctured by Aizetsu (the Sorrow) and Nezuko Kamado trying to fight off Karaku and Sekido (the Anger). Glancing up in shock at Urogi (the Delight) taking Tanjiro Kamado off to the sky.

"Tan- wait..."

Searching for someone, however, no presence nor seen to where they could be, you sighed anxiously as you pull out your (color name) Nichiren blade from the sturdy sheath.

"Damn it, Tokito-kun. Where the heck are you?"

Worriedly asking that question go yourself while running up to the debris and leaping to their floor, next to slice Karaku's arms off, and kicking his stomach go create distance between Nezuko and you away from them.

Sekido grips the staff angrily with his right and points towards you and Nezuko till a cut limb was used to grab the stick by you and your absolute brains. Tries to pry his weapon back when you yell.


She uses the other limb which holds onto the fan, using against Sekido and Karaku off the sky. By some planning, you ingested Sekido's piece of the staff and used it against another demon on the platform.

Aizetsu instantly looks over to see them blown off, then agitatedly eyes at you, about to pull the spear out till letting go by a sharp blade impaling onto his chest. Next, electrocutes very badly against him as he attempts to break or yank the katana when you insert it furthermore into him, getting all up in his face with a cocky smirk.

"Thought you all were considered to be the strongest. I mean, that's what the title for " Upper Ranks" is deemed to imply! Maaaan, it makes me pity you.
...Unfortunately, this is the end for you."

You tell him with such lace of no remorse and just insults in that voice of yours, this caused Aizestu's cheeks to glow red in this weird feeling.

"Again, Nezuko!"

Plucking the blade and stepping aside from the blast when taking Genya off, dropping him gently to the ground, and start to rip your haori apart whilst carefully dealing with the lance pierced into him.

Gazing up to his eyes to see a trace of doubt and anger, breathing heavily to calm yourself as a little tight knot around the injuries.

"Genya, please don't be reckless. Do you want to end up like me?"

Asking him sternly, but a slip of worry like a mother.
You can't help when people do reckless risks, these moves are just like a younger self of you, it almost killed you 4 times.

"I- ...I apologize, ma'am."

Atones to you, making you huff quietly, but pat his head reassuringly. Notifying that he still did amazing which caused him to flush bright red, very proud of himself by your encouraging words.

Abruptly, you startled Nezuko and Genya, you sprint off the building to Tanjiro quickly.
Stopping yourself shortly to find him running towards Urogi. Getting your feet back to jogging as both feet step harshly, you get into a kneeling position whilst skidding the dusty ground, bending your exposed back for Tanjiro.


Yelling to him to use your back as a faster boost, getting Urogi when standing up with a small smile on your face.
Hearing something coming towards your way, taking out your blade, and blocking the attack from the staff just to be electrocuted by it.
Yelping from being shocked as you see Karaku's grinning face up to yours.

"Really thought you can out best us, Hashira lady?"

Asked in enthusiasm when Sekido kicks your numb body off the soil.

"M-Mm... Need a strategy... Ack!"

Grumbling to yourself, slowly getting up when another kick sends you flying.
Able to grasp a tree branch by instinct, struggling to move your body as your hand lets go and fell face plant to the dirt.
Shaky hands palms on the dirt, striving to stand up at least.

"Sekido, found the girl here. Hey! Why not bring Urogi and Aizetsu here? Likely, she thinks she can defeat all of us. I want to beat some sense into that thick skull of hers!"

Karaku eagerly suggests, pummeling his fist into his palm, and fantasizes about the look on your face when admitting they're better than yourself until Sekido halts their steps towards you.
You started to eventually stand properly, looking way pissed than ever since.

"Well, ...she has the actual guts, huh?"

A rare interest in Sekido's tone, recognizing how much potential you've got since they somehow noticed you were holding your breathing techniques back to maintain everyone's safety.

"All that sovereignty flowing out of her is tantalizing, I don't think I can resist it any longer."

Karaku says as he licks his lips after those statements slipped out of his mouth, smirking widely at your scary aura posing out.
Subsequently, Sekido snaps his fingers to signal the other two over to them.





This better not reach anyone except for these demons.

Unsheathing the blade out whilst focusing your breathing in deep and steady, forming a signature around your close range.

"Anyone who steps into this circle will be blinded, instantly. ...Not permanently."

Informing the unbeknownst demons' who curiously raise their looks upon you, as you can feel the slight scratch marks all over your body like sharp diamonds thrown at you when concentrating on the technique carefully.

Observing the area till eyeing Genya taking Nezuko and Tanjiro away to find the real body of Hantengu.

Pursed lips from a perfect distance as Sekido boosts himself towards your way, causing a smirk to form on your complacent look.

"Wait! Sekido!"

With a little amount of bad timing from Urogi, once a stroke of a sharp tip cuts his vision immediately, he slightly panics by the silent slice.

'She-she... She wasn't bluffing.'

Taken aback by the inhuman agility as you catch him with one arm, softly whispering in his ear.

"You should read your opponents a little more, sweetheart, 'kay?"

Advising him with a beautiful and snappy voice that took his angry exterior to a surprised one.

"H-huh?- Woah!"

Letting his body drop to the ground next to you as one glance almost brought their legs to the ground 'cause of such immense atmosphere coming from you.

"Would another one like to come up next?"

Asking them with a soft smile plastered, this situation caused the three to thoroughly process how to take you out without fucking up like Sekido.
Though, this made you a bit troubled about how long they're standing, doing nothing since this technique goes out in another few minutes.

Why? Because it can damage your vision too, silly. ๐Ÿ˜‹

"Well, I mean, how long can demon slayers and hashiras last doing forms? And why don't you come at us instead of standing on one spot?"

Urogi asked curiously as the two agree with him, causing crease on your brows, trying your best to persuade them to come at you.

"I can beat you three! Besides, it's 4 against 1-"

Checking on Sekido who groans furiously whilst in need of cute pats on his heated head.

"Ahem! 3 against 1, for now."

Fixing your excuse as the three thinks about it, which is very rare they're working together.
Sighing in annoyance, forgetting the trick, and sprint towards and point at any of them.

"Oh no, here she comes."

Aizetsu gets the two's attention as they see you swinging it towards Urogi to severe cuts all over, even towards the tongue.
Next, you dodged Karaku's leafy fan by backflipping, then going right up to his side which caused his right wrist to be cut off once again.ย 

Blocking Aizetsu lance whilst kicking Karaku off from you, after sending away, a sudden staff was thrown directly at your wrist that was holding your katana till catching it mid-way close at your weak spot with Karaku's hand.

"Ah! FUck!"

Smirking cockily to reassure yourself for the timing when snatching the stick, letting a relief sigh escape your lips as you continue to have a fence-like match with Aizetsu.ย 
With no struggles from the two of you, stepping up to his face with a dark chuckle.

"Don't forget what I said, so get more stronger and I might actually recognize you. Make me take it back or I'll just kill you off right here and now."

Attempting to irritate him when you really just arouse under his undergarments, though, tries to focus on defeating you instead of getting his desires in the way.ย 
About to toss your katana off the side till your hands snake up to his spear, gripping tightly 'causing irks to appear on his head.


Didn't have time to think well, you just tackle Aizetsu to the ground, looking up to only see nothing in the air. Flaring red in embarrassment when hearing Urogi and Karaku laughing their asses off.
You glance down to Aizetsu who groaned a bit, exhaling a little as you get off and helped him up, putting your hand out. With an uncertain gaze, you shrug and shake your hand for him as he takes it and properly gets up.ย 

"Alright, fuck you both for tricking me!"

Angrily point at them as Urogi stops you for a moment, popping something behind Karaku's back with an actual duck. Holding back your fists, you calmly breathe to relax as Sekido tries to provoke the two to defeat you which only caused chaos when Sekido gets chased by a furious duck whilst chaotic two cackles at him.

Aizetsu comes up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder with a worried stare as you comfort the randomness, result in him softly chuckling which made you blush crazy with an unexpected smile.

Though, getting back your awareness, turning around as Sekido bumps into you to the ground who keeps 'shoo'-ing the vexed bird. With a small huff and taking out a pouch of bread crumbs, the duck takes the whole bag and flies away like a drama queen.ย 

"Word of advice; never pissed any colony of birds. Or you'll get pecked the hell out of you, like kids and adults, but it's just beaks."

You let him know now as Sekido nods profusely whilst holding you close to him with an upset and frighten manner by the f-ing duck.ย 

Before you could stand up and get back to defeating them when two hands were placed on your shoulders, glancing up to see Urogi behind you with his casual smirk.

"The heck do you want, Urogi?"

Inquiring him with a raised brow which makes him snickers, then kisses your lips softly causing your cheeks to flush pink. Then points down at your pants as you peer at them.ย 

"Why are you wearing shorts? I assumed there was nothing till you kicked Karaku. Kind of turned on to off."

Angrily looking up to him with irritated daggers into his eyes, almost making him laugh a bit more. Unexpectedly, right in front, you're received gentle pecks by Karaku who has dark lust roaming through them as he keeps going, shaking off a little whimper out of your voice.

This new feeling is throwing you off, taking a handful of his hair with tiny tugs to try controlling yourself. Glancing over to his shoulder to see Sekido's displeased face, though, a sort of jealousy flowing transparently. Now that just formed a smugly smirk plastered on your lips.

Slipping your slimy tongue out while tilting your head up, having a great makeout session with Urogi. About to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him close when two cold hands go under your shirt, placing soft kisses on your chest.ย 

"You naughty girl~... No bra? What are you pulling here?"

Karaku teasingly asked, gentle licks against your breasts, not wanting you to feel sore or uncomfortable. Taking little breaths to relax steadily while caressing your hands all over Urogi's hair, chuckling in the back of your head.ย 

The other two demons watch the steamy scene, feeling left out and aroused. Aizetsu grips his arm to hold himself back as Sekido walks over to the needy mist of the three, snatching you away from them, and roughly kisses with no escaping his lips.ย 

While you attempt to push him off, a hand is placed on the back of your head to keep ya in place. Two firm hands wrapped around your waist, pulling the shorts and panty drop to the ground, a slight moan escapes your muffle mouth for Sekido to swallow it up to keep you quiet and feeling thrilled with the situation you got yourself in.
Aizetsu slides his hands to play the sensitive sensation coming out of your wet snatch, light circles against the clitoris.ย 

"hEY! Don't leave us out, you a-holes!"

Urogi barks at them upsettingly, seeing your expression change more exotic than the way he and Karaku were doing. About to walk over to you till Karaku stops him, explaining that he wants to see where this goes since they have never seen Sekido, not an ounce pissed, instead, enjoying it.ย 

You yelped a bit to feel Aizetsu's erect boner grind against your ass, his greedy hands touch all over your sensitive figure. All the while, Sekido takes your legs up to wrap around his waist, keeping the balance well as he can with Aizetsu. All of a sudden, you gasp when Sekido slides his cock inside your vagina that tries its best to clamp down.ย 

Clenching on his shoulders tightly as your head falls into the crook of his neck, light panting from the pain while Sekido whispers sweet nothings into your ear to try to help soothe the discomfort.ย 

"Is she a virgin, Sekido?"

Asked by Aizetsu, perplexed about what's going on when Sekido's eyes glare at him, nodding to the question, but to remind him to wait so you don't feel soreness or any sort of agony.

"Want me to move now?"

Sekido patiently inquires, waiting for your response. Glancing up to him, a consensual nod to his question as gentle and careful thrusts into you.ย 
Biting your lower lip to hold back the whimpers as he tries to restrain himself to not hammer you crazy. Why? Because of the way your walls keep tightening around his shaft, quietly cursing behind you.ย 

An impatient Aizetsu pouts at the way Sekido is having fun with you, he wants to do that with you first if he knew you were a virgin. This made Karaku smirk, knowing your virginity is taken, that means you are still fresh from the back.ย 

"What are you chuckling about, Karaku?"

Urogi was able to hear Karaku's low chuckle, quickly asking him with a raised brow. Though, pretending to not hear Urogi, he walks over to a whiny Sekido & a hot-bothered you, stepping to the back, and gently tug your body to aim your anus towards his throbbing self.ย 

Roughly retreating from Sekido's kissable lips to shriek, few tears fall as you peer over from the back to see Karaku laughing darkly.ย 

"W-wait, don't push- Ngh! Ahh!"

Pleading him to stop till ramming painfully into your ass, slight scream when Sekido does his utmost reassuring hugs and words to help you as he can.ย 
Suddenly, the harsh thrust was replaced with gentle ones, looking over once again to see Aizetsu hitting Karaku. Telling him to be more considerate of your feelings than his selfish needs with a worried tone.

Karaku sighs while carefully keeps a slow pace for you to adjust. Groaning softly of the situation being fixed, laying your chin on Sekido's shoulder while he rubs and pats your back.ย 

"It's alright, shh... I'll hit him later, remind me, okay?"

Sekido tells you as a soft nod from his revenge plan. Though with no ounce of knowing your own body, moaning passionately along with Sekido whilst Karaku goes to your neck, and bites harshly enough to cause a clear hickey to be seen.ย 
Urogi goes up to Karaku's ear and whispers something about you as he profusely nods to that idea, turning to Sekido with a delighted expression.

"Hey, Sekido, let's get her on fours. Urogi and Aizetsu are missing out on the fun, man."

Karaku demands on Sekido for Urogi, making Sekido furrow his brows at him. A soft glimpse of worry to you, checking to see if you are okay with it which you nod.ย 
Sekido starts to go and lay down on the ground as Karaku gets on his knees, holding your waist tightly in his grasp, following the new position; Aizetsu stands on your left while Urogi stands on your right.ย 

"While Sekido and I have fun with your parts, you can go crazy with those two."

Karaku allows you as he gets back to thrusting, at the same time, Sekido holds back his whines from the sweet feeling, almost wanting to choke you for dominant lust.
Whilst you take a hold of Aizetsu and Urogi's cocks, slipping one into your mouth to cover up the desperate moans close to slipping out as with the other; pumping it teasingly.

Urogi grips your hair a little tightly, very amazed by your skillful blowjob and such a tease with Aizetsu. Growing more lascivious in this new experience, about to gag down his hard dick till they all snapped their eyes over a direction. You get a bit worried about what it is, but grinning if the others found Hantengu.ย 

"Ah! Sh-shit! Right there!"ย 

Catching a flustered Sekido off guard when trying to ride him, stalling their attention on you instead of the real state.ย 
Somehow, you made Aizetsu come way quicker than the both of you thought, whimpering crazily when you don't stop jerking him off. Karaku fills from the back, feeling hornier as his pace comes back and keeps thrusting inside.ย 
Though, shaking your orgasm, at the same time, with Sekido's ejaculation as you two moan a little louder.ย 

Suddenly, getting blasted by Urogi's seeds into your mouth, pulling away from getting it caught in the esophagus.
Having a little fun till they all turn to dust all of a sudden, sitting up a bit, only to fall and get caught by Mitsuri Kanroji.

"Oh my god! Such a brave friend of mine fought off an upper moon!"

A relief assumption of you "fighting" them, though, you go with it anyway. Frowning a bit that you'll kind of miss it since it was the first and last time.ย 
Taking back to meet with the other demon slayers and a rumble town of swordsmith, then carried away to headquarters to the butterfly mansion.ย 

However, you'll remember them since they were more different side of the coin than others think. Smiling to yourself whenever you dream of them. It just... feels like they're next to you at any moment to support ya.ย 


Author's Note: Hope you like it. Tho, I have not been myself lately that I need a break. So, I'll just be posting short stories or not.ย 
Going through that trip was such a mess up, I felt like I wasn't me due to a lack of sleep and enthusiasm.ย 

P.s. A note toย t0xicccccc, I'm so so sorry I couldn't end it as you want, I was frustrated with myself and didn't realize the days. Tho, I just hope you love it, if not, I tried at least. Have an awesome life, because you truly are the best person who's so happy and inspiring that I never knew I could take a request like that. I'll miss ya a lot. ^^
