
(Where the book stopped...)

If you remember how it ended, you could skip over this part, until you reach the dots lol

"I'm a street nigga so it's fuck! The! Law!" I yelled as I danced around the kitchen.

I was making some bomb ass baked chicken, mash potatoes and greens.

After I got in the house I relaxed with a nice hot bubble bath, now my music was blasting on the speaker as I sung and rapped my heart out.

My baby was kicking...I think she like rap music.

And no I don't know if it's a girl or boy yet, I just feel it in my bones that it's my lil girl.

"Come on now Aubrey you making my ears bleed man" Andre cried walking in the kitchen.

"Whatever! You know I sound good"

"Negative but I'm going let you think what you want. You got it smelling good up in here sis" he cheesed as he peeked over my shoulder.

"You know I throws down" I smiled turning the oven off.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going to the store, you want something?"

"Yes, can bring me back something fruity to drink please. Not fruit punch"

"Nigga that's fruity" he laughed "But a'ight I got you slim"

And with that he walked out.

"Oh this my shit.....I AIN'T SORRY!" I sang swinging my spoon around.

"TELL HIM WHAT? BOY BYE! Fuck out my face Julez"

I laughed turning off the stove off then fixing my plate. This food about to be so fucking good bruh!

Grabbing some berry flavored water out the refrigerator I picked up my plate then turned to leave out of kitchen.

"Ah" I screamed dropping my plate which shattered into pieces.

"You must be Aubrey. Nice to meet you ma, I'm Nightmare...your worse one" he smiled.

If he didn't have a gun pointed at me I would've sworn that smile was genuine.

His smile quickly vanished as he snatched me by my arm pulling me out the kitchen.

"Ow" I winced after stepping on the glass.

He held my arm into a death grip until we reached the living room where Andre was sitting on his knees with a gun in his mouth.

He was bleeding from his nose and his mouth, and I could see a lil bump forming on the top of his head.

"No!" I screamed trying to rush to Andre. I almost made it until I felt something forceful hit my back making me fall down on my stomach. "My baby!"

The man snatched me up off the floor just like a rag doll. His hand tightly around my neck.

"Stop fucking playing with me a'ight!" He barked while I quickly nodded my head.

He smiled and let my neck go. His hand going right back to my arm.

"This is the price you pay when you decide to fuck with my peoples Andre. Now we have your people's, two for the price of one" he smiled rubbing on my belly with the gun still in his hand as he did so.

"Please" I cried trying to move out his grip but he only held on tighter.

"If you keep moving I'm going shoot you in your fucking stomach" he growled.

"Take and drop him off. I'll take care of the bitch" the dude commanded.

The tears fell nonstop as I shook uncontrollably in his arms.

Why was this happening to me? What did I do?

"Lets go" he barked as he pulled me out the door.

"Be a dumb bitch and try something that's your life" he said as he pushed me in the back of a truck.

"Please just let me go. I won't tell anyone"

"This not my first rodeo baby girl. Sit back, shut the fuck up and enjoy your ride. If I hear a peep out of you I'm beating the baby out"

"But I-"

I was cut off once my head flew back into the window.

"I told you shut the fuck up" he said before slamming the door shut and getting into the drivers seat.

The hit had caught me off guard. My head had become dizzy and I could barely see straight.

The liquid that started to drip down my leg caught my attention.

Please God this is not the time for me to be pissing on myself

Seconds later I felt a sharp pain in my side making me scream out bloody murder.

Oh no! This can't be happening. Not now!!!

"Ah!" I screamed. It hurt so bad.

"Ma, you didn't learn your lesson the first time?"

"She's coming! My baby is coming" I screamed after feeling another pain this time worser than the first.

He ignored me. Instead he hooked his phone up and turned the volume up full blast, blocking me out.

"Please! Please help me!" I yelled doubled over in pain.

Turning the music down he looked back once before stomping hard on the breaks making me fall forward. I was lifted back up once he snatched my head back by my hair.

"Ayo you pissed all on my seats?"

"My baby is coming"

He mushed my head and grabbed his phone quickly punching something in.

"I need you youngin' this lil bitch having her baby in my fucking ride......nah I'm bringing her to your shit, your moms a doctor right?.......a'ight then be ready.....don't worry bout allat, tell your moms I got 2gs for her to do this and don't say a word.....say no more, I'm right around the corner come out" after that he flipped his phone shut and continued driving.

"You lucking I'm in a good mood or you and that baby would've been meeting God" he laughed.

"Ah!" I screamed again. This pain was unbearable!

"Shut the fuck up all that screaming in my ear!" He yelled parking and getting out.

He walked away for a minute then came back with two more people. I couldn't make out there faces but one looked to be a lady.

Coming around to the back seat he swung open the door with a mug on his face.

Looking over at the two people that joined him my mouth dropped open.

"J.R. ?"



Feeling my phone vibrate I took it out and checked seeing I had a text from one of my workers.

It's taken care of!

Cool, keep me updated.

Listen I don't know when they're hitting but keep a look o-

"I'm pregnant"

Breaking away from the text my head snapped in Ross direction.

"You pregnant?" Me and Yandy asked at the same time.

"It was supposed to be a surprise so.....surprise!" She smiled weakly;

"This is just to m-"


We jumped up soon as the door was kicked open. Men in all black with guns pointed in our direction came piling in one by one.

"What the f-"

"Shut the fuck up and get the fuck on your knees pussy!" One dude yelled as he grabbed Ross and threw her down.

"Keep your fucking hands off her!" I yelled.

"Nigga what? I blow this bitch brains out!" He yelled pointing the gun at the back of Ross head.

Yandy had grabbed baby Casey who had started screaming to the top of his lungs once he heard the loud noise.

"Shut that fucking baby up before I make that lil nigga go night night!"

"Don't ever disrespect my son!" Mendeecee hissed jumping up.

Another dude laughed before smacking him with his gun and knocking him down.

"I said shut that fucking baby up!"

"I'm trying!" Yandy yelled.

"You know what, fuck it" he smiled pointing his gun towards Yandy.


"On the count of three I want you to push"

"I can't! I can't do it" she cried as she shook her head.

"Aubrey look at can do this. Do this for your baby" Lou said while she stood between Aubrey's legs ready to deliver the baby.

J.R. who was Aubrey ex boyfriend, watched as his mother tried to coach Aubrey through the process of delivering.


"Aaaaahh!" Aubrey screamed while she pushed as hard as she could.

"I see the head" Lou called, seconds later it was followed by the cry of a newborn baby.

"Something's happening! Something else is happening!" Aubrey panicked.

After cutting the cord, Lou quickly passed the baby boy off to her son before looking back between Aubrey's legs.

A shocked expression covered her face.

"Oh my, Aubrey honey I need you to push again. You have another baby ready to come out"

"What?" She cried confused.

They didn't say anything about twins at her doctors appointment!

"On the count of-"


The baby came flying out the cooch and into Lou hands.

"She's beautiful" Lou smiled looking down at the baby girl she held in her arms "And so is your son. What are their names?"


"Jaden Aaron Rams" J.R smiled from the side while he rocked her son.

He had just named Julez son after himself. (Lmaooo savage!)

"Um no, J.R he's not your son" Aubrey spoke up.

"I have to take the babies and get them cleaned off. Jaden help Aubrey please" his mother spoke grabbing the baby from out his arms and walking out of the bathroom.

"You know you're real foul for letting that bum ass nigga beat my ass"

"You were trying to kill me!"

"Only because I love you ma" J.R smiled.

"If I couldn't have you then no one else could" he finished.

"You broke up with me!"

"Well now you're not going anywhere. You're stuck with me, you and our kids" he laughed before walking out the bathroom leaving her sitting in the tub with a sour face.


Once he seen the guy point the gun towards Yandy and baby Casey, Julez quickly charged at him, tackling him to the ground which made him drop his gun....not before shooting up at the ceiling.

Mendeecee jumped up and knocked the guy that had previously hit him out. He was so caught off guard by Julez tackling his man, he didn't notice Mendeecee fist until after it connected to his jaw.

Yandy hurriedly ran for the back room where she placed the baby down in his crib then grabbed a gun from out the closet.

She kissed her baby before locking the bedroom door and racing back out into her living room where Julez was beating one guy face in, another one was on top of Mendeecee and the last out the four had Ross pinned down on her stomach.

No one noticed Yandy escape.

In one swift motion she kicked the back of the dude head who had Ross pinned down before putting a bullet in the dude that was on top of her man.

Mendeecee quickly hopped up and grabbed the gun from her.

"You and Ross take the baby and bounce" He said while he kicked the nigga head down again after he tried to get up.

"I don't want to leave you Mendeecee"

"Yandy do what the fuck I said! I love you, now get my son out of here" he said pushing her towards the back.

"I love you too"

Yandy grabbed Ross arm before running down the hall and busting open the locked room she left her son in.

She grabbed baby Casey up, an emergency bag Mendeecee had packed, then headed for the back door with Ross on her heels.

"You good?" She yelled behind her while she ran to her truck.

"No" Ross cried.


"Who sent you?" Julez asked after he had smacked the dude upside his head with the gun.

The guy smiled before spitting out blood onto Julez all white sneakers.

"I would hate for your little girl to grow up without a father, shit I would hate for your baby moms to lose a daughter" Julez said which seemed to get the dude attention.

No doubt he was bluffing about harming a little girl, but he would put a bullet into the nigga that sat before him, no questions asked.

"Come on man, c-c-chill not my baby"

"You ain't have no problem trying off my seed" Mendeecee said from behind him.

"I was only bluffing my dude"

"Who. The. Fuck. Sent. You!"

The guy thought about it for a second before finally responding "Andre"


"Andre sent me man"

"Didn't you just send Nightmare to pick that nigga up? Hol'up, that's not-"

"Kimbella brother" Julez said finishing off Mendeecee sentence.

"That fine ass pregnant b-"

Mendeecee had put a bullet in the back of the guy head silencing him.

"I sent my niggas after him, he sent his niggas after me" Julez spoke while he shook his head.

"So how you trying handle it?" Deecee asked.

"I need to get Kimbella first"

Pulling out his phone Julez called his worker Nightmare.

"Bitch what I tell you about half way sucking this dick! Do it right or I'll get your fine ass sister to do it for deep throat that shit like a real bitch. What's up J?" He answered.

Julez wanted to laugh but knew the Wattpad readers would probably fuck him up for laughing.

"The girl you picked up from Andre place, where is she?"

"That lil bitch pissed up my motherfucking seats, talking about she was having her baby. I dropped her banshee sounding ass off at my nigga house. His moms a doctor or some shit. Wait how you know bout her?"

"Where is she?"

"You ain't even gotta worry about shorty, my nigga going get rid of her"

"Did I ask you that or did I ask you where the fuck she was!" Julez yelled into the phone.

"Man hol'up, bitch get the fuck up off my dick! Acting like you ain't never suck dick before, get the fuck out before I fuck you up! Oh and Kira"


"Tell Keondra bring her fat butt ass in here! Somebody going eat this dick. Now back to you nigga, what were you saying?"

"Go get the girl and bring her to me. If you're not here within the next 24hrs or if anything happen to her, I'm putting money on your head. Buh'lee dat!"

Julez hung up the phone ending the call.


Nightmare looked at the phone for a minute before he busted out laughing "Fuck that nigga think this is! He not going talk to me like I'm a bitch, fuck is he geeking for" he said while  throwing the phone to his side.

Keondra walked into his room with nothing but underwear on "You called for me daddy?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, your sister doesn't know how to suck dick" he said as he grabbed a rolled blunt from the nightstand.

Keondra rolled her eye at the mention of her sister. She still wasn't fucking with her after that shit she pulled months ago "Why are you even keeping her around? Why can't we get rid of the bitch?" she asked straddling his lap.

"Because the bitch is making me money, that's why. You already know money in my pockets, is money in yours" 

Keondra nodded. 

"That doesn't mean you have to sleep with her" Keondra pouted.

"Man I'm going do whatever the fuck I please! You either get with it or get lost"

She didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought. Now suck daddy dick then go make me some dinner"

"Yes daddy" she smiled before making her way between his legs.

Nitghmare lit his blunt and leaned back closing his eyes. He was going check on the bitch Julez wanted when he was good and ready. 

Wasn't no nigga going tell him when he can and can't shit!

And he damn sure didn't rake lightly to any threats. That meant Julez had to watch his back now, because his worst nightmare was coming.


Aubrey sat laid up in a small hospital bed.

But she knew she was really still in Lou basement. After J.R father had gotten sick she helped them turn it into a small hospital room.

"Are you okay?" Lou asked while she handed Aubrey her food.

"No, I just want to go home...please"

"I'm so sorry Aubrey but I can't do that, Jaden won't allow it"

"What? Mrs Lou what do you mean he won't allow it? You're his mother!"

"I know but he's crazy. He'll kill me" she whispered.

"What y'all talking about down here?" J.R asked coming into view.

"Nothing son, just telling Aubrey how beautiful her babies are"

"Yeah my kids are beautiful, they look just like me" he smiled. "Is she ready to go?" he asked.

"What? Go where?" Aubrey asked looking to Lou.

"Yes but I don't think it's a good idea J"

"I didn't ask if it was a good idea, I asked if she was fucking ready to go!" he yelled making his mother jump.

"Yes" she quickly nodded.

"Our shit is packed in the moving trailer. Go get the kids ready then y'all get in the car"

Lou nodded before walking away with her head down.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You're not taking my kids!" Aubrey yelled.

"Don't worry your coming too"

"I just had fucking twins and I'll be damned if me or my kids go anywhere with you"

"Well then be damned, because y'all are coming"

"My baby father is going to come looking for me"

"Yeah maybe in Baltimore, but we won't be here long" 

"What are you talking about?" Aubrey asked while she watched his movements. 

He was moving in her direction. He had finally reached the hospital bed, where he started rubbing his hand down her head.

He yanked back her head and said "We're moving to Atlanta baby" he smiled before he punched her, knocking her out.

Her life in Baltimore was over...She went from Knocked Up to Knocked Down!


Sorry for the delay! I planned on uploading this last Friday but my phone had broke...still is broke :( and I just got my hands back on my laptop! 

Did you guys enjoy this??

How y'all feel about Nightmare? 

Man how do y'all feel about J.R and his momma?

Y'all like the title Knocked Down? shout out to MrsNelicious for recommending it!
