Flame Pillar Generation ...Broken.

[Rengoku Family V.S. Traitor!Rengoku!Gn!Reader]

{First POV}

Landing on a thick branch silently with one glance on my right, seeing the home I used to love and care for. ...Till I broke the Flame Pillar's Genesis. 

A tight clench of my Nichirin Blade as a stranger walks out of the residence, eyeing the person who bows to your father and leaves safely by a vehicle. Driving off far now, I leap down and run on my residential's gate wall until dodging an attack by taking a leap and using both my hands to land on the still gate wall, then push myself off and back on my feet against the ground. 

Steadily looking up from the dirt to see my older brother with a displeased look, plastered on his face. Holding myself back as I stand up with the utmost poker-faced I could muster before the tears fall. 

"wHaT tHE HeLL aRe YOU doINg baCk HErE?!"

Uneasy gulp when hearing my father's yelling tone. ...Oh, it's been too long, since I heard an angry bellow. I'm not sure if it was worth running away. 

"Well!?? GoNnA aNswER, brAt?!!"

Sighing softly whilst peering at Kyojuro who didn't look good nor ready. Out of nowhere, father ran into the house to find something as I and Kyojuro kept staring at each other's pupils, with no sudden movements.

"Onii-chan! You're alive! And back home again!"

Dialect pupils when flinching to overhearing Senjuro's joyous cry. He rushes to my side, jumping up as I drop my katana and caught him in time. 
The both of us cuddling comfortably, very glad to see each other again. 

"Senjuro! C-Come back here! Father will be upset!"

Kyojuro's voice brought us out of our reunion, he kept gesturing his hand for Senjuro as the young one shakes his head and hugs me tighter. 

"B-but! (Your name) is back! Aren't you happy?"

I asked with such a feeling, causing Kyojuro to let a tear fall but not letting his whole physique crumble, just cause I'm back...

"Kyojuro... My older brother, I-"

"What did you come here for? Forgiveness?!"

Taken aback by his outburst on the last part, avoiding my gazes on him as I exhale. By then, father got out a stick, a mesmerizing one to be exact. 
It's not that much abuse but attempts to stop my fierce and wild self since I tried to run away home or get in trouble. I don't know why he brought it out, but I shouldn't be afraid to deal with bigger problems. 


"Father, you shouldn't be concerned about them and focus on me. Besides, it's "family" as mom used to say. But now? We should handle it maturely. Only the two of us."

Suggesting for him instead of startling Senjuro's sakes. I place him down and pat his head as we both chuckle irrelevantly. 

"So why are you back?"

... Now that's a surprise, detecting no vex or any sort of negative energy. Just a sincere question with a lace of worry and regrets in my father's voice. 

Lightly pushing Senjuro forward with a genuine smile, making him sigh sadly, and running behind Kyojuro's back. 

"I... I came to inform you that... I somehow got into where the demons and Muzan's were at. By ...working with them. I know, fudged up, right?"

I respond to his question for once, scratching the back of my neck with so much tension in the air. In an instant, a distraught call as I evaded Kyojuro's swing by leaning far back with little steps, backing away. Properly standing to witness a furious and upset older brother while gripping his weapon tight and tighter. 

"How could you? ...hOW cOUld YoU!!"

A drop of groans escapes my lips, not surprised by Kyojuro's reaction to my news and whereabouts. It's even harder to hold back the emotions I want to destroy Muzan when I see Kyojuro almost tearing up.

"Here, big bro. Cut as many times as you want and I'll quit what I'm doing. But, if you fail to do it in the next ...2 minutes, then I'm gonna disappear for 2 months again. Is it a good deal?"

Besides the idea, at least, it'll try to calm his thoughts for a second. 
Closing his eyes to thoroughly relax and pretend I was some demon, maybe someone that made him hate them forever. 
Afterward, Kyojuro dashes towards me with a hard swing as I dodge and kick his side to create some distance between us. 

Halting his footing on the ground, creating little dust with a full sprint to me again as I once again avoided all the attacks, even his forms which may be impossible to escape. ...But not for me.

With a little lean backward, I raised my foot and kicked him off while worrying about any future injuries I may inflict. 
He gets up immediately to strike until Senjuro grabs hold of him, not letting him go. 

"S-Senjuro, please let me go! I got to cut this backstabbing traitor!! Working with them... Working with them!? After what we devoted ourselves to protect the human race! Everything we've done was wasted!!"

Kyojuro shouts in so much rage... ...He must have been holding it way too long and throw it at me, huh? Well, can't really blame them if it were someone close to me who've done the same thing. 

Sensing a quick presence zoom from behind as I ducked and walk back to see my father. Almost gasped when a nearly cut from Kyojuro's blade, then eluding all of Kyojuro and our father's attacks whilst no breaking a sweat.

"Raise your sword, backstabber!-"

"I never raise my weaponry against a family who cared me so much. Ever."

Cutting Kyojuro's words against mine as I swiftly glide right between their attacks to get near them, patting their backs with reassurance. Next, leaping forward off to give distance.

Senjuro kept yelling in plead, hoping all of us could stop fighting and have a talk. Pssh. How is conversing with anyone who works with the enemy help?

Raising my hands in the air, smiling kindly at him.

"Time's up."

Telling them of the two minutes has been finished. They catch their breath for a moment, very surprised by my skills heightened quicker since the day I went missing.

Before I start to run off, I'd heard my mother's voice that almost brought me to tears.

"Hon, is that (Your name)?"

Turning around to see my well-being mom, all healthy and strong again. She looks over to find me with the most purest care in her eyes.

Running up and gave the greatest hugs that make me want to stay in forever.

"Oh, sweetie! We missed you so much. ...And! I haven't thanked you for the remedy for my illness. It must have taken you so long to find and make, huh?"

She says worryingly but grateful for my efforts as I chuckle, comforting her that it was worth seeing her alive and that medical education paid off well on your part.

However, I pulled away from her and bow apologetically. Peering up to her sad eyes, sighing as I begin walking in the other direction.

"Well, it was nice visiting my family. Hope to see you in another 2 months. Also, father,"

Getting my father's attention, glancing over my shoulder with a sad smile.

"...you should feel lucky Kyojuro and mom is still alive. If I didn't learn medical care or convinced a demon from killing, they both wouldn't be here. Whelp, it was amazing to see you guys doing well."

Notifying him with the pains I've gone to find rare plants and sorts with bare hands, and getting disciplines by the upper ranks to keep from killing specific people, even though it was terrifying that I could die in the spot.

Overhearing Senjuro weeping, along with mother who is being held into a tender hug, I desperately want to be part of, by big brother and father.

Quickly, I disappeared without a trace I was even there, heading back to where Muzan and the other demons are. Whilst, clenching my sword, I want to finally be able to cut all their heads so everyone doesn't have to lose another family again. ...And I know it's impossible. But, I'll keep trying till I tire myself out!


Author's Note: Phew! Finally finished! Man, that was tiring as heck! Doubt anyone will acknowledge it, but I hope you still liked it and have a terrific day! Bye bye! 👋💖💗
